On The Power Of Intention - Alternative View

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On The Power Of Intention - Alternative View
On The Power Of Intention - Alternative View

Video: On The Power Of Intention - Alternative View

Video: On The Power Of Intention - Alternative View
Video: The Power of Intention to Transform Reality (And How to Make it Work For You!) 2024, September

Intention is an arrow that hits the target accurately and allows you to achieve what you want. Intention is the main tool of sorcerers. Now there are many trainings for those who want to become successful, where they teach how to correctly form an intention. More and more works on psychology are paying attention to this issue. "Being determines consciousness"? Oh, this is outdated information. Everything happens exactly the opposite. We ourselves define our being.

Learn to create and launch an intention and you will succeed

Intention is the real force behind desire. This is a desire in which there is no attachment to the result, and therefore it is able to achieve the goal better than fantasies and dreams. It is important to be able to distinguish desire from intention.

There is no past, present and future in the subtle world. Time is the movement of thought and matter. The past and the future exist only in our imagination. The past is created by memories, the future by anticipation. And only the present is real.

Desire is an attachment to the future, which means it is illusory. In intention, your attention remains in the present. After all, the future is being done in the present.

A well-formed intention is focusing on a goal with a clear confidence that no obstacles will allow you to lose focus on the intended result. There is only a goal, you and a goal. There are no obstacles in your mind, and even if they appear, they immediately turn into favorable factors.

It's easy to work with intent, but there are some important rules and guidelines to follow. We will talk about them with you now. And the examples below will help you understand everything better.

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Basic rules for forming intention

The intention must be clear and clear

First of all, you must understand your desires and goals. Be clear about what you really want. More often than not, people know exactly what they don't want. What do you need to be happy? Sometimes, to understand this, you have to resort to a comprehensive analysis of the present situation in life. It will be useful to write out on a sheet of paper in two columns the real state of affairs and the desired. This will help you sort out your desires.

Wrong: I want everything to be good. What is “good” for you? What do you need for this state to come? What prevents you from feeling this state right now?

I want a lot of money. How much is "a lot"? Do you want the entire amount at once or do you want to receive it in installments monthly? Would you agree if your beloved aunt dies to fulfill your desire to leave you an inheritance? Be careful with your desires.

I want a big and bright feeling. What is “big and bright feeling” for you? How does this feeling differ from small and not light? How do you think this feeling will affect your inner state? How do you know that it has already arrived? You do not care to whom and in what circumstances you will experience this very feeling? After all, tomorrow you can fall in love with some bilana on TV, and your feeling will be big and bright. Or perhaps you will experience it in relation to a hopelessly married man. Will this option suit you? Do I want to experience a storm of emotions and an all-consuming passion or do I want to fall in love, get married and have a bunch of children? Agree, these are two different options for large and light.

A case from one's life. An intention was formulated with approximately the following content: "I want peace, so that I do not run anywhere, do nothing, just lie and spit at the ceiling." Voila! Anyone who wished broke his leg and spent more than a month in bed. Ah, that's not what you wanted at all? But after all, all the points were strictly observed, get and sign.

Intention must be formulated positively

It's up to you to decide what you want. There is no need to waste time and effort to identify what you do not want, because it is unreasonable. Moreover, in the subtle world there is no “not” particle, and our subconscious mind does not perceive it. This should always be remembered.

In the metro I saw an advertising slogan “How NOT to start living worse”. Despite the fact that the “not” particle was highlighted so that it, God forbid, would not be overlooked, the slogan was not perceived positively. All the time I wanted to read How to start living worse. Will such advertising achieve its goal? Will your intention succeed if you use denial?

Wrong: I won't get sick. I won't be alone. I will never be out of work.

Correct: I am healthy. I have a close person next to me. I have an interesting and stable job.

Intention must be formulated in the present tense

It has already been said above that there is no time in the subtle world. Therefore, we will focus on the present moment. Here and now, all future imaginary obstacles have no meaning to us. And obstacles are most often imaginary, invented, and not real.

Incorrect: Someday I will become a high professional.

Correct: I am a qualified and in-demand specialist in my profession. I have enough money for travel.

Intention must come from the first person

You do not have enough power and authority to change the world and people around you. Another's life and other people's behavior, even if you don't like it, is not your jurisdiction. But you have the right to ask the Universe to fulfill your own desires and needs.

Incorrect: My husband does not drink. Vasya will call me.

Correct: I see my husband sober every day. I pick up the phone and hear Vasya's voice.

Determine the time and place of your intention

But remember, the universe takes time to provide you with the opportunity to do what you want. Initially, up to 72 hours after the launch of the intent, you may receive certain signs. You will encounter similar problems, or you will notice articles in the press on the same topic, or you will meet a person who will tell you something useful. This will indicate that your intention has been accepted. Further, in the period from 60 to 90 days, and maybe later, depending on the type of intention, you will get a favorable chance for the fulfillment of the desire. You might be offered a new job, you might meet an interesting partner at a party, or you might have a brilliant idea.

