1929 Repeats Itself And Soon We Will See Queues For Free Soup - Alternative View

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1929 Repeats Itself And Soon We Will See Queues For Free Soup - Alternative View
1929 Repeats Itself And Soon We Will See Queues For Free Soup - Alternative View

Video: 1929 Repeats Itself And Soon We Will See Queues For Free Soup - Alternative View

Video: 1929 Repeats Itself And Soon We Will See Queues For Free Soup - Alternative View
Video: 91 Years Ago Today! The Stock Market Crash of 1929 2024, September

zerohedge.com: What will hungry ordinary Americans now do after the official warnings that there is no longer food for them in the US food banks?

Over the past couple of weeks, we've witnessed the largest spike in unemployment in US history. Since most of these laid-off people did not have any kind of airbag to keep them going, many of them were forced to immediately seek government help for themselves and their families.

Of course, our national food bank network was not created to cope with this scenario, and, as you will see below, many of the banks are already running into food shortages. But if things are so bad at the start of this new recession, what will it look like in a few months?

People need to understand that we are now in uncharted territory. At this stage, even the head of the IMF warns that this new economic crisis will be "much worse" than the last recession …

“Never in the history of the IMF have we witnessed the impasse that the world economy has entered today,” said Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the IMF, at a press conference.

And, of course, we are already seeing economic performance in the United States that surpasses anything we saw in 2008 and 2009, people are turning to the state for help in millions:


As this "coronavirus quarantine" continues across the country, US economic performance will be even more horrible for the foreseeable future. What Morgan Stanley is planning for the second quarter is nothing short of horror …

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And now, of course, people who are at the lowest rungs of the economic food chain will be the first to feel the blow. According to Bloomberg, Feeding America has unprecedented demand from Feeding America, the largest chain of food banks in the country.

Millions of people who have recently become unemployed go to food banks for free food and bank employees see new customers waiting in line at their doors. At the same time, food supplies to banks themselves are being reduced due to growing demand from consumers stuck at home.

Food banks are reporting a 40% increase in demand, according to Katie Fitzgerald, chief operating officer of Feeding America, a network of 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries and food programs across the country. Some even say the growth is 100% - that is, they see twice as many people in front of their doors asking for help.

And this is happening against the backdrop of the fact that the supplies themselves to food banks are significantly reduced. Large retailers, who supply food outlets to the poor in large quantities, are now themselves faced with empty shelf problems, which, due to shortages in warehouses, have become empty. And now Fitzgerald is openly warning that in some places Feeding America may soon "not have enough food to distribute" …

And now, the longer the "coronavirus quarantine" lasts, the worse and deeper the despair will be. There will be economic ups and downs in the coming days, financial markets will continue to fluctuate wildly, but the truth is that the "good times" are gone forever. And remember, this coronavirus is just the beginning, and there are many more challenges ahead.

Editorial comment

This article deals with the situation in the United States, where these very food banks are, while in other countries people have not even heard what it is. And this, by the way, is almost communism, when citizens in need come to the food bank and they are given a hefty box of food there.

But now communism in the US seems to be over. And what should people do in countries where communism is just being built and it has not even started there yet? China, for example, falsely declaring “victory over the coronavirus”, does not even hide its food problem.

And although other countries either do not write about this yet, or we simply haven’t read it yet, it is quite obvious that the global situation is the same and, if all these quarantines”are not canceled, after a while there will be no food in stores, so that we are following the development of events.
