Light Image Of Russia - Alternative View

Light Image Of Russia - Alternative View
Light Image Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: Light Image Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: Light Image Of Russia - Alternative View
Video: WW2 - OverSimplified (Part 1) 2024, October

The bright image of Russia was in everything, in every slightest and inconspicuous life activity of the Russians. Families were strong, children were born healthy, cheerful, cheerful; were brought up so that there were no diseases. The lullaby has shaped a person's happy life. And such lullabies - it should be noted especially - did not exist among any other people. All this refers to the knowledge of the Vedas, that is, the Vedic.

Nature - given to the Family (or Family) as a fertile space for the life and life of people - was perfectly known from a young age: medicinal herbs were distinguished, they understood the essence of spring water, trees, their purpose, that is, they understood their energetic essence. From a young age, the Russians were initiated into the starry world in the form of a game.

By the age of eight or nine, such children perceived the world as full-scale, clearly linked to each other energetically: trees and stars are a single substance; herbs and flowers complement the ethereal world, for a person begins to breathe from the first seconds of his birth, and his life is conditioned by this breathing. And the person does not breathe air, but the air breathes in the person, and even if the person loses consciousness, but he is alive, the body continues to breathe, or when the person is sleeping. That is why air is as important to a person as a person is to air. And therefore, from a young age, the Rusich understood that the most favorable place for his family and for him was his own garden, and would never exchange his ancestral estate for any other place to live. Therefore, there were no cities in Russia - they do this from a weak mind. In Russia there were villages that consisted of estates,that is, from the gardens. Indeed, at that time the Russians knew the meaning of air for man, for air is a cosmic living substance, absorbing and inhabited by cosmic living energy, and thanks to the gardens they breathed in themselves the very essence, that is, the wisdom of the Universe. And when a person stops his earthly path, he exhales.

Rusichi studied in wildlife; headed by the sorcerer-teacher, the children comprehended knowledge. The sorcerer told the children how to use the nectar air of trees, flowers, and herbs to increase the speed of thought. Pupils knelt downwind in a garden or meadow and, breathing in the air, while exhaling, quickly recited poems that they invented right there. They tried to keep the rhyme. For this, some topics were given, for example, you need to convey the beauty of the sky in poetic form, or the fast flow of a river, or the flight of some bird, and so on.

After 9-10 years, the child had to learn his inalienable connection with trees, with water, with the stars. And the boy always knew that he would become a full-fledged and full-fledged person only when he creates a family, that is, when Love unites him with his half-girl. The Russians understood the seriousness of this act (creating a family) at the level of cosmic wisdom. They knew what Kolovrat was, and knew what duality is and what binary is. And you probably won't believe it, but they knew about the eight planes of existence and the Ninth Plan, that is, about themselves as a connecting and harmonizing link in the Universe with the name of Man. Today they do not know this, but this is a complete loss of one's essence, oblivion and rejection of the cosmos.

There were also classes with children in the rain. The disciples counted the drops. Yes, yes, the Russians a thousand years ago and two thousand lay back knew how to count, like you do today, only much faster. And they loved the rain, and were not afraid of it.

Magi - oh, these great wise men - what depths of knowledge they possessed! Looking at a person, they could tell from which garden or grove he came out (they knew how to read energies). They knew the world of energies thoroughly, and they used it. And now let's touch on a completely different part of their life: knowing perfectly the entire become of the Earth (different ores, different properties of sand, and they were helped by people with various talents), they could make glasses of different colors and shades, and not just transparent.

The Russians were able to smelt metal from ore. Their metal differed: one was refractory, the other was softer, the third melted easily. Their swords were the best: they did not dull, did not rust or break. And now, using refractory metal, the Rusichi set up the production of glass. Not the dishes were made, but glass plates were cast. And the Russians glazed their windows - the glass was not fragile, it did not prick or break. Could produce colored glass.

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The Rusichi glazed a large window where the hearth is located (today it is a kitchen): there was no frame, the glass was not cut, but completely inserted. The rest of the windows were shuttered and insulated for the winter. The window was large, and there was enough light throughout the house.

