Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 16 - Alternative View

Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 16 - Alternative View
Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 16 - Alternative View

Video: Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 16 - Alternative View

Video: Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 16 - Alternative View
Video: Private Life of Brandi Passante Divorce, New Partner and Untold Secrets 2024, October

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 -

So, a chauffeur arrived to pick us up at the “DANA tourist center” in the morning and was supposed to take us to the Dead Sea. Let's look again from space.


We are at the Dana camp site on the edge of the Wadi Araba depression - a little closer here than Petra. And we need to go down to this puddle in the middle, which consists of 2 parts, blue - and at the southern end - so dark green. This is the Dead Sea. The dark green part is salt - pure salt - salt fields where the salt is bulldozed.


It is an hour and a half from the "DANA tourist center" from the plateau with a height of 1250 meters, to the level of the Dead Sea, almost half a kilometer below the world ocean level! This is a height difference of about 1700 meters (!), And therefore the road is very serpentine. There are only stone melts around. There is no vegetation. It's better to see it once, so we will show you a video from YouTube, a part of this road from Dana to the Dead Sea. This is a continuous descent! Only when at the end of the video they descend to the level of the Dead Sea, vegetation appears there. But this is not the Dead Sea yet, there is no water yet, this is the still dry basin of WADI ARABA, going from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Dead Sea. And now the highway will go along the Dead Sea from the Jordanian side, the highway is called the “Dead Sea Highway”. MertvMore.

Here's a dude drove straight to the Dead Sea, filming, he has a good video with a geographic introduction:

Just gives an idea of the landscape and the "sea". The Dead Sea is 50 km long, 15 km wide, called on Khibru Yām ha-Mela -YAM ha MELA! - “PIT OF SALT” and also “Mizrachic pit” (Yām ha-Mizraḥî ים המזרחי), and also the SEA OF ZOAR “Sea of Zoʼar”, and the Greeks called Lake Asphaltites “Asphalt lake”. In the Bible, the name "Dead Sea" is never found! Water - azure color

Promotional video:


but very hard and unpleasant to touch. Salt concentration 35%! This means that if you take a bottle of water and evaporate, then 1/3 will remain salt! In contact with any mucous membranes or eyes, it starts to burn strongly!

Local “healers” advise to open your eyes in the water. Do not do that. This is advised by those idiots who do not know the law of osmosis. The Law of Osmosis (not Cosmos, but OSMOS) says that when solutions of two different concentrations are separated by a semi-permeable partition, water will go into a solution with a higher concentration in order to dilute it! It is simply impossible to keep your eyes open in this water.

We will immediately tell you the basics of swimming in the Dead Sea, and you can watch a lot of videos on YouTube. Now, if you just lie on your back, then your body will be submerged in water somewhere only half. And if you try to stand in the water, and the Dead Sea is very deep, it plummets from the shore to a depth. Because the Dead Sea is a huge granite bathtub with steep edges. Because this is an accurate thermonuclear funnel from a thermonuclear charge of colossal power! Here, after all, not only Soddom and Gommora were destroyed, but only 5 cities, we called. The Dead Sea is a funnel, and the shores are granite melt. Therefore, the shore here is a granite pebble! It is very unpleasant without rubber slippers. And the water is nasty. Water is like oil, heavy and corrosive!

We are standing on the shore, and in front of us we see in the water about twenty meters away, as if a man and a woman are walking along the bottom! But we know that it must be very deep there! But a complete illusion that a man and a woman are walking along the bottom so that only up to their breasts in water! We ask them from the shore: "Are you walking along the bottom?" They answer: “No! We are standing in the water, we don't feel the bottom, we just twist our feet like on a bicycle”! - That is, the water pushes them out like a float somewhere along the line of the male nipples. So here we could walk “on water like dry land” without any mysticism!

And you will not get any pleasure from swimming in the Dead Sea! It’s interesting only to try it, because it’s unusual, but there’s no desire to get in there a second time - it’s very disgusting. This is a very concentrated saline solution! The only one who would enjoy bathing in the Dead Sea is only “Spicy salted sprat”. There are no living organisms in the Dead Sea, not even bacteria. Water is sterile! This is due to osmosis! OSMOS, - not Cosmos - but OSMOS! Any living thing in this water will eventually swell and burst! In general, this is very interesting. - Imagine a 50 by 15 kilometers spot on the planet Earth - ABSOLUTELY STERILE and with an absolutely flat reflective surface! Intriguing!

There is dirt, - they show on TV, they say, they take mud baths on the shore …. - we drove along the entire coast, you can see everything from the highway, we didn't find any dirt! The water is very clear, azure color, the shore is pure granite pebbles.


The chauffeur said that they dilute the dirt themselves on the territory of the hotels and it costs money to anoint! “Sea”, firstly, grows shallow noticeably every year, and the concentration of salt is increasing. Do you know how much? - The water level in the Dead Sea decreases by METER PER YEAR! There is a photo in the article.

Here is a


The sea is just very deep - a crater 300 meters deep! If it were the Baltic Sea, it would dry up in 100 years! We didn't even see a motor boat in 2 days! Although even in the Middle Ages, ships sailed on it!


This is not the sea - this is a giant granite funnel of a thermonuclear explosion! It's just a giant granite bathtub! Why? Because in the Dead Sea, which in this situation is not a sea at all, but as the Greeks called it - the Asphalt Lake - NOT A SINGLE RIVER flows from it! This is a deaf bath without a drain, not formed for natural reasons! And yet it dries up! The place is here - it was very interesting for us to come here - but, you know, it’s still not at ease! And the landscape is very depressing, no vegetation! Around one brown, gloomy stone bean! I wanted to say: "And around the dead with braids to stand, and silence …."

