Edgar Cayce On The Future Of Russia And The United States - Alternative View

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Edgar Cayce On The Future Of Russia And The United States - Alternative View
Edgar Cayce On The Future Of Russia And The United States - Alternative View

Video: Edgar Cayce On The Future Of Russia And The United States - Alternative View

Video: Edgar Cayce On The Future Of Russia And The United States - Alternative View
Video: The Wild Predictions Of Edgar Cayce - The Sleeping Prophet | Random Thursday 2024, September

It turns out that the famous predictor Edgar Cayce at the beginning of the last century told everything about the confrontation between Russia and the United States, which began this spring. Moreover, he told how it will end.

Transcript of revelations

American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is one of the most famous fortunetellers in the world. He made his predictions in a trance - a state similar to a dream, therefore he is known by the nickname "The Sleeping Prophet." He was asked questions to which he answered "without regaining consciousness." The words of the prophet were recorded by a stenographer, and when he woke up, Casey himself did not remember what he was talking about.

There are numerous editions of these stenographic records, the first of which were published in the 30s of the XX century. Many of these predictions have come true and continue to come true. And humanity gasps every time, making sure that Casey has long foreseen this or that event.

So, Casey predicted both world wars, and named the exact dates of their beginning and end, and all the main battles. He also predicted the collapse of the USSR and the fact that one day the communists will lose their power. And this is where the fun begins …

However, it is better to give the floor to Edgar Cayce himself, or rather, to the transcripts of his revelations. There are many false Cayce predictions on the Internet, and these have been documented.

Here is the data that are available in every transcript of Cayce's revelations, you can make sure that these predictions are not fake: “Reading 3976-29. This psychic reading was given by Edgar Cayce at the Association's office at Arctic Crescent, June 22, 1944. In attendance: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Casey, conductor; Gladys Davis and Mildred Tancy, stenographers."

Promotional video:

In the following predictions mentioned in this article, only numbers and dates are given, but each of them also named witnesses and the place of events.

Spirit of America

What did Casey say on this day, June 22, 1944?

“What is the spirit of America? Most people will proudly say: in freedom. Freedom from what? When you restrict people's hearts and minds in different ways and ways, does that give them freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from want?"

These words are relevant now, when the US policy towards weak and developing countries is bombing civilians, financing color revolutions, etc. - causes outrage among many people, including in the same America.

Recall, for example, Avatar, a film by American director James Cameron, which allegorically criticizes the predatory intentions of the United States. The huge success of this film around the world and in America itself suggests that most people around the world understand that the United States "limits people's hearts and minds."


Recall that according to the plot of the film, armed people from the States carry out an operation to rob the free, but weak natives of the fantastic planet Pandora, in the depths of which there are rich deposits of a valuable mineral. However, Pandora managed to defend herself from the aggressors. Who can do this, being weak and oppressed, in fact, and not in a fantasy film?

Edgar Cayce answers this difficult question in the same reading 3976-29, dated June 22, 1944:

“Hope for peace will come from Russia; but not from communism or Bolshevism, no, but from free Russia. Each person will then live for his brother …"

I must say that this phrase has a deep meaning. In the mentality of Russians (to whom, of course, not only Russians belong), this idea has always been present: to live not for the sake of money, but for something more - friendship, common happiness, "for the sake of a brother." It is enough to recall our fairy tales, proverbs, sayings: "Money is not happiness", "Die yourself, but help your comrade", "Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends" …


If in the West, and especially in the USA, the cult of money and individualism has always reigned, then in Russia the people lived "in peace" - that is, community, everyone acted in concert. And people have always strived for something more sublime. It is not without reason that our Russian literature with its intangible values, ideas and thoughts - Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky - is still considered an unsurpassed bar for the whole world.

Power is in the truth

Casey said: "The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, to free them from selfishness and rough material passions, to restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom."

