Is The Consciousness Of The Experimenter Capable Of Influencing The Results Of Experiments? - Alternative View

Is The Consciousness Of The Experimenter Capable Of Influencing The Results Of Experiments? - Alternative View
Is The Consciousness Of The Experimenter Capable Of Influencing The Results Of Experiments? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Consciousness Of The Experimenter Capable Of Influencing The Results Of Experiments? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Consciousness Of The Experimenter Capable Of Influencing The Results Of Experiments? - Alternative View
Video: New Experiments Show Consciousness Affects Matter ~ Dean Radin, PhD 2024, September

It must be said that theoretical physicists studying quantum mechanics have already answered this question in the affirmative, having introduced the appropriate term "observer effect". For a long time, this was considered a confirmation that our consciousness is capable of influencing the microcosm, the world of elementary particles, and nothing more. However, what is the real situation? Is the consciousness of the experimenter, his attitude, beliefs capable of influencing the results of experiments in the macrocosm?

Psychics, for example, have long noticed that if among the examiners present, the majority are pseudoskeptics, indiscriminately considering all psychics to be scammers and charlatans, then the results of demonstrating extrasensory capabilities are significantly reduced, or even completely disappear. Of course, in our country, where the dictates of the pseudoscientific commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is absolutely unsubstantiatedly engaged in hanging labels and lobbying the interests of transnational corporations, no one has conducted such research. But, outside the RAS "zone of responsibility" - in the USA and Britain, a whole series of similar experiments was carried out, and just devoted to the influence of experimenters on the indicators of extrasensory perception.

What did these experiments show? But their results turned out to be very interesting. For example, as Jean van Bronckhorst describes them in his book "Premonitions in Everyday Life":

Thus, the beliefs and personal attitudes of researchers can influence the performance of experiments. This means that for the purity of experiments to identify extrasensory abilities or to test them in psychics, it is necessary that among the experimenters there should be an equal number of skeptics who are pre-configured for a negative result, and those who admit the likelihood of the existence of extrasensory perception, without being blindly convinced of the dogmatist, that science ends where the boundary of one's own horizons ends.

Also, the results of these experiments show how information propaganda in the media, on TV and on Internet resources affects our consciousness. Well, as for the psychic capabilities themselves, a lot depends on the person himself and if he is convinced in advance of their absence, then the probability of their manifestation will tend to zero. This is how people for themselves, as well as under the influence of external propaganda, close access to expanding the abilities of their consciousness. This is exactly what the entire clique of lured servants of the parasitic system needs in order to, following the orders of their masters, keep humanity at the semi-animal level of individuals with a half-sleeping consciousness.

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