On The Conspiracy Against Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

On The Conspiracy Against Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View
On The Conspiracy Against Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Video: On The Conspiracy Against Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Video: On The Conspiracy Against Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View
Video: Ivan the Terrible: the tyrant against his will - Searching for the Truth 2024, September

One of the most slandered by the falsifiers of the history of historical figures of our past is the figure of the last Russian tsar from the Rurik family - Ivan IV, who is also called Ivan the Terrible. But it was precisely "formidable" and not "bloody", as the Vatican's servants are trying to paint us, for his contemporaries - European monarchs - mercilessly destroyed dozens of times more of their subjects than they attribute to the same Ivan the Terrible, but for some reason pro-Western sycophants all of them, unlike our king, are called "civilized", and not "bloody".

And this is a typical example of the fact that a false information campaign against our country was already waged in those days and its carriers were already using the same "double standards" that are so characteristic of our time. But everything was the same in the times of the USSR and even tsarist Russia. The West has always invented Russophobic myths about us and proceeded with anti-Russian hysteria, while its corrupt servants from the "fifth column" helped the enemies destroy and plunder the country and the people.

In this respect, the figure of Ivan the Terrible, who refused in exchange for the crown of the "emperor of the east" from the hands of the pope to catholicize the country and enslave the people, is very indicative. For in all ages, it was precisely those rulers of our country who really cared about the people and the strengthening of the state that our enemies and the corrupt traitors serving them were poured out with deceitful information mud. And this is quite natural, for it is our enemies who benefit from being weak and dependent on them. That is why we are “good” for them, only when our country is disintegrating, devastating, and foreign “friends” can freely plunder our bowels and people together with their servants.

A piece of the real historical truth about the true role of I. Grozny in the fate of our country is revealed by the Russian traveler, writer, researcher of the secrets of ancient civilizations A. Kadykchaesky in his book "Small Encyclopedia of Great Tartary". And this is what he writes there:

After the poisoning first of the son of Ivan, and then of the tsar himself by the servants of the Vatican Jesuits, they invented a monstrous story about the alleged murder of his son, which was intensively "unwound" by the Romanovs who seized the throne after the destruction of the last Rurikovichs. The Romanovs were not just pro-Westerners, but even got their last name from the name of their Vatican masters. And to this day these pseudo-historical myths are recognized as "historical truth" in the "official history", showing us its true essence.

But do not you think who really are all those who continue to call the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who did not lie under the West, a "bloody" "sonicide", but who really killed the son of the real Peter I, an impostor Mason, who also killed a bunch of of the Russian people and who ascribed to themselves the construction of the ancient city that existed long before them at the mouth of the Neva - a "progressive reformer"?

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