Is It Possible To Heal With Sound? Bioresonance Therapy Methods - Alternative View

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Is It Possible To Heal With Sound? Bioresonance Therapy Methods - Alternative View
Is It Possible To Heal With Sound? Bioresonance Therapy Methods - Alternative View

Video: Is It Possible To Heal With Sound? Bioresonance Therapy Methods - Alternative View

Video: Is It Possible To Heal With Sound? Bioresonance Therapy Methods - Alternative View
Video: Using sound waves to destroy cancer | Christine Gibbons | TEDxDetroit 2024, September

The rhythm of life is a concept that seems to always exist.

If we consider it in the context of bioresonance - a phenomenon discovered back in the 17th century and which formed the basis for a whole series of scientific programs in the field of bioresonance frequency - the simple and familiar meaning of the words “rhythm of life” acquires a completely different, much deeper meaning.

Because the person himself, everything living and inanimate that surrounds him, is in a state of vibration. And the efficiency of a living organism depends on how synchronized the frequency of these oscillations is at various levels (atom - cell - organ).

This is how, if very briefly, one can characterize the concept of bioresonance - the ability of the human body and its individual organs to enter into resonance with the surrounding systems or to resonate with each other. Why is it useful for everyone to know? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the concept of bioresonance therapy, useful vibration frequency and neuroprograms based on bioresonance processes.

The essence of bioresonance

Bioresonance (that is, natural resonance) is a biological phenomenon, the essence of which is the response of a certain form - a cell or a system of cells of a human organ - to external vibrations. It is worth clarifying right away that for the same liver, the vibrations of the neighboring stomach are also external influences.

For most people who have heard something about vibrational vibrations in relation to the topic of medicine, the latter are most often associated with sound. What is true: a sound wave is vibration, and vibration, in turn, is energy, electrical impulses that play the role of "conductors" of information to the brain. As a rule, this information is carried through the ear - one of the most complex organs, capable of perceiving not only audible sounds.

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By the example of hearing, the easiest way to explain the mechanism of bioresonance. To put it simply and briefly, it will “fit” into five points.

  • Every organ of the human body (like any other living organism) vibrates at its own specific frequency and responds to its own rhythm.
  • At the same time, this normal frequency is set by the main governing organ - the brain.
  • When a neural network (nervous system) transmits alarming information to the brain, the natural rhythms of itself and the organs it controls become confused.
  • Outside the natural rhythm, the work of the organ is severely disrupted - its natural functions fail, the cells wear out faster. So illness can arise.

Exposing the brain to the right rhythm starts the synchronization process. The frequency of the object of influence gradually "adjusts" to the frequency "imposed" from the outside. The organ, entering into bioresonance with external vibrations, returns to its normal rhythm. And this is the main difference between the bioresonance approach and classical conservative methods of therapy. The latter are based on the impact on the body in order to normalize the brain. Bioresonance, on the other hand, allows you to normalize the brain, and through it, the whole body.

In this case, a different frequency can be taken as an external source of rhythm, depending on which of the organs requires attention. With the help of bioresonance therapy programs, you can normalize the work of the heart or even strengthen the immune system, which normally vibrates in the frequency range of 6-12 Hz. The brain is also no exception. By acting on it through bioresonance techniques, you can get a complex effect, which we will consider in detail below.

Scientific rationale and history of the development of bioresonance therapy

Today, methods of bioresonance therapy are used to restore and normalize the processes occurring in living tissues. But the experiment, which formed the basis of the very concept of bioresonance and made it possible to "tie" everything that surrounds us (living and nonliving, material and immaterial) into a single "whole" universe, was carried out on inanimate objects - ordinary pendulums.

So, in 1656, a Dutch scientist (physicist, astronomer, inventor, engineer, one of the founders of the theory of probability) Christian Huygens discovered an interesting fact. Two pendulums with different oscillation frequencies, installed next to each other, were synchronized after some time.

Subsequently, this discovery was studied by dozens of specialists. Their results differed in many respects, but one thing remained unchanged: with an external influence on the cells of the body, the frequency of their vibrations changed.


In this field, several alternative medical approaches to treatment arose at once through the use of different frequencies. In Germany, the most famous of them was the Reinhold Voll method (apparatus bioresonance therapy). In France, Alfred Angelo Tomatis was engaged in the theory and practice of using bioresonance in the treatment of people, who later created the author's pedagogical technique aimed at mental development, and was named after him.

