Warrior Of The Black Baron And God Of War - Alternative View

Warrior Of The Black Baron And God Of War - Alternative View
Warrior Of The Black Baron And God Of War - Alternative View

Video: Warrior Of The Black Baron And God Of War - Alternative View

Video: Warrior Of The Black Baron And God Of War - Alternative View
Video: Talkernate History - The Great War [2019] 2024, September

After declassification of some of the documents in the archives of the secret services of the Soviet period, historians discovered a strange diplomatic correspondence between the NKVD leaders and Tibetan dignitaries. The materials indicated that in the spring of 1922 a diplomatic delegation from Russia arrived in the Tibetan capital - the city of Lhasa. The Dalai Lama personally received the diplomats. Officially, the goal of the diplomatic mission was to establish foreign policy relations. But what were the primary tasks actually faced by the members of the Soviet delegation?

From the correspondence it became known that the Dalai Lama handed over ancient manuscripts with diplomats. Studying the documents, historians came to a sensational conclusion - Soviet specialists arrived at the beginning of the last century in the ancient country of Tibet to find a way to the mysterious Shambhala. The special services, headed by the party leaders of the USSR, needed unlimited power not only over the minds of millions of Soviet people, but also over the whole world to propagate communist ideas.

The mythical Shambhala is considered a sacred land of gods and sages, knowledge about which is kept by Tibetan monks and initiated lamas. Buddhists sincerely believe that representatives of the great civilizations of the past still live, who for thousands of years have been in a special state of deep meditation between life and death, called samadhi.

Under the guise of diplomatic missions, archaeological and scientific expeditions, as ordinary tourists at the beginning of the last century, representatives of the special services of all developed countries rushed to Tibet. All of them pursued one goal - to gain boundless secret knowledge, the enormous power of ancient ancestors and the superpowers of human civilization. The theme of world domination excited the minds of the luminaries of science and top officials of states around the world.

In 1917, the Russian professor A. V. Barchenko from the Bekhterev Institute of Brain published an article about his research in the field of thought transmission at a distance, telepathy. A physician known throughout Russia described in a publication the results of many years of experiments on obtaining radiant energy. The author argued that one can learn to control not only human consciousness, but also the behavior of a particular person in general, forcing him to execute absolutely any command. The article first touched upon the topic of psychozombification of a person.

Later, Barchenko's ideas were adopted by the special services of different countries. In the Main Political Directorate of the OGPU USSR, even a special department was created under the leadership of Gleb Bokiy, who is the first head of the cryptographic service in a socialist country. Taino G. I. Bokiy was a member of the United Labor Brotherhood occult lodge. It was he who became the founder of the system of special-purpose camps on the Solovetsky Islands, which at first was called the community of naturalists.

Plunging into new technologies of influencing people, studying ancient European epics, researchers from the special services came across information about the cradle of civilization - Hyperborea. Scientists began to actively explore the Russian North in the region of the Kola Peninsula, which is why the first special camps were created precisely on Solovki. In the very first special camp of Gleb Bokiya - the ELEPHANT, the search for an entrance to the other world began. By 1936, secret research behind barbed wire was completed, and all secret laboratories were liquidated, although all experiments of the special department of the OGPU on psychozombifying a person were successful.

The KGB tried to find traces of ancient civilizations not only in the Far North. According to ancient legends, the main center of the world human evolution of antiquity was in the Himalayan valleys. To learn how to penetrate the minds of not one person, but a whole crowd, the researchers of the special department switched to Tibet, to the mysterious Mount Kailash.

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Head of the Soviet expedition, Russian artist, writer and archaeologist N. K. Roerich believed that the mountain is a natural Tibetan psigenerator. Roerich, together with his assistant J. G. Blumkin pursued a common goal with the Soviet leadership - to spread the influence of socialism in the Himalayas.

Simultaneously with the secret services of the Soviet Union, specialists from the Third Reich of Germany were engaged in secret developments of psychozombification of the general population. In the fascist 3rd Reich, a whole powerful organization Ahnenerbe appeared, which was engaged in the search for ancient sacred knowledge. This formation was a one-of-a-kind esoteric society dedicated to magical technology and mysticism with government support. In the early 30s of the last century, Adolf Hitler personally sent to Tibet in search of the mysterious Shambhala, the first research expedition led by Colonel Schaeffer.

Also preserved are real historical information relating to the period of the 20s of the last century, about the White Guard general, Baron Roman von Ungern, who was obsessed with the idea of world domination long before the German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. The Russian baron was absolutely invulnerable in battle, and went down in history as the bloodiest leader of the White Guard movement, who for the first time introduced psychotronic effects on the enemy in battle. His unique mystical power was reinforced by sacred texts and secret knowledge, transmitted to him by a Tibetan lama in personal correspondence.

The Buddhist lama believed in the ancient prophecy of the Holy Knight, a descendant of the fearless warriors of Shambhala, who would come through the Gobi Desert and save the world from evil. It was in this way, passing through the Mongol steppes, that Baron Roman von Ungern came to Tibet. A warlike brave baron freed the head and high priest of Mongolia, Bogdo-gegen, from captivity, and then practically single-handedly forced the Chinese army to leave the Mongolian city of Urga without a fight. For this, the baron received the highest blessing and title at a meeting with lamas, so in the future he could communicate directly with Buddhist priests. In the East, all the old dignitaries, Mongol lamas and young monks considered Ungern to be the reincarnation of the 5th Bogdo Gegen, called him the warrior of the Black Baron and the god of war.

To this day, in the Himalayas in the territory of Tibet, for many decades, thousands of pilgrims have been looking for the gate to Shambhala. People always dream - some about freedom, others about just rulers, and some about unlimited power. That is why a person is always attracted by the unattainable Shambhala as a source of boundless happiness.