One thing can be said with certainty - that the Dead Sea in ANTIQUE time communicated with the Red Sea from the south, and from the north, possibly even with the Mediterranean Sea. This is evidenced by the entire terrain in this area - this is the entire Wadi Araba land channel from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Dead Sea, - and above the Dead Sea - there is also Lake Tiberias Lake - it is also Lake of Galilee, from which the Mediterranean Sea is already a stone's throw!


So, descending into the Dead Sea pit, we drove along the coast along this “Dead Sea Highway”. Well, this cannot be called a “highway” - an ordinary road, when on the left side there is a lifeless mirror of the Dead Sea, and on the right there are high, brown, granite, stone melts at once. And pretty soon we told the chauffeur to stop! There was a small bridge over a dry riverbed and a gorge. Here he is:


But the gorge was formed by such preserved correct masonry of regular megaliths that even while driving at speed, we noticed and got out to take pictures! - It was shocked! Rarely where is the masonry so preserved. No, of course, as it should be, the top of the masonry is completely melted, of course there is deformation, but below the masonry is more and more preserved and more correct! Let's take a look! This is the built gorge. The fact that it is artificially made of regular megaliths is easily visible with the naked eye, because everything is pretty safe:


We don't even need to cross out the square with straight red lines!


Even rectangular projections have been preserved here!


Of course, all sorts of melting, deformation, flatness, destruction - there is! But in general, gorgeous preservation.


It is this masonry that has survived here because there was a gap between the two foundations, judging by its massiveness, of some colossal building! Above - above the gorge - there is still and after 2000 years burnt earth - from above everything is bold! And here, in the cleft, the masonry has been preserved, although there are shapeless melts along the highway! That is, this is an example when in the crevasse the signs of SUPER-civilization, which was here in the ANCIENT time, can remain! Look, just 100 meters to the side of the bridge along the highway, and you see that there is no such preservation, although if you look closely, you can still notice the rectangular striation of the megalithic masonry. And a little more to the side - there everything is melted into formlessness! Well, because here is already on the edge of a thermonuclear funnel!


Here are the remnants of the regular megalithic granite masonry, it also fell back from the funnel:


And here is a sideways shot from the bridge. You see the pavilions.


This is a tourist center. It only works until lunchtime and organizes excursions along the gorge. They will recruit a group - the guide leads. The problem for young people is that when there is no water in the gorge, they are not interested in the type. And the water there is only in March! Here is a video with water. Of course, they show young people in the video, but you can truncate that the canyon is molten, twisted, deformed in the past regular megaliths like Petre.

This place is known, it is called WADI MUJIB, “WADI” is Arabic for “desert”. - Where is the desert in the canyon? - The desert is up here! Over there, above the canyon, there is a desert! Well, that is, there the fusion cut everything under a razor! And until now nothing grows there! Here is someone's video of this place:

Here is a wiki article about this place.

You see what kind of scorched landscape here above the canyon, what other proofs of THERMOON and the correctness of the Jewish Torah, aka, - the Christian BIBLE are needed, about the fact that in ANTIQUITY it was here that a colossal thermonuclear weapon was used - "HEAVENLY FIRE"!


According to our data, thermonuclear weapons were used all over the planet at the ER border, but the Middle East looks like an epicenter! You know, in the northern part of the planet, among Europeans, among Russians, atheism is widespread, because it is difficult to find evidence of the use of nuclear weapons in ancient times. No! There are melts of megaliths in Russia! A lot of! But they are all located in very remote places, where rarely anyone reaches. And who gets it, they do not cut it in this matter, because they have nothing to compare with. Where to find evidence of the existence of "GOD"?

But in southern countries, especially in the Middle East, the cradles of all religions are - and this is no coincidence! In Southern countries it is impossible to be an atheist, because the traces of the action of supernatural forces are simply underfoot! When we look at it, everything is clear! From above, everything is melted, and the lower, the more correct artificial granite masonry is preserved. What's not clear here? Everything is obvious here!


That is, in a sense, we can say that we are “BELIEVERS”, but not in this sense, that this is a blind faith. In reality, we see more than convincing evidence of the result of the action of SUPER-natural forces from the Cosmos, which, at least at the moment, are not on our planet.

Why is the officialdom resisting? For one simple reason! The authorities who are in control on Earth now - they want us to consider them the One and Only Instance of Power on Earth! And here! It turns out that 2000 years ago all living things were simply wiped off the face of the Earth, along with all the authorities. This means that it can happen to us - out of the blue! And this means that the current authorities on Earth are only very temporary! That is, power on Earth, Earthly power is not an authority!

It was not for nothing that some 200 years ago, all the kings and kings believed that their power was FROM THE SKY, from GOD, from HEAVEN, meaning, apparently, this Power, which at the turn of ER erased the entire previous civilization from the face of the Earth, although in all indicators and megaliths, that civilization was much more advanced than ours and it is not yet known what computers they had! Everything was destroyed to melt! Thus, what do we deductively arrive at on the basis of all these melts in the Middle East, that the current government on Earth, all these governments and UNOs, are nothing and nothing! VCC at any moment can swat them with a thermonuclear “fly swatter”!

US President what can? - Execute a mortal with an injection? - VCC will roll this president and the country into granite, no one after that will know that this president or the country existed! And this has already happened in history many times! FACT!

Read the continuation here.