Most People Have Enough Power Only To Vibrate Within The Habitual Pattern Of Life - Alternative View

Most People Have Enough Power Only To Vibrate Within The Habitual Pattern Of Life - Alternative View
Most People Have Enough Power Only To Vibrate Within The Habitual Pattern Of Life - Alternative View

Video: Most People Have Enough Power Only To Vibrate Within The Habitual Pattern Of Life - Alternative View

Video: Most People Have Enough Power Only To Vibrate Within The Habitual Pattern Of Life - Alternative View
Video: Most People Have Not Realized This - IT IS ONLY FOR A SEASON 2024, July

Getting into our world, most people lose the memory of their existence before being embodied in physical reality. And this is facilitated by the social environment. As a result, most people, under the influence of society, begin to think that they are just small "cogs" on which nothing depends. But some other people. starting to study esoteric knowledge, they suddenly rush to a completely different extreme, imagining that they are supposedly able to control all the events of this world with their consciousness. In fact, both the first and the second make a big mistake.

This is how the Russian researcher of esoteric knowledge B. Servest explains, in a way, the rules of the game of the Matrix of this world in his book “The Magic of Immortality. The main barrier :

Thus, getting into this world, we become actors in a play that was not written by us. Of course, we can change our own destiny if we put enough effort and intention to do so. But in order to change the fate of nations or even humanity, the coordinated collective will of millions of people is needed. By the way, after carefully reading an excerpt from B. Servest's book, it becomes clear how, with the help of technologies of manipulating people's consciousness, the "powers that be" direct their personal power with the help of images broadcast into their consciousness to implement the scenarios of the future they need. It is for this that the mercenary chatterboxes of the system will call you to the Maidans or call for a "holy war", or in some other way use you as "cannon fodder" or "slaughter cattle" in the interests of those forces that imagined themselves to be "masters of humanity" …Others will call for a departure into virtual reality and transformation into cyborgs and biorobots.

But in the same way, using the collective power of consciousness, it is possible to escape from the captivity of the parasitic satanic network, which has entangled the consciousness of people in a murky darkness. And for this, we need to learn ourselves and teach others to transform negative images into positive ones transmitted into our consciousness, and to create images of a harmonious future without parasites. And the more people join this creation, the faster this harmonious future will come for us.

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