It Was Reported About The Discovery In Russia Of Antigravity - Alternative View

It Was Reported About The Discovery In Russia Of Antigravity - Alternative View
It Was Reported About The Discovery In Russia Of Antigravity - Alternative View

Video: It Was Reported About The Discovery In Russia Of Antigravity - Alternative View

Video: It Was Reported About The Discovery In Russia Of Antigravity - Alternative View
Video: Reverse Engineering a UFO | National Geographic 2024, April

This became known from the publication of the "Military-Industrial Courier", which took a joint interview with a group of leaders of the domestic "defense" of different ranks - mostly retired.

It turned out that the Kvanton company, previously unknown to the general public, led by Vladimir Leonov, had successfully developed a "superunification theory" that seriously corrected the foundations of modern physics.

On the basis of these developments, "Quanton" allegedly created a "quantum engine" with a specific thrust 165 times greater than that of modern rocket engines. According to the former member of the State Emergency Committee Oleg Baklanov, the former chairman of the testing commission, the engine actually exists and was tested, and its thrust was determined "reliably."

According to a journalist who spoke to them, "the test report has been published." The place of publication is not specified in any way.

True, yesterday Roskosmos denied this part of the information, saying that the TK was issued not for the engine, but for the experimental verification of Leonov's statements. The latter actually repeatedly applied to Roskosmos, which also repeatedly invited him to present the engine for testing. Leonov has not yet received a response to these proposals. No money was allocated. It is not clear at the moment whether they will be allocated for experimental testing of "antigravity".

We apologize to our readers for the abundance of quotes and long titles atypical for PopMech materials, but we thought this story might amuse you. "Red mercury" is not invented every day, and even less often - seriously discussed in the press.

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Sergey Sysoev