It is important here to understand and seize this chance.

However, after the first signs, you can miss the intention if you have doubts and fears. There may be big or small problems on your way, and you will perceive them as impassable obstacles, thereby stifling the germ of your intention with your own hands. There are no failures. All failures are only milestones on the way to your goal.

Incorrect: I want to get married. If you have not specified the time (that is, your age of marriage), be prepared for the fact that the intention may be fulfilled by the age of 45. Is this what you wanted?

I want to buy a house. Would a house in a remote village suit you without electricity and without normal roads? In this case, it is advisable to understand in which area you would like to have your home.

The intention must be realistically feasible You must understand that the desire to fool Orlando Bloom, if you are not part of the stellar hangout of Hollywood, or get $ 10 million if you work as a locksmith in the housing office, is unrealizable. You will waste time and effort.

There is a very subtle point here: it is important to be able to feel this line when a real desire becomes unreal. It is very important not to overestimate your requirements, but also not to underestimate them!

If you decide to set yourself a very high goal, that's commendable. You can break your big goal into several small or medium goals. Having achieved a small goal, you immediately set yourself the next one. So, as by the steps, you can get to the very top. Your intention must be strong

That is, you do not even allow the thought that something will not work out. Cast aside all doubts and do not invent obstacles for yourself in the future. When you start worrying that something might interfere with your intention, you attract these kinds of events into your life. Why do you need this?

Intention, unlike desire, does not create a sense of the absence of the object of desire.

You know that everything will be exactly this way and not otherwise. You should not hope for a positive result, you should not reassure yourself that everything will be fine. You must know.

For example, heading to a restaurant, you know that you will eat there. It is this knowledge that is the most powerful force for the realization of intention. Visualize a positive result

For the brain, there is no difference between visualization and what we actually see with our eyes. The same nerve cells are involved. And when they are used, they build connections among themselves in the brain. Once you learn to ride a bike, you will be able to get on and ride a bike even after a few years, because your brain is using the connections that have already been established. If you get used to feeling like a successful person, it will be easy for you to become one in reality.

Imagine as vividly and in detail as possible, as if you already have what you want to receive. How will it look like? How will your life change? What will you hear, see, feel?

It is important here not just to imagine a lot of money, but to see yourself having money. How will you feel when you have a certain amount? How will you behave? What will you think about?

Better yet, act as if your wish has already come true. Do you want to become a strong and purposeful person? So imagine that you are a strong and purposeful person and behave accordingly!

Do you want to buy a cool foreign car? So feel like a person who has a brand new Lexus parked under the window and behave accordingly. Let go of the reins and take your mind out of control of your circumstances. Don't worry about the path to reach, leave the details to the universe. Trusting her, you will constantly be faced with miracles.

It is important! You do not have to puzzle over how exactly what you want will come to you. Don't worry about the little things. If you did everything right, what you want will come into your hands by coincidence.

If you independently develop for yourself a detailed plan for achieving what you want, you will deprive yourself of flexibility. Indeed, in reality, everything can go according to a completely different scenario than you imagined.

By creating a large number of conditions, you run the risk of waiting a long time for the moment when the circumstances will develop exactly in such a way as to implement your tough conditions. Determine if there is something in your life that conflicts with your intention that will prevent it from being realized

Remember, consciously articulating your desire isn't everything. If your subconscious mind is against it, nothing will come of it. If there is a conflict between emotions and logic, emotions always win. Your emotions control your life and it is they that attract the events you are experiencing to you.

For example: a person is looking for a high-paying job, but at the same time he understands that such work will not allow him to spend enough time with his family, and this thought oppresses him. What is the true desire here?

The woman thinks that she wants to get married, because the time has come, mother saws, girlfriends look askance - you never know what. But in fact, she is afraid of this, because she perfectly understands that she will not be able to adapt to another person and give him a part of herself. A powerful block arises that will not allow such an intention to come true. The saddest thing is that such women do not always understand that they themselves do not want their desire to be fulfilled.

Understand yourself. If you can't do it on your own, contact a psychologist or tarot reader. Sometimes you can find out very unexpected things. One of the main difficulties, the ability to "let go"

You must give up your attachment to what you want to achieve. This does not mean that you give up your intention to fulfill your desire. You do not give up intention or desire. You give up your attachment to the result. Attachment is based on fear and insecurity. And detachment gives us confidence in our own strength.

When the decision is made, the intention is formulated and it is necessary to proceed with the implementation, discard any responsibility for the outcome of the case.

Remember, you probably had such a thing when the dream came true just when you gave up on everything. Be silent about your intention The more you spend energy on empty words, the weaker your concentration becomes, and the further the result.

In addition, human envy is of great importance. And the most impressionable are strongly susceptible to other people's moods. “You won't succeed,” a close friend will say, and you will believe him. Finally, don't sit in passive waiting. Take action! To travel to the Canary Islands, first you need to at least take a vacation and purchase a ticket.