Cape Meganom - Alternative View

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Cape Meganom - Alternative View
Cape Meganom - Alternative View

Video: Cape Meganom - Alternative View

Video: Cape Meganom - Alternative View
Video: Crimea. Cape Meganom 2024, October

Meganom, which means "big house" or "huge pasture" in Greek, is a peninsula northeast of Sudak. Its area is about twenty square kilometers, however, despite the telling name, the peninsula has never been particularly populated, which is also confirmed by archaeological research.

Perhaps the fault is the inhospitable desert landscape and the very warm climate. The combination of these features allowed the Crimean residents to give Megan another nickname: “local Tunisia”. The landscape, with its cracked soil crust and sparse dwarf plants, closely resembles the North African highlands. The dry steppe every year becomes a home for almost two hundred species of birds that fly here to nest.

A bit of geology and geography

On the sea route to Koktebel, travelers go around the steep slopes of the peninsula, made of limestone and sandstones, as well as conglomerates shifted by prehistoric events into the water basin. An important object for sailors is the lighthouse, built at the tip of Cape Meganom, the most extended towards the sea. In addition to this rocky tongue, there are capes and more modest ones that have their own names: for example, Bugas, Rybachy, Tolsty. The eastern side of the peninsula is higher, mountainous, cutting far into the sea. The maximum height - 358 meters above sea level - is recorded on Mount Meganom, located on the cape of the same name. Terraces, hills and ravines are common on the gently sloping west side. In general, the coastline of the peninsula stretches for 16 kilometers, which is rather difficult to pass. Screeches are interspersed with small pebble beaches. Strong winds smooth and crush the rocks of which the land is composed, do not allow the southern trees to rise up. People have approached from a practical point of view the windy identity of "local Tunisia" by building a wind farm here. Now outlandish windmills give the surrounding spaces an even more exotic look.

Meganom's water showcases

Scuba divers have found their paradise near Cape Meganom in the Engraving Bay. The so-called "elevator" shaft goes to a depth of seven meters. The breathtaking descent into the depths of the stone ends with three exits, allowing you to leave the narrow shaft. Testing the strength of nerves and special equipment is not the only entertainment of the Engraving Bay. There is a real graveyard of anchors here. The water column provides good protection against vandals. Anchors of various designs will be the pride of any museum collection. But you can only visit this underwater exhibition if you have a scuba gear.

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Archaeologists have discovered several ancient monuments from the time of the Greek colonization of Crimea on Meganom. The picture of a lifeless space blown through by all the winds, presented to ancient sailors, was the best fit to the gloomy eve of Hades' possessions. A stark contrast to the blooming nature of Greece! Therefore, one can relate, if not with confidence, then at least with sympathy for the opinion of those researchers who place the gate to the kingdom of the dead on Megan. The dark story of the Cyclops, his sheep and the cunning Odyssey could well unfold in these open spaces. Old crumbling mountains serve as the perfect backdrop for the most formidable myths of the past millennia.


Crimea is rich in mysteries. What can you not find on his land! Archaeological and geological finds are full of secrets of their origin. Such a dense level of presence of the unknown and unidentified on the shores of Meganom becomes almost tangible. Rocks and ravines literally ooze the spirit of history. Our contemporaries are well aware of this feature of the ancient land of the peninsula, so in the summer, small beaches are filled to capacity. Tents of various shapes and sizes accommodate many fans of esoteric knowledge and researchers of anomalous zones of our planet. Here they expect to join a higher mind, be filled with the power of nature, and, perhaps, personally observe the arrival of aliens.

Anomalous phenomena on Meganom are expressed in the peculiar behavior of vegetation. You can see the formation of yellow circles that fade and become brighter over time. The diameter of such circles reaches tens of meters. According to local residents, the military studied a magnetic field here, which exhibits unusual properties. In Soviet times, it was because of these studies that free movement around Meganom was prohibited. Currently, the ban has been lifted, but the military unit is still present here.

Anomalies only confirm that Meganom is a sacred place, a focus of energy, both light and dark, one of the few points on our planet where this energy is capable of being embodied in a specific miracle, giving the adepts a bit of supernatural abilities.

You can only be convinced of the wonderful features of the peninsula by visiting it personally.