Wedding Stories That Cannot Be Explained - Alternative View

Wedding Stories That Cannot Be Explained - Alternative View
Wedding Stories That Cannot Be Explained - Alternative View

I usually do not believe in stories about corruption and evil eye, but in my life there were several rather strange episodes, for which I could not find an explanation.

One such story happened to me in my youth, when I was twenty-three years old. By this time, I was dating an amazing girl who later became my wife. One day, my hasty friend decided to overtake everyone and marry first. His chosen one studied in our city, but was from the province. Naturally, we were invited as witnesses, that is, me and my beloved.

The wedding was played in two places. At first, a small but very cheerful evening was spent at the groom's house. Where in a small two-room apartment thirty people fit like a herring in a bank. And the second wedding was supposed to be played with the bride in the village, where her dad held an important position.

Of course, compared to the city evening, the wedding in the village was incredibly huge. A hut was built for two hundred people. Every fifteen meters of this hut was occupied by a potbelly stove, the floor was densely covered with straw, and the tables went beyond the horizon.

But the real torture was a photo session on the lake, at the monument and, of course, a wedding. For city dwellers in our face, it seemed like the passion of Christ. But what began next does not fit into any framework. After all the on-site ordeals we were brought to the bride's house. There was a sea of people, geese attacked us and the mood began to deteriorate. As usual, water was poured over the young people in front of the gate, and it was here that trash and waste began.

Literally a minute later, the bride's roof just blew off. She began to be afraid in hysterics, curse the groom and yell that she did not want to live with him. Dima, and that was the name of the groom, stood as white as a wall and did not understand what was happening. I don't know how to describe it, but my girlfriend also seemed to have gone crazy. She may not be so much, but she changed dramatically and for no reason at all began to remember all my sins. Everything was going to hell. Some grandmothers lamented, men nervously stomped on the sidelines, and the bride's parents tried to calm her down. Personally, everything seemed to me like some kind of madness, although I also felt some kind of anxiety and anger.

But suddenly a man appeared who began to act very quickly. First of all, he said that he was urgently going to the local grandmother Nadia. Like a bullet he jumped into a red Lada and, raising clouds of dust, disappeared behind the landing. The bride's infernal hysterics continued, and my sweetheart hissed curses against me, though she did it under her breath.

About an hour later, which seemed like an eternity to me, the man returned in red Zhiguli. He thoroughly left the car carrying a jar in a plastic bag. Quickly whispering something to the women, calming the bride and handing them the coveted vessel, he went to the men. I actually went there too. At the hut, a man told the following story. First of all, he went to a local very strong warrior with photographs of the young. Asked to skip the line at the reception. She carefully studied the photographs and stated that in front of the gate the young people had been poured with dead water, meaning the water that was used to wash the dead. And in front of the hut, one must look for a sharp object stuck in the ground. She also passed on a special charmed water, which was supposed to remove the curse.

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It may seem strange, but the young people were the first to go through the dead water, and right behind him we were. This is probably why we did not have such a large scale. But the most interesting thing is that the men began to collect straw near the hut and found an ordinary aluminum fork stuck into the ground. It sat so firmly in the ground that it had to be dug out with a shovel. Perhaps all this is a coincidence, but after the young and I were given special living water, everything fell into place, and the bride instantly calmed down. Then they discussed this case a lot and it turned out that at a village wedding such things are in the order of things.

There was another strange thing at that wedding. During the culmination of the celebration, when the moonshine flowed like a river, and the women only had time to bring cutlets with chops. The groom drew my attention to a strange woman in a red beret. Against the background of the walking guests, she looked unusual. She had an empty, clean plate, and she just sat very intently and looked at the young. It seemed that she was out of time, and everything revolved around her.

Like the groom, I was also very interested in her. But despite the fact that we were looking at her, she did not look away. Then the groom called the bride's mother and asked if she knew who this woman was. It turned out that my mother did not know more than half of the guests. But after listening to our fears, she advised us with a smile to show this woman the muzzle under the table. Dima did just that. We both gasped with one voice. The woman jumped up, straightened her beret and quickly left.

I don’t know what to think. Many years have passed, that couple was not destined to live together, and I subsequently divorced. But this story will forever remain in my memory. After all, it really was the influence of dark forces. No other explanation can be found. The strange thing is that many people try to use magic for harm. But the worst thing is that they do it out of ordinary envy. Sometimes it turns out to be those people whom you trust and love.