The Development Of Intuition - Alternative View

The Development Of Intuition - Alternative View
The Development Of Intuition - Alternative View

Video: The Development Of Intuition - Alternative View

Video: The Development Of Intuition - Alternative View

I will try to explain how to develop intuition in this article using simple and logical examples. On a mundane level, intuition can quite adequately be reduced to sensitivity, insight, empathy and physiognomy. We simply begin to perceive life contemplatively, penetrating deeper into the essence of all phenomena. In a broad sense, the development of intuition occurs intuitively, that is, not by the mind, but by direct perception of the phenomenon that is occurring at the present moment in time.

Imagine: you are sitting alone on a quiet bank and looking at the river. What will you see? Most people won't see anything interesting. What is there to look at? The river is the river. The mind marked the river as a river and galloped on, in search of new impressions. It is boring to look at the river for more than ten seconds, because "nothing happens." The mind needs impressions: brighter, more interesting. Boredom is the main building block for developing intuition.

Now let us imagine, on the bank of the same river, some average bodhisattva who contemplates this river with his bodhichitta. What will a contemplative person see when looking at the river? He will see the same river! But he won't immediately label her as a "river." He will not dwell on this label and then jump to other "objects" in search of new experiences. The contemplator continues to look and see. He sees more than just a river. He sees a fresh, always different "interweaving" of countless streams in the movement of lapping river waves and water bubbles. He sees countless worlds that are born and immediately dissolve in this spontaneous movement. He hears the "music" of the murmur, in which not a single "chord" is repeated. And the longer the contemplator sees the river, the deeper he penetrates into its world,up to the complete fusion and dissolution of attention in this world.

The development of intuition is a look into the "depth" of what is happening here and now. The layman is bored when “nothing happens”. Boredom dulls perception, makes one strive for coarser and more "colorful" impressions. Where for the layman "nothing happens", the contemplative gaze reveals the whole world! It is not for nothing that "intuitio" in Latin means contemplation. The development of intuition occurs due to the refinement of perception. River gazing is a good practice for developing intuition. Any object can be suitable for contemplation, peering into which, you comprehend its essence.

People have forgotten how to contemplate. We wait for someone to surprise us with something interesting, or funny, so that attention is awakened automatically. The consciousness of a modern person has become lazy, coarse and "zazhral". The common man's mind is clouded by bright pictures from the "screens". On a platter we are presented with the most intense refined images lying on a rough surface. We can only lazily swallow all this information chaos. Most people like it with pepper, sharper, louder, brighter, more "glamorous" in order to squeeze out the remnants of consciousness. Modern man has forgotten how to enjoy the natural taste of life here and now.

A similar process occurs when listening to music. Probably, you already guess why young people do not know how to listen to classical music? Classical music seems to most people "colorless", too boring. "Rough" modern music ("pop", "metal", "electronic music", etc.) gives at least some (albeit rough) impressions. It's the same with food. Spicy sauces, seasonings, artificial sweeteners, colors, concentrates, flavors: all this has replaced the taste of "live" food for us. Also in rest. At one extreme: clubs, parties, light and music, noise, alcohol, tobacco, many superficial connections with people, a range of rich impressions. All of this sucks consciousness out of us and devastates us. At the other extreme, nature, a healthy lifestyle, clean, light, fresh and healthy food, sophisticated creativity, books,deep relationships with a narrow circle of close people, acceptance, understanding. These are the best conditions for the natural development of intuition.

All gross manifestations in all areas cloud the mind and dull perception, which, of course, prevents the development of intuition. Simply put, the development of intuition is blocked when we “consume” the gross manifestations of reality. Intuition develops when we try to perceive the harmony of more and more subtle spheres, when interacting with which our perception becomes refined. The development of intuition occurs most intensely when we deliberately practice mindfulness, concentration, and contemplation. Refined contemplative consciousness perceives the usual images from the "screens" as too bright, rough and saturated and chooses refinement. Only awakened attention and contemplation give impressions of the highest "quality". The more contemplation, the more a person gets impressions in any conditions, without feeling bored.

When you feel bored, try peering into the experience. Don't take it at face value. What is this experience? Where is it localized? Where does it start? Does it have a form? Penetration into the experience gives awareness of its subtle aspects that were not available to the surface consciousness. The contemplative consciousness exposes boredom, “dismembers” it into more subtle impulses, the contemplation of which can become an exciting game. This is a valuable experience of self-discovery.

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Developing intuition is not a freebie. If you are serious about it, it can take years of practice to see results. Perception develops so gradually that most often the changes are generally invisible. However, if you remember what you were like half a year - a year ago, the changes will be obvious. It's like the growth of a child. A parent does not see how his child is growing, because he sees him every day. And rare guests are surprised at how quickly other people's children grow up.

Life is constantly flowing and changing. Intuitive perception is sophisticated. The contemplative consciousness sees not the fictional, and not the "beyond." The contemplative consciousness sees what is. He just sees more clearly and clearly, tk. does not pursue superficial impressions. The philosopher Heraclitus said that "you cannot enter the same river twice." The mystic Osho argued that "you cannot enter the same river and once." The river changes continuously. It does not remain the same for a moment. The label "river" is a trick of a hardened mind that runs from boredom in search of new experiences. Mindfulness and contemplation lead to the natural development of intuition, because allow us to see the most subtle manifestations of what is happening. This is simple mindfulness, when we, like a newborn, openly perceive reality here and now.