"Digital Concentration Camp" And The Small People Who Are Waging A Hybrid War Against Humanity - Alternative View

"Digital Concentration Camp" And The Small People Who Are Waging A Hybrid War Against Humanity - Alternative View
"Digital Concentration Camp" And The Small People Who Are Waging A Hybrid War Against Humanity - Alternative View

Video: "Digital Concentration Camp" And The Small People Who Are Waging A Hybrid War Against Humanity - Alternative View

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The coronavirus pandemic has clearly shown that reality has surpassed Orwell's most daring prophecies that the "digital concentration camp" is not a horror story of conspiracy theorists, but an extremely accurate image of the "brave new world." A world in which all the fullness of power will belong undividedly to the elect, and the rest of the mass of human individuals will be totally controlled. Of course, exclusively in the name of their own good, their health and safety, as well as the fullest possible satisfaction of their material and spiritual needs. As the saying goes, "everything is in the name of man, everything is for the good of man." Only "people" in this new world will be of different sorts, and each sort will rely on "its own."

Taking into account the experience of millennia in the coming new world of slaves, naturally, no one will call slaves. On the contrary, they will sing praises and talk about how all public institutions day and night care about their well-being. But what will certainly return is a collar and a brand in the form of super modern gadgets and high-tech chips.

However, if the plans of Gates, Gref and others like them come true, then we will not see "New Ancient Greece" as our ears. The slave was a thing, and not a man only for the law and the master, but he himself remained a man, did not lose his human nature. The world into which liberal globalists are trying to drive us and lure us no longer provides for such a luxury.

The love of his architects for humanity is so great that they disagree with anything less than "improving" the terribly imperfect human nature. "Humanism" is a refuge for retrogrades. "Transhumanism" is a symbol of the coming bright future of humanity.

Therefore, one cannot but agree with the philosopher Vitaly Averyanov who defined what is happening now as a hybrid war against all "humanity, which is not included in the" diamond larva "of the golden billion." One cannot but agree with him that such a hybrid war "will be the most effective and victorious just as long as the" enemy "does not realize that the war is being waged against him."

However, the mere understanding that a war is being waged with us, albeit called a hybrid war, is not enough to save us from a digital concentration camp. It is equally important to understand who exactly is waging this hybrid war against humanity. Without this, it is impossible to develop either an effective strategy or effective tactics of struggle, which means that it is impossible to achieve victory.

Professor Valentin Katasonov recently recalled Brzezinski's book "Technotronic Era" published half a century ago (!). Here are some excerpts from it:

It should be added to these quotes that the book was not the result of the free play of the mind of Brzezinski, who, due to his genius, was able to predict our present. It is not a prediction or a forecast - it is a plan. Brzezinski wrote it at the request of Rockefeller as a plan for the activities of the Club of Rome for the coming decades. And we admit that the plan he proposed has already been largely implemented.

It should also be noted that the term “technotronic era” itself should not mislead anyone. Brzezinski formulated the contours of the new world order based on the interests of the customer, and not on the requirements and prospects for the development of scientific and technological progress. Digital is nothing more than a technology, a tool. It can be used to achieve a variety of goals, and it is not she who determines these goals.

It is significant that at about the same time, Jacques Attali also gave an almost identical image of an ideal new world order, not bothering himself with especially appeals to digital technologies: a world of free individuals ("new nomads"), free from everything - from the Motherland, from the nation, from religion, from family, from gender. A world in which money and only money is the only objective and fair measure of everything and everyone.

Let me remind you that Jacques Attali, like Zbigniew Brzezinski, is not an armchair professor-dreamer, but a politician-practitioner of the highest level. He is a member of the Bilderberg Club, the gray cardinal of all recent French presidents, including the current Macron. It was he who created and was the first director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

It would seem that in connection with all this, it is easy to identify the force that unleashed a hybrid war against humanity - the global elite, the core of which is transnational capital.

The task is difficult, but despite all the power of transnationals, it can be solved. There is ample evidence of this. National capital starts to defend its interests everywhere. Even in the citadel of globalism - America, national capital was able to challenge the transnational. And if you believe the optimistic forecast of Vladimir Putin, then the end of the era of liberalism is coming.

