Civilization Of The Four Moons - Alternative View

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Civilization Of The Four Moons - Alternative View
Civilization Of The Four Moons - Alternative View

Video: Civilization Of The Four Moons - Alternative View

Video: Civilization Of The Four Moons - Alternative View
Video: The Most Advanced Civilization In The Universe 2024, September

Our planet has existed for billions of years, and as scientists say, life on it is tens of millions … In this situation, it is surprising that the “century” of human civilization is a miserable several tens of thousands of years.

Or maybe it's not that simple? Maybe our civilization is not the first in this world? Yes it is. The Four Moon Hypothesis claims that intelligent beings lived on Earth before us.

According to this teaching, the Earth was created by the Supreme Forces of the Universe together with four satellites. These four moons revolved in a near-earth orbit, the same in which our only Moon now revolves.

First Moon civilization

Due to the even distribution of these moons in orbit, the conditions on Earth in ancient times were much more comfortable than modern ones, therefore the development of life went very quickly, and soon evolution reached its apogee - intelligent beings appeared. The first sapiens on our planet were humanoid lizards.

In their shapes and sizes, they very much resembled modern people, but they had the distinctive features of reptiles. They lived in the time of the dinosaurs - the civilization of the lizard-sapiens reached its peak about 65 million years ago. At their peak, intelligent reptiles possessed technologies that we never dreamed of.

They completely solved the energy problem by building annihilation reactors, mastered the planets of the solar system they needed, actively worked on the creation of a hyperspace engine, and began to conduct the first experiments on time travel.

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The latter turned out to be an extremely dangerous occupation, because interference in the structure of Time could lead to the complete destruction of not only the Earth, but also the entire region of Space in which our Star System was located.

However, our lizard-like ancestors, blinded by their scientific achievements, did not want to see the light and continued to conduct dangerous experiments. With this they signed their own death warrant. We know that 65 million years ago there was a global catastrophe on the planet that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

It is believed that it was caused by an asteroid that fell to Earth, but in fact, one of the moons fell on the planet. The Higher Forces were forced to commit this unprecedented act and destroy the civilization of lizardmen in order to save our world from destruction.

Second Moon civilization

The next civilization arose much later - the planet had to heal its wounds for a long time after the fall of the first moon. This culture reached its heyday about a million years ago. The second on earth were already real people - primates descended from tree monkeys that lived in northern Africa.

Their main feature was the presence of forty-eight (versus forty-six in Homo sapiens) chromosomes. Outwardly, these people practically did not differ from us. But they were of the same race, and this race did not belong to the white. They did not succeed in reaching the technological heights of the lizard sapiens, but having discovered the fission reaction of atomic nuclei, they quickly accumulated such stocks of nuclear weapons that our people, far from peaceful creatures, must certainly develop an inferiority complex in this regard.

Maybe the "second people" would have been able to get out and not send everything to tar-ta-ra-ry, but … they could not. The nuclear apocalypse has happened. However, the civilization of the latter did not perish immediately. In deep bunkers, people continued to work on the creation of new weapons of mass destruction.

Soon, a method was discovered for obtaining antimatter in quantities sufficient to create an annihilation bomb. But if an antimatter bomb were used, the end of the earth would come. And so … It happened. The second moon fell to Earth. By the way, it was the smallest moon, almost an asteroid, but its fall also caused such tectonic shifts that all underground bunkers and laboratories were destroyed.

Civilization of the third moon

The third civilization was the Atlantean civilization. Genetically Atlanteans are our siblings - we have a common primitive ancestor. But at the time when our forefathers were striking sparks with silicon in primitive caves, the Atlanteans already possessed antigravity. But they had a huge problem - a lack of energy.

Thermonuclear fusion could not meet their growing needs, and the Atlanteans did not learn how to obtain antimatter for annihilation. Then they conceived something incredible. They decided to break through to the earth's core, which would become an inexhaustible source of energy for them.

But the Atlanteans did not understand that their attempts to drill a well to the core could lead to the split of the planet. To stop them, the third moon had to fall on Atlantis. The mainland left the carriage, and the gigantic tsunami, which was a consequence of this catastrophe, remained forever captured in the biblical story of the Flood.

A modern man, the civilization of the fourth moon?

Currently, we humans own the Earth. But look what is happening around … Endless wars, thoughtless siphoning of resources from the earth, water and air, destruction of animals, deforestation … Maybe you should stop and think hard - after all, there, above, there is still one Moon.