In Cambodia, Police Detained A Male Vampire Who Drank The Blood Of Three Dogs Alive - - Alternative View

In Cambodia, Police Detained A Male Vampire Who Drank The Blood Of Three Dogs Alive - - Alternative View
In Cambodia, Police Detained A Male Vampire Who Drank The Blood Of Three Dogs Alive - - Alternative View

Video: In Cambodia, Police Detained A Male Vampire Who Drank The Blood Of Three Dogs Alive - - Alternative View

Video: In Cambodia, Police Detained A Male Vampire Who Drank The Blood Of Three Dogs Alive - - Alternative View
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In Cambodia's Kampong Cham province last Sunday, police arrested a man who was caught red-handed by his own parents.

According to the Khmer Times, the man killed at least five animals, including three dogs, and drank all the blood from them alive, tearing their throats.

Ran Rich, a 24-year-old farmer, lived with his parents in Reap commune. At about 5 pm on Saturday, he drank wine from a bottle and, according to him, after that, something seemed to be possessed by him. He felt a supernatural strength and desire for blood in himself.

Rich's parents were away, so no one stopped the man from attacking his three dogs in the yard of the house, and then killing them, sucking all the blood out of the animals alive. After that, he still had a strong thirst for blood, so Ran Rich went and killed the chicken in the same way, and then the cat.

According to Police Major Chun Bopha, after that, the man finally got enough and went to bed, and in the morning his parents arrived and saw a terrible sight in the house. Everything around was smeared with blood, and in the rooms were the bodies of animals with a gnawed throat.


In addition to the police, the man's mother turned to local Buddhist monks for help, she asked to expel evil spirits from her son.

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Ran Rich is currently with the monks, where he is prepared for cleansing rituals. No charges were brought against him from the police side, since all the dead animals were the property of his family.

Recall that earlier a similar dog vampire was detained in Yemen. In 2016, the vampire's neighbors noticed him doing this, and when the police broke into the suspect's small private house on the outskirts of the city of Hodeidah, they found him right behind the process, an untidy man sucking blood from a small live puppy.