Ghosts Were Found Near The Dolmens - Alternative View

Ghosts Were Found Near The Dolmens - Alternative View
Ghosts Were Found Near The Dolmens - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Were Found Near The Dolmens - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Were Found Near The Dolmens - Alternative View
Video: Ghosts of Highway 20 - COMPLETE SERIES 2024, September

Dolmens are one of the greatest mysteries of the Earth. These structures, similar to giant beehives, are found mostly in the southern regions of the former CIS. As the ancient Circassian and Adyghe legends say, they were built by a tribe of giants, which were ruled by wise dwarf syrps. Recently, strange phenomena have been recorded near the dolmens.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a Russian archaeological expedition visited the banks of the Pshada River. There, scientists heard from local residents about the "stone houses of eternity." But when the members of the expedition asked the Adyghe people to show these "houses", none of them agreed to the role of a guide: all as one assured that it was dangerous to go to the dolmens. Only those "called by the gods" have the right to visit them with impunity. It was the higher beings who built these structures in time immemorial.

Archaeologists managed to find out that the tribe of giants who once “fell to the ground with a fiery rain” are considered gods. Only in the XX century, science was able to determine the age of dolmens - 5-10 thousand years. Archeology professor Lev Lavrov and his student Konstantin Markovin have found more than 2 thousand mysterious stone objects.

Outwardly, dolmens look like low (about 1.5 meters) diamond-shaped huts with round holes-entrances. Inside some of them, traces of burials are actually found, however, dating back to a later period. It seems that in the "houses of eternity" it was customary to bury representatives of the local nobility. The tombs contain rich utensils and decorations. Their wives are buried next to the princes - perhaps alive: many of the female skeletons were found in seated positions. According to the laws of that time, a married woman was obliged to follow her husband to the afterlife.

However, traces of burials were not found in all dolmens. In the valley of Pshady and near the Vinogradny stream on the Solonitsky ridge, stone "houses" were found, filled with food supplies. And in the area of the village of Khatlape in the valley of the Ashe river, inside the dolmen, there were fragments of dog paws piled up in a heap. Although, it is possible that initially dolmens were not intended for the repose of the dead.

Sergei Gerasimov, a lecturer at the Physics Department of the Southern Federal University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, has been interested in dolmen research for several years. It all started with the fact that his colleague Lyudmila Akopova showed him a photo of a dolmen, made near Gelendzhik, where she was on vacation, where, a meter away from the structure, a large, watermelon-sized white spot could be seen. Gerasimov studied the picture and found that it could not be an optical effect, a marriage or a photomontage.

Akopova said that in fact she saw something strange near the dolmen. Since then Gerasimov began to study dolmens, spending every summer near Gelendzhik. More than once, the camera lens actually recorded all sorts of "oddities". Anomalies were observed, in particular, in the area of the villages of Vozrozhdenie, Guzeripl and Khadzhokh. For example, one of the videos shows how a cloud of black smoke appears, as if from nowhere, near the Khadzhokh dolmen, which swirls around the structure and disappears before our eyes.

Last year, the Khadzhokh dolmen was examined by an expedition of Rostov scientists. Researchers measured electromagnetic radiation, photographed, and filmed the object. In addition to the swirling black smoke, some creatures resembling snakes glowing with a bright blue light were also filmed, which periodically crawled near the dolmens at great speed and then disappeared into the air. And once Gerasimov managed to "catch" a lump of some gaseous lumpy substance. The substance turned out to be quite material, and it was placed in a vessel, which is supposed to be transferred to a laboratory for analysis. Gerasimov himself believes that this is plasma, and the clot itself is something like ball lightning.

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As it turned out, people often observed flying black and white spherical objects near dolmens, and even ghosts - they looked like blurred silhouettes resembling living beings. According to Gerasimov, we are talking about phenomena unknown to science, possibly related to the release of certain substances into the atmosphere. After all, almost all dolmens are located in places of geological faults. Perhaps the dolmens were built in order to control these fumes, which could be harmful to the health and psyche of people.

Yuri Suprunenko