However, will the possible, though not obligatory triumph of national capital over transnational capital, and the associated collapse of the ideology of liberal globalism, rid mankind of the threat of a digital concentration camp? Will this lead to the end of the "hybrid" war against humanity, aimed at the destruction of the human in the person? Unfortunately no.

The complex of chosenness, the concept of an elected caste standing above humanity, the idea of the initial division of society into architects of the world order and building materials, can be traced for millennia. They are in no way a product of globalization - an economic system that has formed in the last half century with its omnipotence of transnational capital. Likewise, the desire to "free" a person from all natural ties (religion, homeland, nation, family), and ultimately from himself - is by no means the know-how of modern liberals. Suffice it to recall the ideas that spread in the Masonic lodges.

So who, then, is waging a war against humanity and seeking to drive it into a digital concentration camp? The answer to this question is given by I. R. Shafarevich's theory of the Small People and L. N. Gumilyov.

It is easy to predict the reaction to the "Small People": "again, the Jews are to blame for everything," "Jews, there are only Jews around", etc. etc. Therefore, I hasten to inform you right away that the concepts "Small people" and "Jews" are not synonymous. Small nation is not an ethnic concept, and not even a socio-political concept, but a spiritual one. Yes, in the Russian-Soviet-Russian Small People the Jews played and play a big role, but this does not deny that one of the manifestations of the German Small People was Nazism, which organized the Holocaust. Therefore, the use of the concepts "Small people" and "Jews" as synonyms can be viewed as a manifestation of anti-Semitism and slander against the Jewish nation.

Igor Rostislavovich himself repeatedly spoke about the complete inconsistency of attempts to identify the Small People with the Jews, being surprised at attempts to suspect him of self-censorship:

Book I. R. Shafarevich's "Three-Thousand Years Mystery" is the best proof that he did not use any euphemisms when studying the history of the Jewish people and Russian-Jewish relations.

Having made these absolutely necessary clarifications, let's return to the question of the power that is waging hybrid war against humanity.

One of the greatest discoveries of I. R. Shafarevich and L. N. Gumilyov is the discovery of the role of feelings in the history of mankind, including the feeling of hatred. It is quite widely believed that economic and political interests, class and ideological contradictions are serious, thorough, they must be taken into account and investigated, and feelings cannot be approached. "Loves - does not love, press it to the heart, spit, kiss - send to hell." Some kind of woman's sentimentality, which has no place in the study of global historical processes and phenomena. But, as these two great Russian thinkers proved, everything is much more serious.

I. R. Shafarevich wrote:

In turn, L. N. Gumilev, researching the causes of ethnic catastrophes over the past two millennia, proved that the direction of human activity is determined by the deep layers of the psyche - the attitude. People give all of themselves to the service of any business (it can be creative or destructive), often guided not by ideas, but by ideals, often not even clearly conscious of their attitude to the world around them. Moreover, L. N. Gumilyov introduced into circulation the concept of "negative attitude", in which the main motive of human activity is hatred of the world around him, the desire to destroy it.

It is this social force, generated by a negative attitude, I. R. Shafarevich called it “Small people”.

A negative attitude gives rise to the ancestral traits of the Small People that have not changed over the centuries.

1. Complex of chosenness. The overwhelming majority in any nation does not seek to destroy the surrounding world and the heritage of their ancestors. Yes, economic and political contradictions inevitable in life give rise to the desire to eliminate them, often by radical and bloody methods. But the basis is always a desire for improvement, not destruction. Therefore, a person with a negative outlook inevitably begins to feel isolated from the people, standing outside it. A kind of black sheep. About such Dostoevsky wrote that one can be born as an emigrant and live as an emigrant all his life, never leaving the country.

One should not think that such isolation is a heavy cross. On the contrary, it serves as a psychological source of strength and self-confidence: I see the abomination of this world, but they do not see, I know how to live, but they do not know and do not want to know. It is so tempting to feel that you belong to the chosen one, and to be so beneficial to them - "rays of light in the dark kingdom" will always help each other. It is significant what a common property of liberal reformers was noted by the banker Peter Aven: a sincere belief in their exclusivity and the resulting "self-identification with God." Neither more nor less, but it is quite natural.

