An Incredible Case Of Reincarnation: A Little Boy Was Able To Solve A Crime - Alternative View

An Incredible Case Of Reincarnation: A Little Boy Was Able To Solve A Crime - Alternative View
An Incredible Case Of Reincarnation: A Little Boy Was Able To Solve A Crime - Alternative View

Video: An Incredible Case Of Reincarnation: A Little Boy Was Able To Solve A Crime - Alternative View

Video: An Incredible Case Of Reincarnation: A Little Boy Was Able To Solve A Crime - Alternative View
Video: Reincarnation: Boy Remembers Past Life & Solves His Own Murder | #SimplyDARK S3 Ep4 2024, September

A 3-year-old boy belonging to the Druze ethnic Jewish group was able to solve a crime that was committed in his past life.

The Druze live primarily in Israel's Golan Heights, a disputed territory with Syria. The little boy claimed to be born in a Syrian village, where he was killed by his neighbor.

The boy, whose name is still unknown, was born with a red mole on his face. Druze believe that such marks of a child come with him from a past life. When young children with these "signs" talk about their memories from a previous incarnation, everyone takes it seriously and makes every effort to visit the place where he used to live.

The boy said that he used to live in the village where he was killed by a neighbor.

The relatives decided to take the child to his former homeland. Among the escorts was the Israeli MD Eli Lash, who showed an extraordinary interest in the case.

The boy was taken to two villages, but he did not recognize these places. Finally, when he saw the third settlement, he said that it was there that he had lived all his life. The boy listed the names of all the villagers, including the name of his killer. After he gave the name of his previous incarnation, villagers confirmed that a man with that name had gone missing about four years ago.

The boy and his entourage went through the whole village and he pointed to the house where he allegedly lived earlier. Then the boy went up to the man who was standing in the crowd of curious people and called him by his name. The man confirmed that the boy was right.

Then the boy uttered words that shocked everyone: “I used to be your neighbor. We fought and you killed me with an ax. I even know where you hid my body."

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Those present saw that suddenly the man's face became white as chalk.

After that, the boy and a group of villagers, including the alleged killer, went to the nearest field. There, the child pointed to a pile of stones and said that the killer had buried the body in this very place.

Indeed, during the excavations, the corpse of an adult man was found with a crack in the skull, which could well have been the result of an ax blow.

The man immediately confessed to the murder, but was not handed over to the police. It is unknown if he received any punishment.

This amazing case was described in the work of the German therapist Trutz Hardo "Children who lived before." The story was included in the book after careful verification for authenticity. The name of the three-year-old boy was never revealed, and Dr. Eli Lush passed away in 2009, taking this secret with him forever.