The Fish-man Civilization At The Bottom Of The Ocean - Alternative View

The Fish-man Civilization At The Bottom Of The Ocean - Alternative View
The Fish-man Civilization At The Bottom Of The Ocean - Alternative View

Video: The Fish-man Civilization At The Bottom Of The Ocean - Alternative View

Video: The Fish-man Civilization At The Bottom Of The Ocean - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS ON THE OCEAN FLOOR (Season 14) | History 2024, September

There is a fish-man civilization under water, and people sometimes come across them. Anthropologists believe that in the Quaternary period, when the cold snap began, the ancestors of today's people led a semi-aquatic lifestyle off the coast of the Indian Ocean. Prolonged swimming gradually led to the disappearance of the hairline, the formation of subcutaneous fat, and diving - to the development of gills.

As you know, life originated in water. Therefore, if some forms of intelligence live in the depths of the world's oceans, then it must be at least 1.5 million years older than human. And this is not just unfounded reasoning. Researchers believe that under water exists … a whole civilization of "fishmen". And from time to time we come across them!

As fantastic as this assumption may seem, facts are stubborn things. So, the presence of high mental abilities in dolphins was proven back in the 60s of the last century. Their brains are comparable in size to a human's, but the number of convolutions is twice as large. Now it has been proven that dolphins also have a collective memory. They are also characterized by identification with the reflection in the mirror, abstract thinking and the transfer of acquired skills from generation to generation.

Scientists have long found that the whistle with which dolphins communicate with each other contains sounds that can be considered the names of animals, but new research has shown that information is understood by the dolphin as a word, and not just a familiar signal from a relative. Moreover, two dolphins can talk about a third by calling him by name!

Where do dolphins have such amazing abilities? It is possible that these animals were once … people! And that representatives of the strange race of "fish-men" still live at the bottom of the ocean!

Most anthropologists believe that in the Quaternary period, when the cold snap began, the ancestors of today's people led a semi-aquatic lifestyle off the coast of the Indian Ocean. Prolonged swimming gradually led to the disappearance of hair and the formation of subcutaneous fat to prevent hypothermia. And diving for shells and other marine life in the coastal part of the sea contributed to the development of new respiratory organs in people - gills …

Both Herodotus and Plato considered people initially "amphibious" and did not exclude the possibility of their founding an underwater state. Ancient Indian texts tell about the underwater people of the Danavs. According to the philosopher Cavzini, an animal was found off the coast of Spain, whose face was similar to a human, a white beard grows on it, and in appearance it resembles a frog. As the chronicles of the 14th-15th centuries testify, the same creature could be found on the shores of the Armenian Lake Van. And another "sea man" in the 18th century allegedly lived at Oxford Castle for more than a year …

Meetings with "sea people" take place in our time. In 1961, a human-headed floating creature was spotted in Saldanha Bay. In 1979, an incredible monster with a long tail and a body covered with black hair was discovered on the banks of the Vizhes River. In some Caspian cities, people claim that they personally observed an amphibian man controlling huge schools of fish.

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The description of the marine anthropoid is identical in all cases: slightly below average height (165-168 centimeters), dense build, with a convex, comb-like belly, pinniped feet, on the hands - four fingers connected by membranes. Moon-colored skin, coarse black-green hair, arms and legs are slightly shorter and thicker than those of an ordinary person, nails grow not only on the toes, but also on the tip of a humped nose, forming something of a dolphin's beak. The ears are not visible, the eyes are large, rounded, the mouth is also large, with a protruding upper jaw, smoothly turning into the neck, without a chin, the lower lip is a reduced likeness of a shark's mouth.

In Iran, the amphibian man is called Runan Shah, he is considered the ruler of waters and rivers. Fishermen, who saw the "sea lord" emerging from the abyss, assure that other inhabitants of the sea seem to feel his approach. Two or three minutes before the appearance of the monster, the fish begin to show activity, becoming almost on the tips of their tails and, which is completely unnatural for them, while making barely audible gurgling sounds. And Runan Shah answers them with a loud gurgling bubbling …

Be that as it may, if the underwater race does exist, it remains alien and mostly hostile to humanity. Perhaps someday we will learn more about our "brothers in mind" and even be able to make contact with them. But this may take centuries, or even millennia …

Tatiana Yanik