In the scientific community, of course, alternative theories and methods quickly found both supporters and critics. The Voll method even gathered a whole "army" of opponents, armed with the results of dozens of studies that refuted the effectiveness of treatment with a device that returns its own electrical impulses to the body.

While the global pharmaceutical industry was actively fighting with apparatus methods of bioresonance therapy, another practice - neuroaudiotherapy based on bioresonance - consistently developed the very approach of exposure to frequencies and collected positive test results. It formed the basis of the "Tomatis" program, and later was continued in neuroacoustic meditation, whose techniques were collected and systematized by the "Neuromatrix Pro" program.

Neuroaudio programs as a method of bioresonance therapy

The neuro-audio programs of bioresonance therapy are based on three facts that are beyond doubt even among skeptics:

  • 80% of the information the brain receives through the ear (it doesn't matter if a person is sleeping or walking down the street, impulses come in constantly);
  • through vibrations, the cells of the human body control all processes - they receive information about the time of day, increase or decrease their activity (change circadian rhythms);
  • every organ has a natural frequency to which the system primarily responds, and it can be "tuned" through synchronization.

What synchronization of rhythms of the cerebral hemispheres gives

The effectiveness of a neuroacoustic program based on the principles of bioresonance is most easily illustrated by the effect on the brain. So, the well-known (read: proven) fact states that in 100% of cases, the hemispheres of the brain of a sick person work at different frequencies. Due to dissonance, the main organ cannot always understand where the source of the problem is, which disrupts the body's work. And often "distributes" commands in all directions.

The result is a massive "blind" attack of immunity. By the way, it often causes symptoms similar to allergies (or itself, since an allergic reaction is an unreasonable attack by the immune system of the body's native cells - he simply “does not understand” that he is fighting “his own”).

As the experience of meditation practices shows, it is worth synchronizing the rhythms of the left and right hemispheres by at least 10%, and the brain “begins to see” - it sees the problem and begins to solve it. Even if the disease outwardly (by sensations) has not yet developed into symptoms. This effect provides a special quality of the organ - the neuroplasticity of the brain.

Synchronization of brain rhythms occurs within 8–10 minutes of listening to a therapeutic bioresonance program. Regular meditations can not only "teach" the brain to act in anticipation of the disease, but also significantly increase its activity - an expansion of consciousness occurs, the cognitive and mental abilities of a person increase.


Neuroacoustic techniques based on the principle of bioresonance - synchronization of rhythms through exposure to an organ or tissue through the ear - are good because they are compatible with almost any other methods of treatment or prevention of health. Massage, breathing exercises, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy - all this can be carried out in parallel with bioresonance therapy.

Sound healing does not even require the abolition of drugs prescribed by a doctor to a patient with a chronic disease. And the technique works not only to restore physical health. It strengthens the psyche, the ability to withstand stress.

Bioresonance therapy can also be used as a preventive measure (prevention of depressive conditions, strengthening immunity, slowing down the aging process of tissues). As a treatment, it has been shown to be effective against many diseases, including:

  • skin pathologies (from allergies to neurodermatitis);
  • respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis);
  • neuralgia (migraines, bursitis, pinching of the trigeminal nerve, tinnitus);
  • gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, diarrhea, gastritis, flatulence).

By restoring normal vibration frequencies, programs aimed at restoring and strengthening the immune system are very useful in allergic reactions or stressful situations. An important effect of bioresonance recovery is anti-stress.

Stress is a key factor that causes brain rhythms to become out of sync. That is why, in a state of severe anxiety, it is very difficult for a person to concentrate, make decisions, remember important facts. The stronger the emotional arousal, the more active are the so-called beta rhythms in his brain. Bioresonance programs suppress them, activating useful biorhythms of the "alpha" group.


There are few contraindications for neuro-audio programs based on the principle of "equalization" of vibration frequencies, but they do exist. These include:

  • state of intoxication (narcotic or alcoholic);
  • acute mental agitation (it is necessary to lower its level before starting therapy);
  • the presence of a pacemaker.

Why there is no single bioresonance program

Science knows the ranges of the brain, heart, and immune system of a person, but not the exact values of the frequencies at which their cells vibrate. It is for this reason that there is no universal audio program for everyone that can quickly bring tissues to a state of normal vibration.

Its choice depends on the history, age, physical condition of the person, his environment (intensity of electromagnetic loads). Everyone must find their optimal "route" to enter resonance with minimal resistance. This is the main difficulty of bioresonance therapy using neuroacoustic techniques.