The Sacred City Of The Aryans - Alternative View

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The Sacred City Of The Aryans - Alternative View
The Sacred City Of The Aryans - Alternative View

Video: The Sacred City Of The Aryans - Alternative View

Video: The Sacred City Of The Aryans - Alternative View
Video: Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail - Nazis & the Aryans | History Documentary | Reel Truth History 2024, July

Arkaim is one of the most mysterious places in Russia. Disputes about him do not subside. Some consider Arkaim an ordinary steppe fortress, others - the most ancient observatory, the third - the ancestral home of Indo-European civilization.

Pictures from Hitler's Chancery

Arkaim is located in the Kizilsky district of the Chelyabinsk region on an elevated cape formed by the confluence of two rivers - Utyaganka and Bolshaya Karaganka. The nearest city - Magnitogorsk - 150 kilometers, to Chelyabinsk - 450.

It is believed that Arkaim was first discovered in 1957, when civilian cartographers took aerial photographs of the area. But when they saw an unusual relief in the form of concentric circles on the ground, they decided that it was a classified military facility. So they reported to the authorities. It is clear that scientists were wary of reporting this discovery.

In fact, cartographers (albeit military ones) worked on this territory back in the 19th century. But the maps were secret, inaccessible to civilian specialists, and the military did not care whether this relief was of natural or artificial origin.

But Arkaim was very interested in "Ahnenerbe" - "German society for the study of ancient forces and mysticism", which existed in the Third Reich. After the capture of Berlin, Soviet intelligence officers found pictures of Arkaim in the Nazi chancellery. Most likely, they got there from the Soviet military archives captured by the Germans, since enemy aircraft did not fly over the Urals during the war.

The specialists of "Ahnenerbe" were experts in the ancient monuments of Aryan culture. They knew the descriptions of the northern ancestral home of the Aryans in the sacred texts of the Rig Veda and the Avesta. In the Russian Vedas, Arkaim is called the city of Veles - the god of wisdom, the patron saint of storytellers and poets. The symbol of this deity was considered a bear (in ancient language - ark). The construction of the city-temple was in charge of the goddess Slavunya - the great-granddaughter of the supreme god of the Slavs Roda. Thus, Arkaim is the sacred center of the Russian nation, closely associated with the wisdom and memory of ancestors. It is clear that the fascist black priests really wanted to capture it in order to carry out witchcraft rituals that would contribute to the enslavement of the Russian people. Fortunately, they failed to do this.

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Archaeological find

Arkaim fell into the sphere of interests of Russian science in June 1987. An archaeological expedition worked here. The fact is that a decision was made to create the Bolshekaragan reservoir in this area. At that time, the rule was already in force: the places of future construction should first be examined by archaeologists.

At first, archaeologists considered the excavations to be unpromising, since this steppe region did not promise interesting historical finds. But the scientists were lucky, and quite by accident. The archaeological team included two schoolchildren from the local village of Aleksandrovsky. They informed their senior comrades about the unusual mounds located upstream of the river. Archaeologists have received this message with little enthusiasm. But again, chance helped.

Due to a breakdown, a collective farm maize worker made an emergency landing in a field near the excavation site. When the pilot repaired the oil pipe, the archaeologists asked him to fly with them over the hills discovered by the schoolchildren. Scientists wanted to make sure that these mounds were of natural origin. But the outlines of an ancient settlement were revealed to the astonished eyes of archaeologists.

And then the Chelyabinsk archaeologist Gennady Zdanovich had to walk for a long time to the offices of the capital and prove to officials what great scientific significance the found ancient city has. And again a miracle happened. Thanks to the support of a number of prominent scientists, it was possible to postpone and then completely stop the flooding of the area where Arkaim is located. Now there is a historical and cultural reserve.

The oldest observatory

The archaeologists who excavated Arkaim were struck first of all by the fact that the city was built all at once, according to a single plan, without any extensions to the original structure.

Arkaim consisted of two rings of powerful defensive walls, which are inscribed into one another. A moat 2-2.5 meters deep was dug around the outer wall. Dwelling houses were located in it along the outer and inner perimeter of the settlement. In the center there is a round square where religious rituals and mysteries were held.

The city was built on a solid wooden structure with an area of 20 thousand square meters. She stood on "chicken legs", that is, on piles burned at the stake (this gave the tree strength and resistance to decay).

Radiocarbon analysis of wooden structures showed that the age of Arkaim is 3600-3900 years. And the famous Russian astronomer and archaeologist Konstantin Bystrushkin, relying on his astronomical technique, increased this age by another thousand years. He believes that Arkaim was built in the XXVIII century BC. That is, it is older than the Egyptian pyramids! This overturns all our knowledge of human history.

It has been established that Arkaim is the oldest ground-based observatory on the planet (Stonehenge is the same observatory, only younger). Arkaim researchers checked the orientation of the settlement to the cardinal points. It turned out to be fantastically accurate. Such accuracy could be achieved only by conducting constant astronomical observations for more than one thousand years.

And this is far from the only phenomenon discovered by scientists in an ancient settlement. The designers and builders of Arkaim had to know the length of the astronomical year, use an absolutely accurate calendar, have an idea of the peculiarities of the lunar and terrestrial orbits, understand that our planet revolves around the Sun, have an idea of the sphericity of the Earth, as well as that it revolves around its own axes, have knowledge of higher mathematics and spherical trigonometry.

Temple of the Sun

All of the above allows us to conclude that Arkaim was not an ordinary settlement of the Bronze Age. Some researchers believe that no one has ever lived there.

Arkaim was the sacred center of the Aryan empire, spread over a vast territory of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Eurasia. It was a city - a temple of the Sun. Aryan priests-monks constantly lived in the cells of the houses. They were skilled healers, knew the healing properties of many herbs and plants, magical miraculous spells and prayers, they were called magicians. After all, "kuda-yati" in Sanskrit means "to speed up a request, to cause a quick action, to induce." And the word "kudo" in Russian turned into "miracle".

Arkaim's magic healers wore white robes. This tradition was passed on to other peoples, for example, the Druids also wore white. The priests of the Sun were supposed to educate and educate the youth, passing on their knowledge to the next generation.

People from all over the vast Aryan empire came to the Temple of the Sun to worship and sacrifice to the gods, as well as for advice and help. It was especially crowded in the vicinity of Arkaim during the great holidays associated with the cult of the Sun, in particular, on the days of the summer solstice.

Arkaim died in a fire. It happened during the great turmoil that shook the foundations of the empire and led to its collapse. Fleeing from enemies led by dark priests, the sorcerers, taking with them all the shrines, burned the city-temple themselves and went south to mountain Altai.

And Arkaim - the place of the sacred power of the Aryans and their descendants, the Russians - remained a secret behind seven seals for many centuries. This secret was sacredly kept by the Ural Cossacks. And only now it began to open slightly.