Mongolian Crusade. The Ghost Of Decay - Alternative View

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Mongolian Crusade. The Ghost Of Decay - Alternative View
Mongolian Crusade. The Ghost Of Decay - Alternative View

Video: Mongolian Crusade. The Ghost Of Decay - Alternative View

Video: Mongolian Crusade. The Ghost Of Decay - Alternative View
Video: CK3 - Mongol Empire: Greatest of Khans (Part 1) 2024, September

The beginning of the trilogy, read the publication: Mongol Crusaders?

What ruler does not dream of leaving his (bright) mark on history? Best of all is an epic military feat, such that they compose songs and write poems. Or save a shrine, for example. But the height of greatness is to combine military and religious exploits! This is the reason why the Crusades were so popular. Although why were they? Religious wars did not stop, only their scope and methods of waging decreased …

Great Khan Munke

He was a progressive, educated and well-rounded man. A worthy grandson of Genghis Khan, from his youth he participated in battles in all parts of the empire and significantly expanded it. Participated in the Western campaign, where he became friends with another prominent and powerful Chingizid - Khan Batu.

The Persian historian Rashid ad-Din admired the fact that the Mughal emperor was familiar with Euclidean geometry and even solved equations at his leisure. At the end of his life, the kagan ordered the construction of the world's greatest observatory, in which scientists from Persia, India and China worked, as he saw in this a practical benefit for the country (please read the underlined phrase again - could it be useful for the nomads? Or we do not know?).

Medieval drawing depicting a fragment of the Battle of Kulikovo (tartars on the right - look at the faces of the warriors of the Temnik Mamai)
Medieval drawing depicting a fragment of the Battle of Kulikovo (tartars on the right - look at the faces of the warriors of the Temnik Mamai)

Medieval drawing depicting a fragment of the Battle of Kulikovo (tartars on the right - look at the faces of the warriors of the Temnik Mamai).

Thanks to the friendship and (military) support of Batu, as well as Belgutei (brother of Genghis Khan) and Uryankhaday (son of Subedey), at the beginning of 1251 in Karakorum (one of the capitals of Great Tartary) at the kurultai, Munke received the title of Great Khan.

Promotional video:

In order not to violate the traditions, he and Batu arrested and executed 77 of their opponents: some princes of the Ogedei and Chagatai clans and their noyons, first of all the temniks, and thousanders from their troops (agreed with the opposition leaders). The possessions confiscated from them were (honestly) divided between Munke and Batu, as well as other Chingizids who recognized their power.

Utilized coat of arms and warrior of Tartaria
Utilized coat of arms and warrior of Tartaria

Utilized coat of arms and warrior of Tartaria.


The great Khan Munke, of course, also wanted to remain in history as a victor and wise ruler. And longed for glory. Therefore, immediately after the urgent matters caused by his election as kagan, he began to prepare several military campaigns.

By the time described, the Christian (Nestorian) teaching had become firmly established in the life of the population of the empire of Genghis Khan - Great Tartary (read more). This was the peak of the Nestorians' power, but interestingly, Orthodoxy turned out to be the winner as a result.

Medieval engraving. One of the battles of the Western campaign is the Battle of Legnica, 1241. The Mughals are on the left, note their Mongol appearance
Medieval engraving. One of the battles of the Western campaign is the Battle of Legnica, 1241. The Mughals are on the left, note their Mongol appearance

Medieval engraving. One of the battles of the Western campaign is the Battle of Legnica, 1241. The Mughals are on the left, note their Mongol appearance.

A participant in the Western campaign, conceived and successfully carried out, including to counteract the expansion of Catholicism and the crusade proclaimed by the Pope to Russia (this is not officially recognized by Rome), Munke decided to continue fulfilling his grandfather's will "to conquer the whole world - from ocean to ocean" under the banner of the Christian faith.

He sent one of his brothers, a zealous Christian Khan Khubilai, to end the war with South China (China), and his second brother, also a Christian but gravitating towards the mysticism of Buddhism, Khan Hulagu, to “liberate” the main Christian shrine: the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

As an intelligent man, he understood that his name would be praised by the whole Christian world and was right. Along the way, Hulagu was tasked with crushing the Nizari (Assassin) sect and “subjugating” the Baghdad Caliph from the Abassid dynasty. But it was not a secret for anyone in the horde how this "submission" is achieved …

Medieval engraving. The Mogul (according to his dress and the presence of a stallion under him - possibly Khan Khubilai), cuts off the heads of the Chinese (Chin, more precisely)
Medieval engraving. The Mogul (according to his dress and the presence of a stallion under him - possibly Khan Khubilai), cuts off the heads of the Chinese (Chin, more precisely)

Medieval engraving. The Mogul (according to his dress and the presence of a stallion under him - possibly Khan Khubilai), cuts off the heads of the Chinese (Chin, more precisely).

To say that the khans of the Muslim faith did not like this is to say nothing! Batu was furious and did not hide his hatred for Hulagu. He was a Muslim and perceived the campaign against the Caliph as a blow to the prestige of Islam, as a personal insult. In addition, he considered all the Persian lands a zone of his influence and in his dreams he already saw them as his personal property. Hulegu was an upstart for him, a competitor, and even unfaithful. His brother, Khan Berke (the first of the khans to convert to Islam) even said: “We have elevated Munke Khan to the throne, and how will he reward us for this? By repaying us with evil against our friends, violating our treaties … and coveting the possessions of the Caliph, my ally … There is something vile in this."

In other words, the decision of the Great Khan Munke on a crusade was authoritarian and did not have any understandable and supported by all goals of seizing territories and wealth. These were not just campaigns for the Christian faith, but aimed against Muslims, as the main enemies of Christians. And they gave a (delayed) start to separatism in the once united Great Tartary.



