During The Flood, People Turned Into Dolphins - Alternative View

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During The Flood, People Turned Into Dolphins - Alternative View
During The Flood, People Turned Into Dolphins - Alternative View

Video: During The Flood, People Turned Into Dolphins - Alternative View

Video: During The Flood, People Turned Into Dolphins - Alternative View
Video: Live - Dolphin's Cry 2024, September

There is a legend that during the Flood, people turned into dolphins. Otherwise, how to explain the developed intelligence of these waterfowl creatures and boundless love for man? Researchers have a lot of fantasies about this. One of them sounds quite plausible and convincing: they say, the planet Earth was originally conceived as a planet of the water element. And dolphins were designed as the most intelligent creatures on the planet.

Who are they?

The fact that dolphins are the most ancient civilization of intelligent creatures on earth, who possess deep knowledge and abilities that are inaccessible to humans, sounds controversial and even offensive. We would rather agree that dolphins are just a parallel civilization that has inhabited the planet for millions of years. They possess a language that is almost as complex as that of a human. We have not yet been given to understand it. But it is already known that whistling, clicking and grinding not only resemble words, but carry some information. In addition, besides humans, only dolphins recognize themselves in the mirror and have sex not only for procreation, but also for pleasure.

And this is not surprising: the size of the brain of dolphins is comparable to that of a human. And even larger in weight: 1.7 kilograms (human - 1.5 kg). And they have twice as many convolutions. But how did dolphins get such large and sinuous brains? Scientists cannot really answer anything, they only say that, they say, a certain mutation has occurred. The intelligent evolution of dolphins began 47 million years ago. There were no people on Earth then. Dolphins first lived on land. Then for some reason they went to sea. They lost their arms and legs, but grew wiser. After 10 million years, man appeared. And then the dolphins began to degrade. Now they lead a rather idle lifestyle: they fish and swim. Why a big brain for this? Some scientists believe that dolphins saved it by turning it into a repository of information. They believe,that in the dolphin's brain the whole history of their civilization is “written down”, and they expect to decipher the language of dolphins someday. By the way, aliens have already done this a long time ago. As many ufologists assert now, "plates" arrive at the call of dolphins.

As a kamikaze

And yet, scientists are not mistaken, who claim that man descended from a monkey. We stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the superiority of dolphins and at the same time try to imitate them just like a monkey. 55-year-old Henry Kuprashvili decided to swim across the Dardanelles … with his hands and feet tied. He imagined himself a dolphin and decided to immortalize his name in the Guinness Book of Records. Kuprashvili studied the history of Georgian military art and found out that in ancient Colchis, warriors were required to be able to swim with their hands tied to their bodies and with their legs tied at the knees - like dolphins. And on one of the winter days in a pool in Tbilisi at 0 degrees of air and +28 degrees of water, Kuprashvili, with his hands and feet tied, swam two kilometers in 32 minutes and 38 seconds to the cheers of fans. Ahead are the Dardanelles and the worldwide glory of the dolphin man.

"People of the Sea" have always attracted special attention of people. Even an ancient Greek legend has brought to us the story of the miraculous rescue of the singer Orion, thrown into the sea from a ship by pirates and picked up by dolphins who brought him to the shore. Already in modern times, at the end of the last century, the story of Pelorus-Jack thundered, a dolphin who took on the role of a pilot in a narrow winding passage off the coast of New Zealand and served people with faith and truth for 22 years.

Dolphins serve man to this day. Rescuing drowning people, treating people. Now even the branch of non-traditional medicine - dolphin therapy - is practiced with might and main. Communication with dolphins in their own environment, it turns out, has a positive effect on children with Down syndrome and infantile cerebral palsy, on neurotics and suffering from psychosomatic diseases (that is, those diseases that are from nerves - for example, stomach ulcers or hypertension).

Promotional video:

You can also take a course of dolphin therapy here in Crimea. The International Institute for Dolphin Therapy conducts treatment sessions at its bases on the Black Sea in Yevpatoria and on the Mediterranean Sea in Turkey (Kas).

In a word, they treat us and save us, and we simply use them, sometimes for not entirely peaceful purposes. Now everyone knows that dolphins were trained in secret laboratories of the USSR and the USA. America used them in military operations. It was during the Vietnam War and during the 1987-1988 war between Iran and Iraq, when dolphins were guarded by American ships. They were also trained to find the saboteur, overtake him and put a permanent bracelet on his leg. After that, they set in motion a special float, and they themselves sailed to a safe distance. The patrol noticed the float and detained the intruder.

In the USSR, the mass training of pinnipeds and dolphins began in the 60s. In the Soviet Union, dolphinariums were built in the Crimea and the Far East. The military managed to bypass the natural reluctance of dolphins to deliver pain to humans - a titanium clip with a lethal dose of compressed carbon dioxide was placed on his nose. The dolphin pushed the scuba diver with his nose - the clip injected a lethal dose under the suit.

The Sea People were trained to capture enemy divers, to distinguish types of submarines by the operation of propellers, and to blow up ships. They tried to turn dolphins and seals into kamikaze, which are able to detect and, at the cost of their own lives, send the enemy's ship to the bottom. But this program was closed, because after the first death of the dolphin, his relatives already refused to "play war." Subsequently, sea lions, dolphins, seals and even a killer whale from Soviet laboratories were re-profiled into scouts and pursuers of scuba divers. In the 80s, dolphins were on alert in the USSR at the entrance to the harbor of Sevastopol.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the closure of a top-secret military project, dolphins, walruses, sea lions, seals and one killer whale were sold to Iran, which, it is possible, acted only as a customer for a third party.

Sea suicides

It still remains a mystery why dolphins are washed ashore? Scientists believe that they are forced to rise to the surface too quickly due to the frightening sound coming from the submarines. Deep sea animals can suffer from decompression sickness, a disease of divers. Therefore, the researchers insist on a deeper study of the issue of the dangers of submarines and urge to take more seriously the use of sonic radar.

Yes, we still don't know a lot about the "people of the sea". And sometimes, without realizing it and wanting to act only for the good, we harm the dolphins. But ahead - new research and discoveries that will help people of land and sea to become friends.