Mindfulness Practice: Energy Differences Between Men And Women - Alternative View

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Mindfulness Practice: Energy Differences Between Men And Women - Alternative View
Mindfulness Practice: Energy Differences Between Men And Women - Alternative View

Video: Mindfulness Practice: Energy Differences Between Men And Women - Alternative View

Video: Mindfulness Practice: Energy Differences Between Men And Women - Alternative View
Video: The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro | TEDxWashingtonSquare 2024, September

What is a woman, who is a woman and how does she differ from a man? Men and women are different. In addition to the fact that everyone has their own functions, energy moves in us in different ways.

The Vedas say that each person has 7 psychic energy centers, the most active, they are often called chakras. In fact, there are more of them, but the main ones are 7. We are arranged in such a way that in men and women the energy in these centers moves in different ways. Someone clockwise, someone counterclockwise. What gives the activity or passivity of the chakra. And it turns out that we completely complement each other.


We'll start at the bottom. The lowest chakra is muladhara. She is responsible for survival and offspring, and it is designed in such a way that this chakra is active for a man, and passive for a woman. That is, a man gives energy, and a woman accepts it.

This means that this male function is to provide protection.

Protection for the survival of the woman. Provide basic security. Our task is to focus on our responsibilities. The woman's duty in this place is to learn to accept. Most of us have a problem with this. As planned, we should completely trust the man, and rely on him - that he can take care of us.

We, many of us, have all sorts of generic scenarios and other injuries. Very often we do not let the man take care of us at all. Very often women say: "Oh, I would like a strong shoulder." But in practice, it turns out to be so scary to trust that it's easier to do everything yourself.

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If a woman begins to take care of the survival of herself and her children, for example, then the chakra begins to work according to the male type, it begins to be active. If a woman has a husband nearby, then he has nothing left, and his chakra becomes passive. That is, he begins to receive, and the woman to give. And then it is very difficult to reverse this situation. Because a woman, in order to somehow change this situation, needs to abandon it, as if jumping without a parachute from a high mountain. You need to understand that if you have a husband or a young man, but at the same time you prefer to take care of your safety on your own, then you thereby take on the male function, and this damages both your femininity and his masculinity.


Next comes the second chakra - svadhisthana. She is responsible for pleasure and desires, and works in a different way. In women it is active, and in men it is passive. That is, we give, and men receive.

Even the Vedas say that the man is the enjoyer, and the woman is the one through whom they enjoy. This suggests that our task, as women, is to create a comfortable and cozy world for a man.

Very often women protest against this point, they say - how so, why should we serve them, why should we enjoy them and fulfill all desires?

What is this worldly injustice?

In fact, everything is fair here. Because out of 7 chakras - 3 are active in women, 3 are active in men and 1, the highest one, works the same for everyone. Therefore, there is no injustice in this, there is simply a division of roles. It is important for us to understand that a man also gives something, and our task is to give him pleasure and fulfill his desires - and then everything is not so bad.

This includes any pleasure, including sexual pleasure, enjoyment of food, order in the house. That is, an ideal woman should create a world for a man in which he can easily be, he will be comfortable, and his basic desires will be satisfied.

And they will not just be satisfied, but he will experience some kind of pleasure from this. This is a significant difference.

Let me give you a simple example. My husband and I have a favorite restaurant, and they cook very tasty there. That is, at the same prices, an amazing cuisine, where even fries are amazing. And just yesterday we arrived, and it was closed. But a nearby restaurant was opened, and we decided to go to it.

It turned out that there are the same prices, and the food is delicious, but there is no special zest, a piece of soul in it. It turns out that you ate deliciously, but did not receive such pleasure.

It's the same in the family. It is possible for a man to cook some simple fried potatoes or scrambled eggs in the morning, with this attitude - "eat and leave me alone." And you can do it so that he gets pleasure every time at breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Accordingly, the same can be done, for example, with intimate relationships. You can fulfill your marital duty and say - "when will this all end?", Or you can make the man really enjoy the process. Let it not be every day, not even every week. Let it be a monthly carnival. But what a!


Then we move on to the third chakra - manipura. This is money, life energy, achievements. It is active in men and, accordingly, passive in women. That is, a man gives to a woman. The woman accepts. And here women have a problem again.

I very often receive letters that I cannot take money from a man. Or I'm ashamed to ask my husband for money for some kind of blouse. Usually this often happens when a woman worked, provided for herself, and then got married, went on maternity leave. And it turns out that she does not work, she wants to buy something and it is a shame to ask her husband. And in this place a very serious conflict is taking place.

Because if a woman refuses to accept money and life energy, then the man either stops giving it and moves to a slightly different position, or he has less of it. That is, one of the reasons why men earn a little more is that a woman does not ask for anything. The woman says that she doesn’t need anything, “I don’t need boots, I haven’t worn skates yet.”