2 days ago


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Mongolian Crusade. The ghost of decay.

The beginning of the trilogy, read the publication: Mongol Crusaders?

What ruler does not dream of leaving his (bright) mark on history? Best of all is an epic military feat, such that they compose songs and write poems. Or save a shrine, for example. But the height of greatness is to combine military and religious exploits! This is the reason why the Crusades were so popular. Although why were they? Religious wars did not stop, only their scope and methods of waging decreased …

Great Khan Munke.

He was a progressive, educated and well-rounded person. A worthy grandson of Genghis Khan, from his youth he participated in battles in all parts of the empire and significantly expanded it. Participated in the Western campaign, where he became friends with another prominent and powerful Chingizid - Khan Batu.

The Persian historian Rashid ad-Din admired the fact that the Mughal emperor was familiar with Euclidean geometry and even solved equations at his leisure. At the end of his life, the kagan ordered the construction of the world's greatest observatory, in which scientists from Persia, India and China worked, as he saw in this a practical benefit for the country (please read the underlined phrase again - could it be useful for the nomads? Or we do not know?).

Medieval drawing depicting a fragment of the Battle of Kulikovo (tartars on the right - peer into the faces of the warriors of Temnik Mamai) Medieval drawing depicting a fragment of the Battle of Kulikovo (tartars on the right - look into the faces of the warriors of Temnik Mamai)

Medieval drawing depicting a fragment of the Battle of Kulikovo (tartars on the right - peer into the faces of the warriors of Temnik Mamai)

Thanks to the friendship and (military) support of Batu, as well as Belgutei (brother of Genghis Khan) and Uryankhaday (son of Subedey), at the beginning of 1251 in Karakorum (one of the capitals of Great Tartary) at the kurultai, Munke received the title of Great Khan.

In order not to violate the traditions, he and Batu arrested and executed 77 of their opponents: some princes of the Ogedei and Chagatai clans and their noyons, first of all the temniks, and thousanders from their troops (agreed with the opposition leaders). The possessions confiscated from them were (honestly) divided between Munke and Batu, as well as other Chingizids who recognized their power.

stylized coat of arms and warrior of tartaristilized coat of arms and warrior of tartaria

stylized coat of arms and warrior of Tartaria


The great Khan Munke, of course, also wanted to remain in history as a victor and wise ruler. And longed for glory. Therefore, immediately after the urgent matters caused by his election as kagan, he began to prepare several military campaigns.

By the time described, the Christian (Nestorian) teaching had become firmly established in the life of the population of the empire of Genghis Khan - Great Tartary (read more). This was the peak of the Nestorians' power, but interestingly, Orthodoxy turned out to be the winner as a result.

Medieval engraving. One of the battles of the "Western Campaign" is the Battle of Legnica, 1241. Mughals on the left, note their "Mongolian appearance" Medieval engraving. One of the battles of the "Western campaign" - the Battle of Legnica, 1241 Mughals on the left, pay attention to their "Mongolian appearance"

Medieval engraving. One of the battles of the "Western campaign" - the Battle of Legnica, 1241 Mughals on the left, pay attention to their "Mongolian appearance"

A participant in the Western campaign, conceived and successfully carried out, including to counteract the expansion of Catholicism and the crusade proclaimed by the Pope to Russia (this is not officially recognized by Rome), Munke decided to continue fulfilling his grandfather's will "to conquer the whole world - from ocean to ocean" under the banner of the Christian faith.

He sent one of his brothers, a zealous Christian Khan Khubilai, to end the war with South China (China), and his second brother, also a Christian but gravitating towards the mysticism of Buddhism, Khan Hulagu, to “liberate” the main Christian shrine: the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

As an intelligent man, he understood that his name would be praised by the whole Christian world and was right. Along the way, Hulagu was tasked with crushing the Nizari (Assassin) sect and “subjugating” the Baghdad Caliph from the Abassid dynasty. But it was not a secret for anyone in the horde how this "submission" is achieved …

Medieval engraving. Mogul (by dress and presence of a stallion under him - possibly Khan Khubilai), cuts off the heads of the Chinese (Chin people, more precisely). Medieval engraving. The Mogul (according to his dress and the presence of a stallion under him - possibly Khan Khubilai), cuts off the heads of the Chinese (Chin, more precisely).

Medieval engraving. The Mogul (according to his dress and the presence of a stallion under him - possibly Khan Khubilai), cuts off the heads of the Chinese (Chin, more precisely).

To say that the khans of the Muslim faith did not like this is to say nothing! Batu was furious and did not hide his hatred for Hulagu. He was a Muslim and perceived the campaign against the Caliph as a blow to the prestige of Islam, as a personal insult. In addition, he considered all the Persian lands a zone of his influence and in his dreams he already saw them as his personal property. Hulegu was an upstart for him, a competitor, and even unfaithful. His brother, Khan Berke (the first of the khans to convert to Islam) even said: “We have elevated Munke Khan to the throne, and how will he reward us for this? By repaying us with evil against our friends, violating our treaties … and coveting the possessions of the Caliph, my ally … There is something vile in this."

In other words, the decision of the Great Khan Munke on a crusade was authoritarian and did not have any understandable and supported by all goals of seizing territories and wealth. These were not just campaigns for the Christian faith, but aimed against Muslims, as the main enemies of Christians. And they gave a (delayed) start to separatism in the once united Great Tartary.



The Yellow Crusade

Once again I am convinced that the tales about nomad herders who conquered most of the world are a complete absurdity. Like all events of this kind, this military campaign was prepared extremely carefully and meticulously.

Read the end in the next article.