Geopathogenic Zones - Alternative View

Geopathogenic Zones - Alternative View
Geopathogenic Zones - Alternative View

Video: Geopathogenic Zones - Alternative View

Video: Geopathogenic Zones - Alternative View
Video: Geopathic stress Healing 2024, April

Our planet, despite its rather large size, is by no means suitable for human habitation everywhere. Almost three quarters of the planet's surface is covered with liquid, and about 30% of the remaining are unsuitable for life. It turns out that seven billion people have to "huddle" on some 110 million square kilometers. That is, each of us has about 15 thousand square meters of land or, in simpler terms, a square of 120 by 120 m.

It would seem that such huge areas are more than enough for a comfortable life of not only 7, but almost 200 billion people, however, due to various factors, it will not be possible to achieve such figures. And the point here is not only in climate conditions or some features of the relief. There is another factor that very seriously limits the use of these spaces - the presence of a huge number of anomalies, on the territory of which humanity is not recommended to live.

It is interesting that such anomalies or geopathogenic zones began to be discovered relatively recently, no more than 100 years ago, and even then, analyzing the consequences of their impact on people after the fact. And, in principle, this is not surprising: only at the beginning of the 20th century, the rapid growth of the population began; from 1.5 billion people at the beginning to 6 at the end. In addition, at the same time, such a science as medical statistics appeared. It was she who kept records of the diseases of this mass of people, depending on their habitat; before, no one paid attention to it.

Having considered a huge number of mass diseases and deaths, scientists have come to quite interesting conclusions. In about 75% of cases of deterioration in the life of the population, factors were detected quite easily - these were either climatic conditions, or the influence of the biosphere or technogenic factors. However, the remaining 25% was not explained by absolutely anything. That is, it was impossible to explain a quarter of cases of mass diseases or deaths! In any case, according to official figures.

However, the conservatism of science has always been an obstacle to its development. The scientific method is very skeptical in nature and requires a very scrupulous approach to the quality of the collected material and its confirmation. And, nevertheless, there were enthusiasts who were not afraid to challenge the conservative approach.

The first of the researchers of geopathogenic zones was Gustav Pohl, who investigated cases of massive oncological diseases in one of the German cities. Residents of one of the districts too often fell ill with cancer, moreover, the probability of its occurrence was about 20 times higher than in neighboring cities. Having thoroughly investigated their living conditions (the composition of the atmosphere, the geology of the soil, the materials from which their houses are made, the radiation levels and the chemical composition of the water, etc.), he did not find any differences between this area of the city and any other. However, the statistics stubbornly asserted that there were still some differences, the whole question was that they were not registered by any modern means. In addition, Paul pointed out in his research that almost all residents of this area indicated frequent unreasonable cases of poor sleep, however,as soon as they change their place of residence, this problem, like many others, went away.

The real sensation was Ernst Hartman's book on the relationship between residence and chronic diseases, in which the author examines more than half a thousand cases when people in the same habitats fell ill with the same diseases without any objective reasons.

But that was not all. Karl Bachler, based on the first maps of these zones, conducted research on other representatives of wildlife - from trees to domestic animals that inhabited these territories. His conclusions were also disappointing: in almost all living creatures that live in them, pathologies were found, the origin of which had no explanation.

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All this material was used in the first systematic studies of geopathogenic zones. These studies made it possible to develop criteria for assessing the suitability of certain areas for people to live in them. As a result, it turned out that a fairly large percentage of the population lives in an area that is a potential risk zone. There were even several maps of the location of these zones, depending on their negative impact. And even the first comparisons of these maps with the physical map of the Earth showed very interesting relationships.

First, it turned out that most geopathogenic regions are located above the joints of tectonic plates. Secondly, a large number of anomalies are located above mineral deposits, in particular, metal ores. And, thirdly, the most interesting thing is that many such zones were located above underground reservoirs and rivers. However, there were areas where there were no features of the geological structure or any deviations, and all the same, they were what is often called a "bad place" in common speech.

What is the cause of such manifestations, what forces and phenomena can affect the physiology of creatures living in these areas? Today there is no definite answer, however, research is being actively carried out. It has already been found out that insignificant distortions of the Earth's magnetic field are present in the regions of all anomalous zones. Moreover, despite the fact that these distortions are relatively small and do not in any way affect the life processes occurring in living organisms, they are present in all geopathogenic zones. It has been suggested that these curvatures of the magnetic field are the result of something more significant and having a serious impact, for example, on protein synthesis in the cells of living things. The first devices to detect them appeared, and it was found that they behave in approximately the same way in different anomalous zones.

Studies of geopathogenic zones have led to another interesting discovery: most of them are somehow connected with the cult buildings of ancient civilizations. This fact was pointed out by one of their researchers, archaeologist Michael O'Kelly. On the territory of almost any such zone, there was either a temple, or a temple, or just some group of altars. Moreover, all large structures of antiquities (from the Egyptian pyramids to St. Peter's Cathedral) are located either on the territory of these zones, or in close proximity to them.

How can you explain such a choice of ancient peoples in the construction of religious buildings near places that carry such a strong negative energy? And, in fact, the question of what criteria these places were determined by is still haunted by researchers.

It is not excluded that the places of construction of the temples were chosen empirically using some unknown methods. It is quite possible that religious practices allowed the negative energy of anomalous zones to be used and turned into something different, perhaps even positive. We use frankly harmful substances to extract benefits from them. Why couldn't the mystics of antiquity use the negative energy of pathogenic zones?

And there is another interesting theory, which in fact resembles the plot of "Roadside Picnic". It is possible that these zones are not at all the result of some processes occurring exclusively on Earth. Maybe aliens had a hand in this? Using flows of energy unknown to us, they thus "modified" our planet in order to be able to use this energy for their own purposes, for example, for refueling their ships.

Or, perhaps, different zones were intended for different purposes. After all, the sizes of these zones are very different: from gigantic, such as the Bermuda Triangle, to very much "patches" on which a small village house is located. In addition, now we are talking about these zones as something negative, because we have encountered precisely their negative manifestations. It is possible that there are also zones of "positive" nature and we simply do not notice them, since they do not worsen our life.

Be that as it may, geopathogenic zones exist and scientists of the future will have to solve many problems associated with them. Further resettlement of mankind on the continents, its occupation of areas that were not previously used, may open up new unexplored areas of anomalies. Who knows what will await us there - regular accidents from unknown reasons, or the discovery of new forces and sensations by humanity?