How Did The Great Illusionist Harry Houdini Die - Alternative View

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How Did The Great Illusionist Harry Houdini Die - Alternative View
How Did The Great Illusionist Harry Houdini Die - Alternative View

Video: How Did The Great Illusionist Harry Houdini Die - Alternative View

Video: How Did The Great Illusionist Harry Houdini Die - Alternative View
Video: How Did Harry Houdini Actually Die? 2024, September

Harry Houdini's life and death are still shrouded in mystery. There are many versions and reasons for the death of the great magician, dexterous stuntman and master of liberation. Envious people claim that Houdini drowned while performing a stunt to free himself from imprisonment under water. But this is not the case. The death of the illusionist was due to an absurd accident.


Harry Houdini, whose real name is Eric Weiss, immigrated to the United States from Hungary when he was 4 years old. He took a pseudonym in honor of two of his idols: the American magician Harry Kellar and the French illusionist named Jean Eugene Robert-Goodin.


Houdini became famous for his complex escape and escape tricks. The most famous was the China Water Torture Chamber. During the stunt, his legs were handcuffed, and the illusionist himself was upside down in a glass container filled with water. Every time Houdini managed to get out of this trap with success and applause.

Preceding events

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While touring Montreal on the afternoon of October 22, 1926, two students from McGill University entered Houdini's locker room. At that moment, the illusionist was looking through his mail. One of the young men, J. Gordon Whitehead, was an aspiring boxer. He asked Harry if he would be able to withstand the blow to the stomach, as previously stated. Houdini replied in the affirmative, but he needed time to get ready. At this point, Whitehead delivered four punches to the stomach, taking the magician by surprise.

Throughout the evening, Houdini was in great pain, but performed despite the discomfort. He could not sleep and endured for the next two days without seeking medical attention. When the illusionist finally visited a doctor, he was diagnosed with acute appendicitis. Houdini needed an urgent operation. Nevertheless, the magician decided to end his show as planned that night.

Last performance

During the performance, the magician's temperature rose to 40 degrees. He was very tired and exhausted from constant pain. By the middle of the third act, Houdini asked his assistant to lower the curtain, as he could not continue his performance. When the curtain closed, Harry collapsed where he stood. But he continued to refuse medical assistance until the next morning. At that moment, his wife Bess insisted that Houdini go to the hospital. But it was too late: the appendicitis burst and peritonitis began. Doctors performed an operation, but there was no hope of survival. At that time, antibiotics did not yet exist, so it was not possible to carry out the necessary drug therapy. On October 31, 1926, the day of the celebration of Halloween, surrounded by close relatives, wife and brother, Harry Houdini died.


The funeral of the great master took place on November 4, 1926, where more than 2000 people were present. He was buried in Queens, New York, at Machpelah Cemetery. The coat of arms of the Society of American Magicians was painted on the headstone. Every November, the Broken Wand ceremony is held at his grave by Houdini's followers and members of the Society of Magicians.

The illusionist's wife Bess Houdini died in 1943. Despite her requests, the couple was buried in different cemeteries because of the wife's Jewish origin.

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After death

At the moment the Harry Houdini Theater is no longer there. The Grace Hospital in Detroit, where the illusionist died, was also destroyed in 1979.


What happened to J. Gordon Whitehead, who, by an absurd accident, caused the death of the great magician? After the incident, Whitehead dropped out of college and became a hermit. He died of starvation in 1954. Whitehead is buried in an unmarked grave in a cemetery in Montreal. There is a theory according to which the young man was specially hired to kill Harry Houdini. But there is no evidence for this version.

Over the years after the death of the illusionist, his wife conducted many sessions in an attempt to contact her husband. Not surprisingly, she didn't succeed. Especially considering the fact that during Houdini's lifetime he considered Spiritualism to be a fraud. Until now, fans of the paranormal are trying to evoke the spirit of the illusionist. But all their attempts are in vain.

Author: Ekaterina Landar