The Mysterious Magic Of Voodoo - Alternative View

The Mysterious Magic Of Voodoo - Alternative View
The Mysterious Magic Of Voodoo - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Magic Of Voodoo - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Magic Of Voodoo - Alternative View
Video: Witness the Mysterious World of West African Voodoo 2024, September

Voodoo is a religion common in Haiti, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and some regions of the United States. This religious movement is rooted in the beliefs of African tribes. Their descendants, taken as slaves to the New World, retained the pantheistic cult of nature worship and the doctrine that each person has several souls. The leading position in the religion is occupied by women, who make up 80% of its followers. In total, Voodoo is practiced, according to various estimates, 5060 million people.

The most mysterious thing about Voodoo is magic. It is perfectly wielded by Haitian sorcerers. Although it can be used for peaceful purposes, most often Voodoo magic appears as black magic. The bloodthirsty Voodoo rituals seem wild and unnatural to ordinary people. To conduct rituals, sorcerers do not need temples and altars, ordinary housing or an open area is enough. The integral attributes of rituals are black candles, figurines of deities, ritual drums, wild dances and sacrifice (black rooster). The cemetery is also a favorite place for ceremonies.

The most mysterious rituals, from the mere mention of which a European frost goes on the skin, are zombification and damage by piercing human figures with needles. The figurines are made of clay or cloth tightly packed with some material, and are dressed in a rag of the clothes of the person against whom the plot is being plotted. The victim's hair or nails are inserted inside, after which the ritual is performed. After that, the prototype of the figure begins to experience severe pains where the needle is stuck in the doll. If you stick a needle in the heart or head, then the person who is damaged will die.

The doll, studded with sharp objects, was buried in the ground near the victim's dwelling. In Louisiana, where the labor of black slaves was used for a long time, figures are still found with pins or nails sticking out of them. So the oppressed slaves took revenge on their masters.

Zombification or zombification is one of the rituals of Voodoo black magic. The sorcerer can raise the corpse of a recently deceased person from the grave and use it at his own discretion, for example, to work on the plantation, commit murder, revenge. The risen dead has no will of its own and obeys only the sorcerer. Zombies are of two types. The first type is the revived dead, devoid of mind and soul. Their bodies continue to gradually deteriorate, but this does not affect their supernatural physical strength in any way. The second type of zombie is evil demons that have taken over a human corpse.

Scientists have found that to create zombies, sorcerers use a special substance that deprives a person of all visible signs of life, as a result of which he is declared dead and buried. The sorcerer goes to the cemetery and injects the victim with an antidote. The drug deprives a person of memory, all feelings, he becomes completely subject to the will of the sorcerer. The appearance of the "corpse" also suffers greatly.

Researchers managed to calculate the composition of the mysterious drug powder. It contains a mixture of plants, dried poisonous critters and other ingredients in precisely measured proportions. The main substance of the powder is tetradotoxin, the poison contained in the fish ball. This poison is one of the most potent in the whole world. But, despite the fact that it was possible to establish the composition of the mixture, numerous laboratory experiments have never been for the result that sorcerers achieve.

As for Voodoo magic, it is believed that a believer needs to cross himself three times and read a prayer, and no black magic can harm him.

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