Why Do People Kill Each Other - Alternative View

Why Do People Kill Each Other - Alternative View
Why Do People Kill Each Other - Alternative View

Video: Why Do People Kill Each Other - Alternative View

Video: Why Do People Kill Each Other - Alternative View
Video: Why Do Humans Want To Kill Each Other? | Unveiled 2024, July

Every day, the news reports on more and more violence that is happening around the world. According to statistics, there are more and more cases of abuse or murder. In addition, in everyday life, everyone has to sometimes witness screaming or anger.

Behavior that causes harm to a person has at all times been perceived as evil in a philosophical and moral aspect. Nevertheless, history knows many examples of aggressive, cruel behavior not only of individual rulers, but also of entire nations.

But why are people so eager to inflict suffering on others? Why are there so often conflicts with screams and outbursts of uncontrollable anger? Why do suicides decide to take their own lives even in defiance of the law of self-preservation? There is no definite answer to any of these questions. That is why the problem of aggression is considered from different points of view - physiology, religion, philosophy and many other sciences.

All theories that exist in our time try to explain in different ways the causes, meaning and mechanisms of the emergence of aggressive behavior. Some scientists consider aggression as an instinct, attraction, innate urge, while others, on the contrary, are sure that the desire to harm others is just the need for relaxation (frustration). Another part of scientists argue that aggression is a certain type of social learning that occurs as a result of past experience or imitation.

It is customary to call aggression the intentional destructive behavior of a person that brings psychological discomfort or physical harm to other people.

Aggression is often associated with most negative emotions, in particular, anger, anger. In reality, an act of aggression can occur not only in strong emotional arousal, but also with complete composure. In some cases, such behavior may be associated with negative attitudes and certain motives, including a deliberate desire to harm and offend, as well as racial prejudice. In addition, aggression is sometimes unmotivated.

Most scientists emphasize that aggression is always directed at a specific subject. Simply put, punching a wall or smashing dishes in anger is not aggressive behavior, but rather expressiveness. But do not forget that over time, such outbursts of emotions can be directed at living beings.

Anger and other negative emotions arise most often as a result of various kinds of dissatisfaction. For example, a slight dissatisfaction with someone or something will gradually develop, first into anger, and then into hatred. The problem does not arise from scratch, it is maturing gradually. Both irritability and anger will only increase over time if no steps are taken to resolve the problem. No problem can be solved profitably if there is aggression.

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Irritability can be associated with unloved work. This is quite normal, because every day a person has to do without enthusiasm what he does not like. In this case, moral dissatisfaction cannot be covered even with material incentives, no matter how great. There are two ways to solve this problem: either find another job that you like or at least not annoy you, or try to find advantages in the work you have to do.

Anger also arises when colleagues do something better. To get rid of negative emotions, you need to revise your schedule, distribute the load evenly, rationally plan things according to the degree of importance. Then everything will work out, which, in turn, will give rise to the effect of satisfaction, and irritability and anger will pass on their own.

Much the same can be said about relationships with others and family. To overcome irritability and aggression, you need to reconsider your position, refuse to communicate with people who cause negative emotions, and communicate more with those who like or who would like to imitate.

Quite often, the cause of anxiety and aggression is relationships with older people. As a rule, the difference in age becomes the cause of misunderstanding. In this case, you need to understand that older people are much more difficult, they are more sensitive. You cannot behave with them tactlessly, rudely. It's better to just keep quiet than to start arguing. Listening to the advice of elders, silently, without attacks and claims, does not mean at all that you need to change your mind. Irritability in such cases does not help in any way to resolve the misunderstanding.

In addition, the main reasons for the emergence of aggression can be the abuse of various kinds of psychotropic substances, which provoke a weakening or complete lack of control over oneself and the situation, the desire to satisfy exclusively one's own needs.

Another important reason for the emergence of aggression is associated with childhood mental trauma and parenting defects. The wrong actions of parents can cause aggressiveness in childhood. In addition, the development of aggressiveness is facilitated by the passion for films, computer games and television programs with scenes of violence.

Problems in personal life, social and domestic difficulties, disorder, as well as the accumulation of nervous tension, and a simple lack of adequate rest can cause aggression.

The manifestations of aggression can be very diverse. This is both physical aggression, which is aimed at causing bodily harm, and verbal, which is manifested in words. This is indirect and direct aggression, which manifests itself in the spread of rumors and gossip. Aggression can be directed, when there is a specific goal, or disordered, when everything that gets in the way, active and passive, as well as self-directed (auto-aggression) and instrumental (used as a way to achieve goals) suffers.

Aggression always brings suffering, and not only to the one at whom it is directed, but very often to the one from whom it comes. However, it is quite possible to cope with it. It is possible to reduce the level of aggression by expressing anger in acceptable forms. In other words, a person cannot control the very way of expressing anger, although the emotion itself has a right to exist. It is important to remember that holding back aggression is more harmful than letting it out. Therefore, you need to try to formulate your claims and state them politely. You should not tell your opponent everything that has accumulated, even if you really want to and there is a good reason. You should try to discuss only what is of concern at the moment. After all, it often happens that a person receives not only for himself, but also for the government, the country and even the world situation as a whole.

In a state of aggression, you need to try not to dig too deep, because sometimes fantasy leads into such a jungle of causal relationships, from which then you have to get out for more than one year. The passer-by, who accidentally pushed, did not do it intentionally, he was just in a hurry, the husband who showed coldness did not stop loving, but was just tired. You need to learn how to stop the course of reasoning on simple conclusions, especially since they are often correct.

In the event that the problem is constantly repeated, and outbursts of anger cannot be controlled, it is better to seek help from your family, talk about your feelings and experiences and be sure that they will take them into account. You can try (as an experiment) to empathize with your opponent. After all, it is quite logical that something that annoys one person could cause anxiety in another. Very often people quarrel only because they are in the same emotional field, but in fact the reason is absolutely insignificant and such a reaction is not worth it.

We must learn to forget. Only on the condition that a person does not remember how he was offended half an hour ago or yesterday, negative scenarios will cease to drag into the depths of experiences.

Until the passions subside, you can go in for sports. This will not only allow you to let off steam, but will also help you achieve a beautiful figure and improve your physical well-being. Exercise promotes the release of hormones that boost mood and energize.

Undoubtedly, negative emotions interfere with life. Envy, anger, constant stress - all this has a very negative effect on health and life expectancy. At the same time, minor bouts of irritability that occur at the everyday level are a completely normal human reaction to certain moments of life.

Not so long ago, a similar problem existed exclusively within the family and loved ones. But over the past few decades, the situation has changed dramatically. People are more and more involved in public life, the world is changing too much and rapidly, and a person simply cannot remain indifferent not only to the bad behavior of relatives or neighbors, but also to economic and environmental problems, hot conflicts on a global scale. In such conditions, aggression and anger become an integral part of life, if you do not learn to separate the important from the non-essential in time. A person, plunging all his thoughts into difficulties and problems, himself does not notice how he turns into a boor, a nervous colleague or a quarrelsome relative, although he has recently condemned such behavior.

People tend to be wrong. You can make a mistake at the very beginning, succumbing to the belief that since the world is so dynamic, restless and imperfect, then it is impossible to cope with it, therefore it is possible and necessary to live like this. There are people who are absolutely sure that negative qualities, including aggression, rudeness, arrogance, irritability and anger, must be developed in oneself, otherwise it is simply impossible to morally survive in the existing world. But the exit is just in a completely different direction - exclusively in tranquility!