Conversation With Aliens Under The Apple Tree - Alternative View

Conversation With Aliens Under The Apple Tree - Alternative View
Conversation With Aliens Under The Apple Tree - Alternative View

Video: Conversation With Aliens Under The Apple Tree - Alternative View

Video: Conversation With Aliens Under The Apple Tree - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, July

This story was told by a certain Alexander Ivanovich, Moscow region.

It happened on October 16, 1998, as I remember now - on Friday. My path ran along a rarely used path along an old abandoned garden, but it was convenient for me - the corner was cut off, and I immediately got to the garage.

Approximately in the middle of the path, I suddenly heard a voice: "Stop!" I stood rooted to the spot. I looked around - no one. Well, I think they "pinned" me. They took advantage of the fact that I was daydreaming, and, imperceptibly overtaking me, decided to joke, and now they are hiding from the other shoulder.

I sharply turn in the other direction - no one. Where can you hide? The edge of the garden. There is not a single leaf on the trees. I can see people walking in the distance along the asphalt path, but they are too far away to speak so loudly and clearly, right above the ear. On the other hand, there is a wasteland. There is no bush or bump. The path is empty. In general, a cat has nowhere to hide, and only a person …

And again I heard "Come to the apple tree!" The same voice, pleasant and even almost familiar. I went up to the nearest tree, looked around - no one. "Come closer to the trunk!" I walk freely under the crown of the apple tree. No fear (after all, there is no one!) - one continuous surprise. The trunk is at arm's length.

Again I look around - the nearest people are at a distance of 30-40 meters, and the voice seems to be from behind … "Take a step to the right!" I take a step, not thinking: what, why, why? A thin branch appears directly opposite the face. The branch is like a branch: two centimeters thick, with tiny young shoots.

The voice rang out again: “We came from another planet. Don't be afraid of us. We will not do anything bad to you. " And I'm not afraid. A heap of thoughts rushes through my head. “Where are you? - I do not have time to ask a question, but only thought. - Show yourself! " - “We can't seem … - Now I realized that the voice was sounding right in my head. “But we can prove to you that we are. Look at the branch."

I look at the branch. The branch is like a branch, and I saw it more beautifully. Suddenly, a young twig, like a telescopic antenna on a radio receiver, extended twenty centimeters, and then again became what it was. "Believe it?" the voice asked. I am silent. I never saw such a thing.

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"What would you like?" - mentally I ask. “We wanted to ask permission to study your body,” says the voice. - It's not dangerous, not painful, without consequences. It will take about one hour of your time. " My thoughts barely move. Well, I think, let them investigate. “I agree,” I say, but I myself forgot that I was in a hurry to go home.

Three small twigs began to protrude from the branch. But this time they not only extended, but also bent like a wire. One branch touched my crown, the other two touched my temples.

I didn’t feel anything, I just stood there, as if half asleep, without moving, and watched people walking around. They did not pay attention to me, although from the side it should have looked strange: a man is standing near the apple tree, like a pillar.

How much time has actually passed - I do not know, I just feel - all my limbs are numb from a long motionless standing, I will probably fall soon. “I'm tired,” I say. "Be patient," they answer, "we have very little left."

Indeed, after a while the branches detached from my head and "hid" in the apple tree. “Thank you,” the voice says, “you helped us a lot. You can go. " Well, I think, "Here's to you, grandmother, and St. George's Day," but I could only ask: "Will you still arrive?" “Yes, absolutely,” the voice replied.

I moved, stretched my legs, arms, neck. Before that it had never occurred to me that I had to move so that my muscles would not become numb. A little more time passed. I began to think a little. "Answer me," I say, "one more question."

But that's it, there was no more contact. No matter how much I asked, no one answered me. I touched the branch of the apple tree, tugged at those branches that "stretched out" - an ordinary apple tree, ordinary branches. Why stand here? I went home and forgot about the garage.

Then, recalling this meeting in my memory, I figured out that I had spent more than two hours at the apple tree. The most interesting thing is that none of my acquaintances saw me, although everyone was just leaving work, and our village is small. Now every year on October 16 I come to this place, but there has been no repetition yet.