Abel's Grave - The Grave Of A Giant? - Alternative View

Abel's Grave - The Grave Of A Giant? - Alternative View
Abel's Grave - The Grave Of A Giant? - Alternative View

Video: Abel's Grave - The Grave Of A Giant? - Alternative View

Video: Abel's Grave - The Grave Of A Giant? - Alternative View
Video: BEYOND THE GRAVE: The Old Beaufort Burying Grounds || Paranormal Quest® 2024, July

The grave of Abel, according to legend, is located on the top of a hill, in a mosque built here at the end of the 16th century. It serves as a place of pilgrimage for Shiites and Druze. Hundreds of Iranians come here every day to worship Abel as the first innocent victim of the forces of evil, i.e. the first martyr.

The giant footprints found by Professor Muldashev's expedition in Syria led our scientists to the graves of the giants. Ernst Muldashev told the readers of Aggruments and Facts about who was guarding them and what could be found there.

- MANY legends of the world tell about giants, giants, titans … Why did no one find giant human bones? After all, dinosaur bones are found …

- It is possible that the ancient giants did not betray the bodies of the dead to the earth, as we do. Indeed, even in the modern world, all peoples bury people in different ways. For example, in India it is customary to burn the deceased and dump the ashes into the water. But it seems to me that ancient people placed the bodies of their deceased brothers in sarcophagi, where the body dematerialized and turned into some kind of lumps of energy that were used by living people for various purposes. Such, perhaps, was the "last journey" of the deceased in antiquity. Therefore, the bones of giant people may not be found.

- Have you found it?

- No, we didn't find the bones. But the graves of the ancient giants were discovered.

- Tell us more about these graves.

- The most famous and significant is the grave of Abel, the son of Adam and Eve, located not far from Damascus. A huge number of pilgrims from Arab countries come here to worship. This tomb has been guarded for more than 300 years by representatives of the Islamic movement called the "Druze", who recognize Jesus Christ and speak the Syriak dialect of the Aramaic language - the life language of Jesus.

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The tombstone of Abel's grave is a granite structure 5 meters 71 cm long and 1 meter 80 cm wide. There are holes on the side wall of the gravestone through which you can smell a strange smell.

- Were there any attempts to open and study the grave?

- It will be considered desecration of the grave. Muslims will never allow this.

- You spoke about several graves of giants …

“As a result of a long search near the city of Aleppo in Syria, we managed to find a place where there were several graves of giants who were worshiped by people. But, as local residents said, several years ago, Orthodox Muslims destroyed them, leveling the gravestones with a bulldozer. Here, by the way, it would be possible to conduct archaeological excavations, although … the reaction of the local population may be unpredictable.

20 km from this place, on the top of the hill, we were shown another giant's grave, which the locals called “the tomb of a 7.5-meter man”. The giant's name was Muhammad Attaul, which translates as Muhammad the High. According to legend, he came here from Yemen, was a miracle worker, knew the dialect of the Arabic language, which the Prophet Muhammad spoke. Here he died and was buried. Two years ago, the giant's well-groomed grave was dug up by treasure hunters, but they were caught and imprisoned. And now local peasants are restoring it on their own: they have already delineated it with large stones and laid out a stone fence around it. The grave is 7.75 meters long, 2.20 meters wide.

- Do you really believe that giant people are buried in these places?

“No one can prove it without digging up the grave and finding the bones. But the Syrian authorities are unlikely to agree to give permission to open their graves.

However, a number of circumstantial evidence suggests that the giants, it is quite possible, lived on Earth even in a not so distant historical period. For example, in the East there is a very detailed description of the Buddha. From this description, called "60 features and 32 characteristics of Buddha," it is clear that the Buddha had enormous stature, membranes between the fingers and toes, a retractable penis, 40 teeth … which is consistent with the description of the people of the previous civilization - the Atlanteans. Why should we ignore the legends of giants and titans? Why should we not take into account the obvious footprints of the giant in Ain Dar? And finally, why should we consider the real giant graves that people have worshiped since the burial of the giant as a hoax?

- If you, Ernst Rifgatovich, ask the question “Where did the giants appear on Earth in such a relatively late historical period?”, Then you will most likely answer “From Shambhala”.

- Legends about underground Shambhala, like legends about giants, have existed in all corners of the globe since very ancient times, from the time when there were no normal communications between countries. And, probably, if you believe the legends, there, in Tibet, we were not born from a monkey, but were cloned by people of a previous civilization - Atlanteans, whose dead cities can still be found on the globe.


The holes in the grave, from which the smell of amber emanates.