Missing Persons. Where Are They? - Alternative View

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Missing Persons. Where Are They? - Alternative View
Missing Persons. Where Are They? - Alternative View

Video: Missing Persons. Where Are They? - Alternative View

Video: Missing Persons. Where Are They? - Alternative View
Video: FORMER MAYOR MISSING: Ralph Davis Brown (Day 1) Underwater Missing Person Search 2024, September

One person works in the Criminal Investigation Department. And his job is to find the missing. The professional name for the missing is “lost”

And that's what he said. About the harsh everyday life of the cops.

In Russia, about 200 thousand reports of missing persons are written annually. It is now in peacetime. And there are about 100 thousand people every year. Those. it is located (alive and dead), i.e. are identified by those who wrote a statement about the loss or the "losses" themselves declare that they are them.

Question: where do the remaining 100 thousand go?

The cop immediately warned that he would only talk about those missing persons who had a statement to the police from relatives, colleagues, etc.

I myself read the statistics published on the Internet, there are other figures. This man says: "This entire published statistics is false, unreliable and does not reflect anything, which is needed only by the officials in the headquarters."

The main groups of missing persons (who are not found):

1. disappeared suddenly for no apparent reason

2. went hunting, fishing, hiking, etc.

3. quarreled with the other half and “went into the night”

4. left home. People who drink, are mentally unhealthy, prone to memory loss, drug addicts, etc. As a rule, at the end of their lives (if they are not found) they end up in the crematorium as unidentified.

5. the orphanage ran away

6. disappeared, but there is reason to believe that he is “involved in something bad” (big debts, a member of a criminal gang, etc.)

7. disappeared in a war zone or natural disasters

8. homeless people

Of these items, about half of the missing are related to the first item. Those. "He disappeared suddenly for no apparent reason." Those. it is 50 thousand people a year disappear suddenly, for no apparent reason.

For the rest, we will not consider the question of why they "are not". Everything is more or less clear.

Now, how people disappear (which is remembered in details) who disappear "suddenly for no apparent reason or reason."

In the morning, a woman (a mother of two children) took one child to kindergarten on the way, the second to school and got into a minibus. Didn't come to work. From the bus stop to work, walk 5 minutes and 100 meters. Day she is gone, the second. Like it fell through the ground. The husband was shaken up everything, all relatives, school and college boyfriends. All the numbers that went through her mobile have worked. The whole apartment was ransacked - zero. A man just took it and disappeared. And no ends. Passengers in the minibus remember her (about the same ride every day), left the Gazelle and disappeared. She worked as a minor official in the district administration.

Or here.

There was a man. Wife, child. All in chocolate. Earns decently. His car is a new Ford Mondeo. An apartment in a new building, bought without a mortgage. In the morning I took the elevator down to the underground parking, got into my Ford Mondeo and went to work. Didn't come to work. His Ford was found halfway to work a few days later. Parked by the curb. There are no signs of a struggle in the car, no signs of violence, robbery, etc.

The car was running (keys and key fob signaling in the ignition lock, but the gasoline was already running out). In the car, a laptop, a mobile phone was recharged from the cigarette lighter. No warning triangle, no blinking turn signals. The car is serviceable. All the bushes, garages, basements in the area were hunted down with dogs. Nothing. The road in the city is busy.

The guy is not a business owner, just an average manager. They have a large income (to buy a house and a car) from renting out housing (my wife has three apartments from her parents and grandmothers left as an inheritance). The wife is a doctor in a military hospital. Plastic cards were not specially blocked - there was no movement on them and there is no movement.

Or here's another. Generally a horror story.

The young mother went to the dairy kitchen for cottage cheese and milk. The child is a little less than a year old. Usually she ran for milk when the child sleeps during the day. My husband works from home - he draws something for magazines on his computer.

She went to milk and did not return. Breastfeeds, i.e. tied to the child. There are several tram stops to get to the milk, but I never got there. Where have gone - they have been looking for a year.

Or here. The detective is straight.

Two families were traveling in two cars on vacation. Day on the road. We stopped for the night on the outskirts of the city in a roadside hotel. We got ourselves two numbers. In the morning they wake up, but one man is gone. His wife and children were asleep (the whole day on the road is a great fatigue) and did not hear anything. The receptionist on duty (a girl of 20 years old) did not see anything (she admitted that she slept periodically, dozed in the back room. The door to the hotel is not locked at night). Surveillance cameras only look at the parking lot (he did not appear there). The car was there, cell phone, money, passport and documents for the car remained in the room (in the jacket). He left the room, shod, without a jacket. Most likely he went out to smoke at night (no cigarettes were found in the room or in the car).

They searched everything, all the surroundings. Nobody saw anything.

Promotional video:

Yet. About an office worker.

The guy worked as a programmer in an office. He worked for several years. He lived with a girl in a civil marriage. I bought a car on credit. Rented housing. He left for lunch and was never seen again. I left for lunch in my car (usually I went home). And he never returned. He visited home (the girl with whom he lived, said that the dishes became dirty when she came home from work in the evening and the food was eaten). The car was never found. The man was cheerful, cheerful. Conflict-free. There were no debts (except for a loan for a car). The most ordinary young man. The phone “out of reach” became an hour after the lunch break (the boss called to find out why he was late at lunch).

The police officers are missing, the captain. Well, it would have disappeared if I returned from work, from duty, from reinforcement - you can also assume that you bought a bottle of beer, met with someone, etc … But no! In the morning I got on the train and went to the service, which I never reached. Everyone is on their ears, all connections have worked, everyone is absolutely shaken - no one knows what and how. At all intermediate stations, all traders and cashiers were interviewed. As it fell through the ground. The service is characterized positively, if thanks, business trips to the Caucasus, etc.

There are thousands and tens of thousands of such stories throughout the country.

Where do people who cannot find go?

These are assumptions that in some cases of finding people, living or dead, were confirmed:

* murders (the corpse is buried, burned, drowned, dismembered, etc.)

* abduction into slavery

* stealing for organs

* retention or forcible removal for prostitution

* being knocked down by a car, loss of consciousness. And similar cases. Those. absurd accidents.

Operas with nearly 17 years of experience. He came to the police in the mid-90s. The statistics are the same then and now. In the country he does not know what it was before, but according to his department (they serve a territory with a population of 500 thousand people) it was always the same. About the same for 20 years. Due to the specifics of his work, sometimes he travels around the country on business trips - in the field, the opera also says that there was always approximately the same number. But in the "scoop" there was no such amount …

He says that he is ready to believe in aliens almost in all seriousness:)) Because people disappear, who should not disappear, there are no prerequisites for this. And the circumstances are such that a person has nowhere to go.

And there are about 50 thousand such cases in the country every year. 50 thousand people means. Both men and women. And children and old people. Different nationalities. Different "social status" and income levels.

I understand that these 50 thousand people are a very small share compared to the decline in the population of our country by 1 million people a year. But these are people too. People who have lost relatives and friends and do not know what happened to them.

The topic on the Internet is almost never encountered. I propose to discuss.

Who has any thoughts, assumptions, suggestions?