If a woman has such an attitude towards herself, an attitude towards money and an attitude towards a man, then a man will not earn much, because he simply has no need. Men are by nature very ascetic. You've probably seen the apartments of bachelors, they generally need little. There is a bed, a stove, one frying pan, scrambled eggs for breakfast and that's it. And nothing is needed.

Sometimes in this situation a man stops earning and becomes a gigolo. Or he finds one that will stimulate him to achieve his desires.

Therefore, it is our duty as women to learn to accept money, gifts from men, to accept some achievements and deeds that they do in our name.

There is another option when a woman suddenly starts earning a lot. She begins to think that this is her most important goal in life - to provide for her family, to feed her family, "this squishy can't do anything" and so on.

That is, if a woman decisively takes on the activity in this regard, then the man has nothing left. The woman took everything. He only has to accept. Then he becomes home, henpecked and all that. And this is the responsibility of the woman - that we have not taken our own responsibility.


The next chakra anahata is the heart. She is responsible for love and sympathy. This is our female chakra. That is, we, as women, must give, and the man must receive.

On the contrary, it turns out uncomfortable.

Most of you probably had such an admirer, who fulfilled all your whims, who did whatever you want - and flowers to you, and this, and this. And he looks into his mouth, and here is such a love, and in the evening he meets, and in the morning sees him off. And you look at him and you understand, a good man, a good guy, but I can't love. And I also drink myself because I don't like such good things.

Simply because the man took over the activity of this chakra, this center. He started giving, and the woman has no other options. She cannot love. And love is our feminine everything.

If a woman cannot love, realize herself in this place, then it is very difficult for her. And therefore, such relationships most often do not develop. Therefore, this is just a beautiful picture - “I want my husband to romantically court me, this is what he did and this is what he did and this is how he loved me and that way he loved”.

If this happened to you, then you would not really please at all.

Therefore, rejoice if your men do not take responsibility for this center from you and allow you to be realized in it. Then you can fully reveal yourself in this, make some pleasant surprises to your beloved and somehow pamper him.

This does not mean that all his life he will only accept and give nothing in return. Most likely, he will also do something for you, but it will not be at this center. This will be, for example, at the level of the third chakra - that is, he will make some gifts, or at the first - he will somehow start to take care of you in terms of living space or some other basic things. Therefore, do not expect unearthly romance and fulfillment of your whims from a man, because it is our responsibility to fulfill desires, give pleasure and love. This is a woman's responsibility. The man will repay you with something else. Gifts and a sense of security.


The fifth chakra vishuddha is communication, self-expression. A man gives - a woman takes. A man is active. It is very important for a man to express himself, to be realized. For a woman, the main realization is the family. Realization outside the family is secondary.

If a woman has learned to give Love through the fourth center, then this energy rises higher in a man, and he already wants not just to make money, not just to provide the family with a basic level. He already wants to leave his mark on history, some kind of legacy. He wants to improve this world in some way - at this level, men often begin to do great things, global feats.

And all these feats are done in the name of women. Our task in this place is to receive. Joyfully and with love. How princesses and queens receive honors from warring knights. So that they have someone to defend their homeland or save the planet from an environmental disaster.

Therefore, if you want your man not only to survive and work, but to really realize himself and change the world, learn to love him. The energy of your love is able to raise the energy in him to the fifth center.

In addition, it is also a center for communication, public relations. For example, it is good if the friends of the family are friends of the husband. You do not bring him to your company and force him to communicate with your girlfriends. And he introduces you into a certain circle of his, creates some kind of communication for you and builds connections between families.


The sixth chakra ajna is clairvoyance. A woman gives - a man accepts.

In theory, every wife should be the main helper of her husband. And her main help is not in doing what he does not like. And to provide him with something that he does not have by virtue of nature.

Let's say a woman always gives very good advice to her husband. She has intuition, and she very often feels and says - “I don’t like this guy, with whom you want to sign a contract”. A man in an ideal situation listens to her feelings. If he has enough significance in his three centers - he is realized as the head of the family, as a breadwinner and he has a certain mission - he will easily take into account the recommendations of his wife.

A woman very often feels some things, and she says - "listen, I don't like this man, let's not work with him, or, I feel, this will not end well." Some time passes - and this is how everything happens.

It often happens with me - when I don't like a person, although there is no apparent reason for this. I haven't told my husband before. And then a situation occurs - and the person is revealed from the not very best side.

I realized that my task was to protect my husband. And I started talking to him. He brushed it off at first. But after a couple of serious situations, he began to ask my opinion about people. Especially about partnerships and joint affairs with someone.

We are souls

The seventh chakra works the same for everyone - it is our connection with God. It doesn't matter if we are men or women. First of all, we are souls, and the soul has no gender.

Gender differences are important here on Earth in order to fulfill the mission for which we were born. Gender creates a framework for us that we can already fill in as we like. We can say that by giving us a female body, the Creator narrowed the circle of throwing and more clearly outlined the role that we must play here.