And there was nothing like this in Europe, but they learned everything from the Russians; they themselves lived in filth and ignorance, and this is really true. And the Russians shared their knowledge in many respects with foreigners.

One such glass-melting furnace for ten villages stood or for fifteen. Foreigners were amazed that in the huts of the Russians there were transparent films in the windows, some of whom had colored films, and they shimmered in the sun. Glass in Russia was bought by European nobles and when they came to know who was richer. Also, foreigners persuaded the Russians, and they went to their states and taught the people there this craft, as well as what sand is needed for making glass. Illiterate and ignorant Europe learned everything from the Russian people, for this people truly possessed deep knowledge.

And now all knowledge is stored in Russia (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus). And that is why other peoples look at Russia in anticipation: when will it begin to fulfill its mission; and everyone is tired of wars and robberies. Today is such a time that all peoples want a calm, peaceful life.

The Russian hut shone with cleanliness, and there was always food on the table, and the children ate not by the clock, but when they wanted, and the adults in between their affairs. There were no mice in the houses, no one ate food. They knew how to make conspiracies and use herbs and smells.

In the courtyards there were saunas, chopped from wood - they were heated in black, but with wood, without smoke. And therefore the Russians shone with purity and freshness of the body. They knew how to keep their teeth healthy, and their vision did not deteriorate. There were no illnesses. If someone gets sick, they easily lifted them with herbs. The foreigners had a lot of patients - so they were treated. The dark forces have introduced today's medicine to the detriment of natural, natural, divine. There was treatment based on herbs, and now treatment based on minerals (including drugs). They introduced this in Russia through the Russian tsars and princes, and then only mainly starting with Peter the Great. The nobility itself was sick, and any village medicine man would have cured them with herbs. And what is considered incurable today - in fact, herbs can be treated painlessly and quickly. But it was destroyed in Russia fiercely, and they achieved their goal, but still,something left.

As the day passed with the young Russian. I woke up in the morning - we got up early, because we haven't been on a spree since evening. Young men loved to work with horses - not all, but most. They took a foal and raised it ourselves, fed it, looked after. By about a year, the horse got so used to its owner that it missed him. And from a year on, basic training began. At a signal, the horse approached the owner, at the signal, lay down on the ground, and at the signal stood up. They taught how to cross the river. Rusich at his 12-14 years old could not be knocked off his horse - so deftly he escaped the blows of the clubs wrapped in cloth. The horse obeyed the reins, the ends of which were tied to the rider's legs, in both hands were swords (wooden for the games). The horse could, at the command of the rider, stand on its hind legs and stay in this position for a long time.

The horses were selected by knowledgeable and skillful people. A unique breed was bred, these fighting horses, and in the campaigns of the Russians they could move thousands of kilometers, being content with pasture - they lost weight, became very thin from scarce food, but did not lose their fighting qualities. With an abundance of food, they quickly recovered. The Rusichi on such horses moved fearlessly over any distance. These horses were distinguished by their intelligence and their devotion to the owner. They never abandoned their loved one in trouble: if he was wounded in battle and was lying on the ground, they ran up to him and lay down next to him - a person climbed onto a horse, and the horse carried him away to his own. But in order to achieve all this with a horse, the Russians had to work hard, and they did it with pleasure, receiving true joy of both soul and body from communication and friendship with an animal.

And even a thousand years ago, the Russians knew how to remove gravity. How did they do it? First of all, you need to change your own energy content, that is, the human body at the energy level became not dense, but permeated with air (like a sponge with large air cells). The earth in relation to such a body lost its power, that is, it ceased to so strongly influence a person with its gravity. And a person, freed from gravity (70-80 percent), could freely overcome the fortress walls, run uphill as if on a flat surface, not fall through a swampy swamp and accelerate to high speed at a short distance.

During the battle, the Russians terrified the enemy with such movements. They could introduce themselves into the state of the Song of the Universe (this state was called rage), saw the flight of an arrow - they could dodge it or beat it off.

All this and many, many more interesting things that young Russians did, and they did it with interest, because there was an incentive. And the joy of life every day until a ripe old age was present, and in old age its own joy - life surrounded by their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

From the book "Light Russia and a false image", A. Savrasov, book six from the series "Knowledge of the Primordial Source"