Following COVID-19, "Living" Came To Earth? - Alternative View

Following COVID-19, "Living" Came To Earth? - Alternative View
Following COVID-19, "Living" Came To Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Following COVID-19, "Living" Came To Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Following COVID-19,
Video: What will life look like after the coronavirus pandemic? Future of Cities | COVID-19 Special 2024, April

Many of our readers have probably watched the film Life, a 2017 horror film by Daniel Espinosa. The film's budget was small by Hollywood standards, but the director managed to scare the audience perfectly.

The plot is simple in general. A group of researchers on the ISS took samples of rocks that flew from Mars, among which a single-celled organism was found. The delighted astronauts placed him in a breeding ground, where the spore grew and turned into a strange little creature, which was given the name "Calvin" - in honor of the 30th President of the United States.

However, this Calvin very quickly began to gain in volume and mass, turning into a jellyfish-like creature with fantastic abilities for endless growth. Ultimately, she ate almost the entire crew. If there were Aliens and Predators, and at the same time a squad of Terminators, Calvin would have devoured them all.

Trying to kill this terrible creature, one of the last surviving members of the crew tried to send the mutant into outer space. But the trick failed and the xenomorph ended up on Earth, which, judging by Calvin's abilities, was doomed from that moment on.

Final scene of the film:

And now a scene from real life:


Promotional video:

Unfortunately, the author of the tweet does not say where it was filmed, but judging by the footage, the creature was fished out of the sea. Nobody has any idea what this is, and the natives who are trying to pick a resinous xenomorph with a digging stick are not only very surprised, but also a little scared.

The commentators of the video see in this creature the consequences of climate change, from what such strange creatures appear in the sea, but it seems to us that the climate has nothing to do with it. Rather, we are talking about some kind of mutation, and the mutation is controlled.

We already have one mutant today. It is called COVID-19 and virologists have been arguing for the third month over where they came from. People also see some other incomprehensible mutants here and there - from the Chupacabra to some giant reptiles, sometimes even flying reptiles. But this Calvin is definitely something new and therefore the question arises: who is behind all these mutants?

Literally today, the entire Internet was agitated by a video with some huge UFO on the moon. It is obvious to everyone that there are some "Martians" on Earth. But what if the "Martians" suddenly decide to clean up the planet slightly in order to settle a new species on it?

Any virus - this, of course, will be a good solution, but the virus never kills everyone - some of the people will definitely develop immunity. But, if you launch some kind of Calvin-type specimen on Earth, it is guaranteed to devour everyone.

This raises the question: what if we are seeing something like this right now? So to say, Calvin in the demo, which at this stage does not really eat anyone? While connoisseurs of marine flora and fauna are partly in shock and inability, partly they have not yet unsubscribed, so we are waiting, can someone express some smart opinion and follow the development of events.
