Putin Spoke About The Critical Importance Of Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View

Putin Spoke About The Critical Importance Of Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View
Putin Spoke About The Critical Importance Of Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View

Video: Putin Spoke About The Critical Importance Of Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View

Video: Putin Spoke About The Critical Importance Of Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View
Video: BREAKING! Putin: Artificial Intelligence Will Never Replace Humans! 2024, September

The fate of human civilization directly depends on artificial intelligence, Vladimir Putin is convinced. The head of the Russian state spoke at the Projectoria forum, where he said that the decisive political, economic and technological advantage in the future will be gained by the country that will manage to become the owner of the most advanced AI technologies. According to the president, Russia needs to start working in this area with renewed vigor right now.

Vladimir Vladimirovich's words caused an unprecedented excitement among domestic and foreign journalists. First, this is the first time Putin has spoken out about artificial intelligence. And secondly, the ruler of the Russian Federation does not hide the fact that the actual "ruler of the world" will soon become the state that will manage to create the most "intelligent" machines, and not the most lethal weapons. At the same time, the President expresses the hope that such a monopoly will be in good hands, implying, most likely, our state.


Vladimir Vladimirovich urged domestic specialists to start advanced developments in the field of artificial intelligence as soon as possible, so that Russia does not lag behind the West, or even better, ahead of it. The most promising direction, Putin considered cognitive science, which allows you to create neurocomputer interfaces and analyze the activity of the human brain. According to the politician, the prospects in this scientific field have no boundaries. The head of state also noted that with great opportunities come great threats, for which humanity must be prepared.