Russians, being very strong, have always tried to help the weak. There are many examples of this in our history. Here you can recall many historical events, comparing the difference in the mentality of Russians and the West, but we will limit ourselves to just one, and everything will immediately become clear. The victory over fascism in World War II - everyone knows with whose blood it was mainly paid.

Even in the crazy 1990s, when Russia began to be plundered and killed, something real remained in the depths of the people. Remember the films "Brother-1" and "Brother-2" - their popularity in our country suggests that the ideas from this film resonate in the hearts of millions of people.


This film is about how Danila Bagrov is trying to seek justice, and in the second film in the same USA. He is alone, in Russia there is devastation and banditry and there is nothing to rely on. Danila is acting against the rules, but looking for his own truth.

Remember the quote from this film: “Tell me, American, what is the power! Is it in money? So my brother says that it’s money. You have a lot of money, and why? I now think that the power is in the truth: whoever has the truth is stronger! So you deceived someone, made money, and why - have you become stronger? No, I didn’t, because there’s no truth behind you! And the one who was deceived is the truth behind him! So he is stronger!"

Now a lot has changed, our country has woken up, felt its strength, and our truth has something to rely on. And many peoples began to associate hope for a bright future with Russia - everything, as Casey predicted.

The “sleeping prophet” said: (reading 3976-10, February 8, 1932): “There is great hope for the world in the religious development of Russia. The people or group of nations that will be the closest in relations with Russia will be able to live better, gradually changing living conditions around the world."

Shortly before this (reading 452-6, November 29, 1932) Casey said: “Changes are coming, you can be sure there will be an evolution or a revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The foundations for this for the whole world will eventually come from Russia; it will not be communism, but what Christ taught - his kind of communism."

Center of the world

Interestingly, Casey argued that Russia would be the new center of the world. At the same time, Americans and Russians will be friends: “Hope for peace will again come from Russia. Guided by what? Friendship with the people, on whose money it is written: "We believe in God" (the inscription on US dollars. - Approx. Auth.) ".

At first glance, Cayce means that in the government of the United States itself, something will change, there will be other forces that will understand "what is the strength."

But the point is not only this - according to the prophet, the United States will face serious difficulties, and the people of America will inevitably have to be friends with Russia. By the way, let us note that the most informed Americans are already moving to our country. Consider Edward Snowden, a CIA officer who fled to Russia precisely because of his disagreement with US policy.

According to Cayce, the United States and other countries will face terrible natural disasters and global warming (reading 3976-15, January 19, 1934): “The earth will be split in western America. Most of Japan must be submerged at sea. The upper part of Europe will be changed in no time. There will be changes in the Arctic and Antarctic, leading to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift such that cold or subtropical climates become more tropical and moss and ferns will grow there."


Cayce later expanded on this prediction (reading 1152-11; August 13, 1941): “Many areas of the east coast near modern New York, or even much of New York itself, will disappear. However, this is the lot of future generations. The southern parts of the states of Carolina and Georgia will cease to exist much earlier. The waters of the lakes (Great Lakes) are likely to flow into the bay (Gulf of Mexico). The area (Virginia Beach) will be among the safest, as will areas in the modern states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, as well as - most of the south and east of Canada. At the same time, most of the western lands will undergo destruction, which, of course, will occur in other countries."

For many years this prediction was not taken seriously, but now the climate has indeed changed significantly - towards warming. And recently, more and more reports have been received about the activity of volcanoes in South and North America. Recently, it was reported that animals began to leave the famous Yellowstone Park, and seismologists warn of an impending serious eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. Not so long ago, there was information about a strong volcanic eruption in Chile.

Casey also said that after all the shocks, the planet will change a lot, but Russia will suffer less than others. It is she who will lead the new civilization, the center of which will be Western Siberia.

It is interesting that in our country there is now an active development of Siberia and the Far East - the prediction seems to be starting to come true. We add that not only Cayce predicted such a great future for Russia, but also other soothsayers of the past, but we will talk about this in our next article.

