The Photopop "quick Wits Test" - Alternative View

The Photopop "quick Wits Test" - Alternative View
The Photopop "quick Wits Test" - Alternative View

Video: The Photopop "quick Wits Test" - Alternative View

Video: The Photopop
Video: Shark Attack Test- Human Blood vs. Fish Blood 2024, September

Unfortunately, among the many modern fans of alternative history and even its researchers, there are not very many people who know the official history well, albeit falsified by the pseudo-historical myths of many generations of falsifiers. But in order to competently expose these myths, to look for obvious "shoals" and "inconsistencies" of this official version, you need to have at least a slightest idea about it.

And the lack of this knowledge, along with the desire to quickly publish their "discoveries" without checking the information received for its reliability from independent sources, often leads gullible people to serious embarrassment when they begin to rely on frank photo jokes of those who test this category of alternative people for the presence of brains …

The “Photoshop masterpiece” with the Sumerian “best biker” turned out to be just such a “proof” of high technologies of the past. But any person who knows history well would have immediately suspected that something was wrong, having found a Sumerian archer against the background of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Because the writing of the Sumerians was completely different - cuneiform, and not hieroglyphic, as in Egypt. And this photoshop picture shows the characteristic Egyptian script, don't even hesitate.


Here is a comparative photo for those who poorly taught official history at school. On the left is Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, and on the right is Sumerian cuneiform. Do you see the difference? If you have seen, then do not fall for such "ducks" of humorists, and when you see such inconsistencies, then immediately turn on your brains.


By the way, if you carefully and critically examine this masterpiece of Photoshop under the code name "Sumerian biker", then you can understand the technology of its creation. First, they took a sample of the Egyptian wall writing. Then they inserted, aligning the color scale, an image of an "ancient bike", probably taken from some skilled sculptors. Well, after that, over the image of the bike, again combining the color scheme, they already inserted the image of the Sumerian archer. This archer even had his second leg “wiped off” to create the illusion that he was sitting on a motorcycle. It turned out not very realistic, but for fans of sensations - it will do just that.

Could the creators of these Photoshop products be called conscious falsifiers? I think no. This, someone really got so "joked", deciding to check on the "sensible", fans of alternative history. But those who pecked at this snag showed themselves to be gullible people. Of course, everyone wants to make a “great discovery”. And even those alternative researchers who are completely sucked into their networks by YouTube, which allows you to make money on sensations and unusual interpretations, it also makes you look for all sorts of information "zest" to increase the number of views of videos and the number of channel subscribers.

Promotional video:

This is all clear. But, nevertheless, one should not forget about the elementary verification of information. By distributing such untested photo fakes and photo gags, you give the opportunity to the officials to present you as gullible and frivolous researchers of the past. And in your examples, they hang a similar "label" on all other alternative researchers. I urge all alternative researchers and fans of alternative history to be more serious about this. We still want to find out the truth about our past, and do not compose the next fantasy versions of it following the example of the falsifiers of history themselves.

By the way, personally, it didn't take me long to find the source of this photo. On the site under the name "Slavic World" in the section "Humor" there was a whole page dedicated to such historical photo-hitchings made with the help of Photoshop.

So before exploring alternative history from similar photographs, look for their source. And of course, pay attention to the characteristic traces of photoshop and signs of an implausible shift of different cultures and civilizations. It is possible that further you will also continue to be tested for ingenuity.
