Atlantis Is Where It Belongs! - Alternative View

Atlantis Is Where It Belongs! - Alternative View
Atlantis Is Where It Belongs! - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis Is Where It Belongs! - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis Is Where It Belongs! - Alternative View
Video: 20 Signs You've Returned From Atlantis (Your Soul Origin) 2024, October

Disputes about the location or identification of the mysterious continent have been going on for a long time, but why not imagine that the location of Atlantis is where it is placed - just behind the Pillars of Hercules - that is, in the Atlantic Ocean. What was Atlantis according to the original sources:

The whole territory of the island: Length - 1110 km (6000 stadia) Width: 400 km (2100 stadia) - large island with an aspect ratio of 2: 1;

The plain surrounding the capital: Length 579 km (3000 stadia) Width: 386 km (2000 stadia) - the plain occupied about half of the island;

The capital itself: the city of Poseidonis (diameter presumably about 6.8 km (37 stadia)).

The capital was located along the central axis in the south of the island.

In the center of it was the Acropolis island, 965 meters in diameter (5 stages), which was surrounded by two earthen ramparts (the outer one was covered with copper, the inner one was made of tin, the wall of the acropolis itself was an orichalcum) and width 579 meters (3 stages), average - 386 meters (2 stages), around the Acropolis - 193 meters (1 stages)), had two springs - warm and cold (around which baths were organized) and was connected to the sea by a channel 9, 7 km (50 stades) and a width of 96 meters (3 pletra). The Acropolis included: the holy Temple of Kleito and Poseidon (enclosed by a golden wall - the "mother's house") and the "barbaric" looking Temple of Poseidon alone (with a statue of the god himself on a chariot with 6 horses, 100 Nereids on dolphins and other statues). Outside, around the temple, there were images of wives and direct relatives of the kings and gifts from vassals.

Population of Atlantis: approximately 6,000,000 people.

State power: 10 kings (archons), the eldest (supreme) of them - Atlas (received the "mother's house" - the acropolis hill and the capital Poseidonis).

Promotional video:

Army (fully mobilized): 660,000 (including 10,000 war chariots).

Fleet: 1,200 battle triremes and 240,000 sailors.

Climate: tropical judging by the fact that elephants were found on the island.

Poseidon is the supreme god of the sea
Poseidon is the supreme god of the sea

Poseidon is the supreme god of the sea.

The ancestors of Atlantis were Poseidon and a mortal girl - Kleito (according to legend - gave birth to 5 pairs of twins), whose parents were local residents Evenor and his wife Leucippa. There was a written language (since, inside the Temple of Poseidon, there was a "sacred stele" on which the laws of the ancestors were written).

According to Plato, the Atlantean archons ("equal among the first ten") had compound nicknames: Eumel - "rich in herds", Evemon - "ardent", Amfereus - "round", Mnessey - "thinker", Autochthon - "born by the earth", Elasippus - "rider" ("chasing horses"), Mnestor - "groom", Azaes - "sultry", Diaprep - "magnificent, glorious". Based on the description, we see, though developed, but quite a typical ancient civilization.

If you look at all the islands behind the Pillars of Hercules, then we will not see a single one with such parameters, they are either small or of insufficient width. What to do? Wait, the island is drowned! So you need to look for flooded areas. And here a map of the ocean floor will help us.

The relief of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean
The relief of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean

The relief of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

If you look at the bottom relief, you can see that in addition to the central ridge, there is an area related to the continental plate, but flooded with water - this is the Bermuda Bank in the Sargasso Sea.

Now let's look at the map of Atlantis from the scientific geographical textbook of R. A. Kircher called "Mundus Subteranues" written in 1665.

Map of Atlantis from the scientific geographical textbook "Mundus Subteranues". R. A. Kircher. 1665 year
Map of Atlantis from the scientific geographical textbook "Mundus Subteranues". R. A. Kircher. 1665 year

Map of Atlantis from the scientific geographical textbook "Mundus Subteranues". R. A. Kircher. 1665 year.

Since the card is upside down, we detach the island and turn it over as expected. An arrow pointing north, and at the same time we will compare it with a Bermuda bank.

Bank of Bermuda and Atlantis from Kircher's map
Bank of Bermuda and Atlantis from Kircher's map

Bank of Bermuda and Atlantis from Kircher's map.

Similar outlines, isn't that so? Especially the mountainous north. The southern plain, however, suffered the most. Once upon a time the peaks of the Bermuda mountains rose majestically over the island. Place Kircher Island above the bank.

Plato's Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean
Plato's Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean

Plato's Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean.

Here is Atlantis! An ancient island state, in the rivers of which eel still tends to breed.

Migration and reproduction of the European eel
Migration and reproduction of the European eel

Migration and reproduction of the European eel.

But the depth of the sinkhole of the island, several kilometers, will not allow excavating Poseidonis, as easily as Troy. We will wait for the development of underwater robots.