"What Is The Invasion (aliens) Looking For Here On Earth?" - Alternative View

"What Is The Invasion (aliens) Looking For Here On Earth?" - Alternative View
"What Is The Invasion (aliens) Looking For Here On Earth?" - Alternative View

The invasion seeks to gain control of this world and its inhabitants. It does this not only for its own purposes of acquiring wealth and resources, but also serves larger forces that will secretly use the Intervention to take over this world. These larger forces do not dare to directly interfere in your world, as the Intervention does at present, but they will use its unscrupulousness to achieve their own goals: influence and gain.

The invasion is interested in a malleable humanity. It does not want humanity to be rebellious, as it would then be impossible to control. The Invasion wants humanity to cooperate in harmony - believing in their goals, principles, and promises - which are of course false and deceiving, and humanity would make a fatal mistake by following these directions.

Therefore, understand that now you are faced with competition from the outer Universe - competition for the resources and values of this world, as well as for its strategic position and those secretly hidden things about which mankind knows nothing, and which are very highly valued by the races who know about them.

From this moment on, you will have to protect your world from interference and external influences, which can be very strong and influential. These forces influenced our worlds, causing great harm to our peoples, and we had to resist and fight to regain our freedom and get rid of these influences and keep them out of our regions of outer space. Such is the price of freedom in a universe where this freedom is rare.

Freedom requires vigilance, discernment, and attention. Humanity needs to develop these qualities if it wants to survive in a diverse and influential universe, and in order to remain free and self-determining in the presence of other powerful forces.
