Who Registers Our Sins? - Alternative View

Who Registers Our Sins? - Alternative View
Who Registers Our Sins? - Alternative View

Video: Who Registers Our Sins? - Alternative View

Video: Who Registers Our Sins? - Alternative View
Video: My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic 2024, September

It was for me an ordinary working day of an ordinary university teacher. Classes, students, registration of current papers. And suddenly, closer to lunch, one of the respected leaders of our institute came up to me, took me aside and said:

“I know that you are interested in bioenergy and qigong, and have learned a lot in this area. A week ago, an extraordinary event happened to me. Then my wife and I were driving along the highway from Novorossiysk. It was raining heavily. The car was skidding on the wet asphalt. Suddenly, from behind the bend, a huge Kamaz with two-meter wheels drives out towards us. Our car skidded again and started to run right under it.

And now, when before the disaster, before these two-meter wheels, there were only five centimeters left, my whole life instantly flashed through my brain …

That's all … now I will answer any questions you have frankly."

I was dumbfounded. It was necessary to ask professional questions to this respected teacher, without having even five minutes to prepare to think. All the incidents I had read and heard about flashed through my brain … And I had to do everything quickly.

I remembered the "cartoons" that appeared in the brain of Wolf Messing [1], when he predicted in his speech the beginning and successful end of the Great Patriotic War against the Nazis.

- "What color were these pictures?" - I asked (at Messing they looked like faded brown photographs).

Answer: “The pictures were brownish or bright yellow. Some were bright, others faded, like old faded photographs from grandmother's album."

Promotional video:

- "Did the pictures correspond to events of negative content, or positive?"

Answer: - “Negative. These were photographs of times when I offended someone."

- “Did the pictures start in childhood and end yesterday? Or vice versa: from recent events to a birthday?"

Answer: - “Right from yesterday to the events that happened to me as a child. When at the age of three I offended my grandmother."

And after thinking a little, this person added: - "I understand that this was a warning to me …".

More than twenty years have passed since that unusual conversation. And there was a moment (we were driving together in an empty minibus) when I recalled this event. And he asked how his life changed after that incident.

“You know, after a few years I had another similar vision. When my whole sinful life flashed through my head again,”he replied.

In the 1980s, a book by Raymond Moody "Life After Life" [5] appeared in our country. Where, an American psychiatrist and doctor, respected in the scientific world, conducted a survey of people who had suffered "clinical death".

In our country, Natalya Bekhtereva, an academician, director of the Institute of the Brain in St. Petersburg, carried out a similar survey and received similar results. People described approximately the same type of event that took place over the time period from loss of consciousness and pulse to the return of the patient's consciousness by doctors:

- The man was sucked into some kind of pipe (dark tunnel), where the "Luminous creature" was located at the end. When the deceased passed by the "Luminous Creature" telepathic contact, scanning and instant display of all sins made by a person for a lifetime took place. And after that there was a meeting with previously departed relatives who tried to calm down and help to get used to the new (for the deceased) "other world".

At some point, either relatives or some other entities found out that the earthly path for this person was not finished … and the person came to his senses lying on a hospital bed in intensive care [5].

Reading Moody's book is one thing.

And talking about visiting “another world” with people close to you, who simply cannot deceive you, is different.

Once I was walking home from the institute with my former student (who had already become an assistant professor), holding a Moody book in my hand.

- "What are you reading ?" She asked.

“This is Moody’s Life After Life…” was my answer. “By the way, you also experienced clinical death. What did you manage to see there?"

And the answer was unexpected:

- “I saw myself in the tunnel, for some reason I thought it was a hospital corridor. I saw the "Luminous Creature", and again for some reason thought it to be my familiar nurse.

Then there were my previously deceased relatives …

“And in general, I don’t want to remember this!”

I am 100% sure that it was true. A person who says that he does not want to remember these events will never fantasize about this topic.

My second former student (associate professor and head of the department) had similar visions during her "clinical death".

Reading such books and interviewing people who have gone through such an unusual experience is, of course, interesting. But I am concerned about the question:

- "Who and how records our sins?"

- "And why is this done?"

This question is philosophical and allows to unite science and religion in defining the most important question: - "Why do we live on Earth?" If in order to live your sinful life and die for good. - Then why would someone scrupulously record our sins?

Really for reincarnation? [3, 4].

For believers there are no problems at all. They will say that the control of our sins is carried out by angels and archangels on the instructions of God. For people with technical education, it will be interesting to figure out how and with the help of what this registration goes.

Here two options are possible (from a technical point of view):

One is that all information about our sins is recorded on a kind of flash drive (a person's soul, which is always with him). And during the passage of the "Luminous creature" all information is simply read.

The second is the retrieval of information into the information field of the Earth through "Hartman and Curry grids" [6].

I also always had questions about these grids: - Well, who, with such precision and why, imposed geometrically correct grids on the Earth's surface? The explanations that some authors try to present do not stand up to scrutiny [6].

The soil on the ground is clay, sandy, swampy. May have abnormal inclusions of stones, ore bodies, caves are found. And the grids are geometrically correct.

And if we assume that it is of artificial origin, then no one will make such a huge structure, just like that. These grids have a critical function. Perhaps to control all living things.

Again I will return to the important assumption made in the previous articles [2] that our life is a Program. Our training program. And this is not limited to just one human life.

And the registration of our sins is necessary for the "Luminous Being", which in telepathic contact asks: "Are you prepared for death?", "Are you ready to die?", "What significant has been done in your life?" [five].

And everyone who went through such questions noted that there were no accusations or threats in the questions. All the time they felt only the all-embracing love and support emanating from the light, regardless of what the answer might be [5].


  1. Wolf Messing [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: www.vokrug.tv/person/show/15799470001/
  2. Lubomyr is wise Predicting the future: instructive meetings with people who know how to do it // Alternative view. - 2020. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:
  3. Reincarnation [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:
  4. Reincarnation [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:
  5. Raymond Moody Life After Life. Investigation of the phenomenon of continuing life after the death of the body [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:
  6. Hartman and Curry grids: encircling the Earth [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

Author: Lubomir Mudry