Why Did The Vatican Falsify History And Religion In The Middle Ages? - Alternative View

Why Did The Vatican Falsify History And Religion In The Middle Ages? - Alternative View
Why Did The Vatican Falsify History And Religion In The Middle Ages? - Alternative View

Video: Why Did The Vatican Falsify History And Religion In The Middle Ages? - Alternative View

Video: Why Did The Vatican Falsify History And Religion In The Middle Ages? - Alternative View
Video: How the Medieval Church Frightened People Into Obedience 2024, September

The more you analyze the information on the falsification of history, the more the sinister role of the Vatican emerges in this total deception of humanity. And apparently it is no coincidence that in the many kilometers and multi-tiered depositories of the Vatican library, numerous artifacts and genuine written sources of ancient civilizations are kept inaccessible to ordinary people. Why did this "center of Catholicism", which the Vatican claims to be, needed all this? Yes, the whole point is that not only the official history, but the Catholic religion itself was likewise falsified and created with the help of many invented myths in much later times of the Middle Ages.

For example, the English historian E. Johnson, studying the history of Catholicism, came to amazing conclusions, which he set out in his book "Paul's Letters". Here they are:

The latter conclusion is especially valuable because it indicates in the interests of whom the Vatican carried out both the total falsification of history and the Christian religion. That is why the falsifiers tried to fit the official history under the “Torah” and included the Jewish Old Testament in the “Christianity” invented by them, making it essentially a “branch” of Judaism. And if Judaism is the religion of the "chosen by God" people, then Christianity and other religions of the "biblical project" are religions for the "goyim", whose fate is to serve the "chosen people". That is why in these religions the psychology of "servants of God", the slaves of the tribal god of the Jews Yahweh-Jehovah, who promised the Jews for the fulfillment of his covenants, to give the whole world together with the property of the "goyim", is so persistently implanted in these religions.

At the same time, the Vatican is increasingly revealing its role not just as the center of Catholicism, but of the entire "biblical project" of enslaving humanity, for whose interests both history and religions were falsified after the 15th century. Obviously, around this period, the conquest of the Earth by a non-humanoid force took place, creating a parasitic satanic civilization of the West, whose image is reflected in the Jewish Yahweh-Jehovah.

And it is not for nothing that the famous Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist and author of a number of books G. Sidorov directly calls the Vatican not just one of the centers of the so-called. "World government", but also the residence of the high priests of the dark egregor Amun-Seth-Yahweh-Jehovah-Satan. And the evidence of this is the evidence of some other independent researchers that many Catholic churches and the Vatican itself are used by representatives of the world parasitic "elite" as a venue for black masses and satanic bloody rituals of human sacrifice.

As for the preliminary conclusions of E. Johnson, here is what is written about them in the book of the publishing house "Conceptual" called "How and for what the scriptures are made sacred":

Thus, Catholicism is not real Christianity, but the religion of latent Satanism, which has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ. It is no coincidence that it was Catholicism that proclaimed the crucifixion of Christ as a symbol of faith - a symbol of a bloody satanic sacrifice to a dark egregor, which Christians are forced to worship, who are not in vain called the "flock" (flock), essentially consisting of "sacrificial rams" who sacrifice everything to that the same dark satanic egregor with the help of first the Inquisition, and then "crusades", religious wars, and then revolutions, riots, wars, terrorism, etc.

And in this aspect, the attempts of the current leadership of the ROC to "lie" under the Vatican are a real betrayal of their flock and help globalists in creating an ecumenist religion based on Judaism - the "Church of Satan", into which all other religions of the "biblical project" should merge. It is the Vatican that acts as the center of unification of this satanic religion, which the Illuminati want to impose on the whole world.

In his book The Committee of 300, former British intelligence officer John Coleman writes:

Therefore, people should know what is actually happening in relation to the increased contacts of hierarchs of various confessions, and that the declared "rapprochement and unification" of world religions is in fact an integral part of the establishment of a global satanic "new world order". In this aspect, the falsification of history and religions, carried out by the Vatican in the Middle Ages, was a systematic preparatory work of forces hostile to humanity to prepare this truly anti-human plan.
