Why Are Dinosaur Footprints Left In The Rock - Alternative View

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Why Are Dinosaur Footprints Left In The Rock - Alternative View
Why Are Dinosaur Footprints Left In The Rock - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Dinosaur Footprints Left In The Rock - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Dinosaur Footprints Left In The Rock - Alternative View
Video: How do Dinosaur Footprints work? 2024, September

In some places on the planet, we can observe the footprints of dinosaurs that they once left in soft, plastic soil. Why do we see these traces in our time - like some kind of child's question. But let's look at it from a different angle!

According to official geochronology, dinosaurs became extinct (or disappeared in a large-scale catastrophe) about 65 million years ago. Their bones are found during construction work and simply stumble upon in some regions of the Earth. And sometimes there are whole plateaus with traces.

Consider several places where there are clusters of dinosaur footprints and ask questions:


1. A dinosaur paw print in the Yangtze River floodplain in China

2 and 3. Traces of dinosaurs in stone in Portugal

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4. Dinosaur plateau near the village of Khojapil in Turkmenistan

Question number 1. How did the traces survive?

Scientists say that dinosaur footprints were left mostly in swampy and flooded shallow waters. Sand, clay, or whatever - turned to stone over time. But as you know, according to official geology, the petrification process has been going on for more than one thousand years. Why in loose or plastic rock there are still traces in a state as if they were left yesterday!

This could only happen in one case - the rock petrified very quickly. Perhaps in a matter of days. How is this possible? Was for years, centuries river silt or sand, and here at once took and petrified! What versions will there be? I will assume the following:

This silt or sand with dinosaur footprints covered volcanic ash. It is known to be a burnt rock in a state of fine dust. The composition and appearance of volcanic ash is very similar to cement. No wonder the ancient Romans used it in their concrete. So, this ash permeated the rock, where traces were left and it turned into concrete, into geo-concrete. Then the upper layers were "eaten" by erosion, exposing the plateau of the ancient beach.


Another variant. This plastic rock was outlets of water and mud masses, which had the ability to quickly turn to stone in air. Not instantly, but within a few days. These masses spilled over like mineral tuff during geotectonic catastrophes - during the death of dinosaurs and other flora and fauna. Exits of a mud volcano. Dinosaurs fled from threats: eruptions of magmatic volcanoes, fires, etc. I had to run over these masses.

I consider this place to be the Dinosaur Plateau near the village of Khojapil in Turkmenistan:


On satellite images, it looks like a place where something flowed down the slope into the valley (on the third slide).

The Dinosaur Plateau is approximately 400 meters long and 300 meters wide.

Brief information about footprints on this plateau:

There were even notes that among the tracks of dinosaurs on this plateau, humanoid tracks were found. But there are no photos on the net about it.


It is also possible that dinosaurs wandered in search of any food, which became extremely scarce due to the cataclysm and changes in the appearance of the territories. And they wandered into such sites with liquid clay-concrete.

Question number 2. Why are these traces on the surface, and not under the soil?

Over 65 million years, a lot of weathered and otherwise accumulated rocks should accumulate over the sites. In some epochs, meadows and forests should grow, and peat from swamps should grow. It is possible that the transferred desert sands could fill the territory and flood the silt from the rivers. In general, we should see over these stone plateaus many meters of layers of both loose and petrified rocks. And this is not. It seems that these 65 million years have not been in this area.


You can also understand when underground layers with traces rise up in the process of rapid mountain building. But here a new question arises: when did such a rapid mountain building occur that it lifted the underground layers of rock and put them vertically?


Dinosaur bones are also found on the surface. In the slopes of small hills, in deserts. Large accumulations of skeletons and bones are called dinosaur graveyards. There, too, many-meter layers are not observed over the bones.

These questions remain unanswered because Geology itself explains how convenient it is for it: where it is convenient - the soil grew, where it was needed in a different way, the soil and rocks were eaten up by erosion. And dating is done either by the depth of occurrence. Or simply from the generally recognized canons. It is accepted that dinosaurs are not less than 65 million years old, which means that any of their finds will have such a dating. You can get older. Younger - nothing.

Author: sibved