Slavs "? And Why Is" Slave "in English A Slave? - An Alternative View

Slavs "? And Why Is" Slave "in English A Slave? - An Alternative View
Slavs "? And Why Is" Slave "in English A Slave? - An Alternative View

Video: Slavs "? And Why Is" Slave "in English A Slave? - An Alternative View

Video: Slavs

We often use this word so close to us - "Slavs", but few people know its real meaning. We believe that this is belonging to a certain people, but what does the word "Slavs" really mean? I personally have heard a lot of decryption options, from the simplest like "glorious", "glorifying" to exotic ones like "glorious Ana" …

In fact, this word "praise" comes from "Slavs", and not vice versa. And with the Slavs themselves, the situation is like this - Slavs, it is also So KOLO-VANY, the word is formed from two roots "KOLO" - a circle (in this case, solar) and VAN (first). Everything is clear with the KOLO root - in Russian there are many words with this root: KOLODets, KOLOKOL, OKOLO, KOL (round in the crossbar), etc. But the root VAN, I explained in my last article, telling about which languages came from Russian.., VAN, this is the first, he is IVAN - the firstborn, originates from VA - to create, the creator (from him comes the word Vayat) … Hence the SVAROG. Note how the Russian number "ONE" turns into a "Scandinavian" god - ONE - the first, but since the Scandinavians are pure Russians - they also had Russian gods, and Odin is just another name for SVAROG,where, in turn, "VA" flowed into the English number "UAN" Not a bad cross exchange of god numbers? The thing is that there is no exchange, all this is part of a single culture of the past and a single Russian language. Please note that the root VAN is also present in the word Prevenets - after all, this is a torn.., FIRST - PO-RA-VAN - the girl's first man … Therefore, the so famous Russian name Ivan is the firstborn, and I already wrote that even with some peoples of Asia, the firstborn are still called Ven or Van …FIRST - PO-RA-VAN - the girl's first man … Therefore, the so well-known Russian name Ivan is the firstborn, and I already wrote that even among some peoples of Asia, the firstborn are still called Ven or Van …FIRST - PO-RA-VAN - the girl's first man … Therefore, the so well-known Russian name Ivan is the firstborn, and I already wrote that even among some peoples of Asia, the firstborn are still called Ven or Van …

And so it turns out that the SLAVS are the FIRST PEOPLE NEAR THE SUN or WITH THE SUN. And here you can interpret in different ways. Many people know that Russian Vedism, the ancient knowledge of Russians about the structure of the world, was based on the veneration of the divine light of RA and the luminary of the Sun (Yar), as the one that embodies this light for us in this world. Or as they say - “worshiped the Sun”, although this does not reflect the full depth of the meaning of Vedism … Therefore, it is more logical to assume that the SLAVS ARE THE FIRST PEOPLE WHO WORSHIP THE SUN. But there are other options, for example: "sun-worshiping (solar) VANs", where the word VAN itself takes on a completely different meaning, and can mean - "the first people on earth", "the first people among white people - from whom all others went white people "(which in itself is true) … And if you really literally disassemble the order and meaning,it turns out - FROM KOLO (sun) VANs (first) - FIRST FROM THE SUN or FIRST (closest) TO THE SUN. Which option I think is correct personally, I will probably keep silent, I offer you this topic as food for thought … You can leave comments, I will read it with pleasure. I will also note that among the historical names of peoples by which Russians were meant, not only "Slavs" have the root "VAN", there is a name that is pronounced this way - "VANs", there were also VENEDs, where VEN is VAN. So that this root was essential to our which the Russians were meant, not only "Slavs" have the root "VAN", there is a name that is pronounced like that - "VANs", there were also VENEDs, where VEN is VAN. So that this root was essential to our which the Russians were meant, not only "Slavs" have the root "VAN", there is a name that is pronounced like that - "VANs", there were also VENEDs, where VEN is VAN. So that this root was essential to our ancestors.

Well, now let's talk about the English word "SLAVE" - why so, why is the English word "slave" identical to the word "Slav" in their own language ??? M. Zadornov spoke on this subject like this - the Europeans dreamed of enslaving us so much that they even began to call us slaves … Even many Russophobes begin to shout that they say the Slavs are slaves, and therefore in English, supposedly, a "Slav" is a slave …

In fact, everything is completely different. These are ordinary homonyms, for example, the word "bow" in Russian can mean both weapons that shoot arrows, and a root crop that causes crocodile tears of Russophobes who consider Slavs to be slaves …

Like the whole English language, the word "SLAVE" has a Russian origin and is derived from the root "LOV" - LOVIT.., "WITH LOV" = SLOVELEN, that is, "is in captivity" … Therefore, the English word "SLAVE" in the meaning "Slave" to the word "SLAVE" in the meaning of "Slav" does not have, they are formed absolutely from different Russian roots.
