Fires In Sicily - The Work Of Aliens! - Alternative View

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Fires In Sicily - The Work Of Aliens! - Alternative View
Fires In Sicily - The Work Of Aliens! - Alternative View

Video: Fires In Sicily - The Work Of Aliens! - Alternative View

Video: Fires In Sicily - The Work Of Aliens! - Alternative View
Video: Sicily Fires 2024, September

“In Italy, a special investigation into the causes of a number of fires in refrigerators, televisions and mobile phones has finally identified those responsible. In an official statement recently prepared by scientists, all responsibility for the fires in the seaside town of Canneto di Caronia, between Palermo and Messina, rests with aliens testing their secret weapon!"

Over the course of a couple of weeks in Canneto di Caronia, there were several dozen cases of arbitrary ignition of household electrical appliances - from televisions to toasters.

At first, they sinned on a power failure, but furniture began to catch fire in the same way. In front of the surprised gazes of the townspeople, sofas, blankets and curtains in several houses were engulfed in flames.

“I myself saw electrical cables not plugged into the network catch fire. And I can't explain it, I've never seen anything like it, - reported one of the local police."

At first, no one believed the stories of Canneto's inhabitants. Desperate residents had to block a railroad passing by in order to force the authorities to take their concerns seriously.

City of magic fires

Three years ago, this settlement interested the world community after local residents told about the facts of everyday fire of household appliances.

For a couple of weeks in Canneto di Caronia, there were several dozen cases of arbitrary ignition of household electrical appliances - from televisions to toasters.

At first, they sinned on a power failure, but furniture began to catch fire in the same way. In front of the surprised gazes of the townspeople, sofas, blankets and curtains in several houses were engulfed in flames.

“I myself saw electrical cables not plugged into the network catch fire. And I can't explain it, I've never seen anything like it, - reported one of the local police."

At first, no one believed the stories of Canneto's inhabitants. Desperate residents had to block the railroad passing by in order to force the authorities to take their concerns seriously.

Since then, the story has gained fame, and Canneto, where 150 thousand people live, began to be called "the city of magic fires." The presence of fire brigade and police officers was reinforced here, but they found no evidence of deliberate arson.

Energy company Enel cut the entire city off the grid, but electrical appliance fires continued. Even the water supply system was on fire.

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In search of a scientific explanation of what is happening in Canneto, a huge number of experts from different organizations have gathered. But at first, this did not lead to unambiguous scientific explanations for the mysterious fires.

One of the local residents told how his boots and trousers flared up, and he felt the devilish smell of sulfur.

For several days, some of the inhabitants of the town were evacuated, and the carabinieri blocked access to the dangerous area for curious tourists.

Battlefield - Earth

Rumors spread among the inhabitants of Canneto of an invasion of demonic forces, the battle with which was a small town on the rocky shores of the Mediterranean Sea. There were also versions about the influence on the electrical appliances of some kind of military space satellite or a submarine floating near.

Scientists assumed that the fires were triggered by an unusual electromagnetic phenomenon, and the famous Catholic priest and chief exorcist of the Vatican, Father Gabriel Amort, called for blessing houses affected by mysterious fires.

He claimed that what happened in the town was what usually happens "when a demon enters the life of those who allow it."

In another interview, the priest said: “If this happens, then there is a reason. It means that someone in these parts is having fun with magic, which opens the door that Satan uses. Occultism has always been widespread, and interest in it is higher than ever right now."

According to Amorth, it is only natural that electrical appliances and electrical outlets reacted to the "underground magic". “I have already seen something like this in houses desecrated by the devil, who demonstrates his presence precisely through appliances powered by electricity,” he said. - I have repeatedly seen how TVs, dishwashers and washing machines and even home telephones, in other words, everything connected with electricity, light up. Naturally, not only electrical appliances light up, but everything else. Let's not forget that Satan and his spirits have great power."

Two weeks later, the fiery bacchanalia in Cannetto suddenly stopped. What caused this is unknown. According to the Vatican, the devil just "played enough" with electricity.

“At the request of the Italian government, dozens of experts from the Civil Protection Department, including electronics engineers and military personnel, worked in the city. The study also involved American experts from NASA. As a result, together they found out that the fire was caused by strong electromagnetic waves with a power of 12-15 gigawatts, which are not created by man."

The commission's report also says that a UFO may have landed near Canneto di Caronia - a clearing with burnt grass was found on the field.

“We are not saying that the little green man from Mars set the arson. We admit that some unnatural forces are to blame, capable of creating large electromagnetic energy,”said Francisco Mantegna Venerando of the Sicilian Civil Defense Department at a press conference.