2. Utopian rationalism. Every person, including those belonging to the Small People, needs self-justification. Therefore, he hates and seeks to destroy the world around him, allegedly, not for the sake of the destruction process itself, but for the sake of building an ideal world order - Utopia. Naturally, the vile reality cannot itself be reincarnated into a beautiful Utopia. It must be created from scratch, which means that in this process those who are able to develop and implement the plan of Utopia are called to play the first violin (caste of the elite). The rest of the people are just material, and always bad material, for historical creativity in the hands of the creators of a bright future. Representatives of the Small People call the now-implanted version of Utopia a “new wondrous world,” and the dark majority, who do not understand their happiness, call it a digital concentration camp.

3. Mimicry of form. If a person hates and seeks to destroy the world around him as a whole, nature or a specific people, then he will use those forms of struggle that are most effective at the moment. It will try to turn into an instrument of total destruction the energy of any social, religious, national or, as it is now in America, racial protest. Therefore, the Small People, depending on the time and place, acts in a variety of religious, ideological and socio-political forms and never clings to the form. He easily changes slogans and banners, even directly opposite ones. As L. N. Gumilyov, - “it doesn't matter. The principle of striving for destruction remains, and this is the main thing."

It should be noted that back in 1972 I. R. Shafarevich wrote that in the West the Small People will, in the near future, use for their own purposes the "problems of minorities": students and pupils, homosexuals, American blacks. The US authorities did not consider it necessary to think about I. R. Shafarevich, and intellectuals, among whom representatives of the Small People were already beginning to play the first violin, demanded his expulsion from the American Academy of Sciences and made his ideas virtually taboo in the Western world, of course, in the name of protecting freedom of speech and democracy.

In this regard, it is useful to recall one more warning by I. R. Shafarevich - when trying to realize any Utopia, there is always "a society deprived of freedom, no matter what democratic attributes such an ideology may be furnished with."

4. Lying as a principle. Last but not least, the tribal trait of the Small People. To one degree or another, we, of course, are constantly faced with lies (“do not lie, do not tell”), in large quantities it is perceived as immorality (a liar). Here, we are talking about targeted disinformation at the population level. And this is already a terrible weapon, as Goebbels, an expert on this issue, spoke about more than once. The psyche of a normal person is not ready for such an impact.

And the point is not only that someone consciously decided to use such a powerful weapon, but in the very essence of a negative attitude. There can be no Small People without lies. If some group began to speak openly about their hatred of the world around them as a whole or some people, about their desire to destroy them, they would be crushed like a bug.

Only by hiding their true goals, and stubbornly proving that there is nothing like this, in principle, and cannot be, that all this is an invention of obscurantists ("conspiracy theory"), the Small People is able to exist. Lies appear as a product of his instinct for self-preservation: Small people exist as long as they manage to prove that they do not exist.

Moreover, without lies, the Small People are not able not only to exist but also to realize their goals. Outright evil will never lead a large number of people. Only by using lies as a principle, and covering up their true goals with noble, lofty goals, “evil will,” wrote L. N. Gumilev, - gets the space she needs. She may not act directly, in which there is always a share of risk, but indirectly, through deceived fools who are confident in their right not to think over what they are doing, but to act on someone else's orders.

Subsequently, such a public usually loves to shrug its shoulders and bewildered: "They aimed at communism (tsarism), but ended up in Russia." If everything in the United States develops on the increase, then there will soon appear those who want to absolve themselves of responsibility for the national catastrophe with this sacramental phrase: "They aimed at racism, but ended up in America."

As you can see, with such ancestral properties unchanging over time, the Small People (the mechanism of its formation is a special conversation) simply cannot but be in a state of "hybrid war" with humanity. In this war, it must be admitted, he won victories more than once, but he could never win (otherwise “a digital concentration camp would not be needed).

Globalization, technological progress, digital technologies have brought the confrontation to a qualitatively new and dangerous level. Today it no longer seems like an exaggeration that L. N. Gumilev devoted his main work - "Ethnogenesis and the biosphere of the Earth", to "the great cause of protecting the natural environment from antisystems" (he considered the small people as an antisystem opposed to nature and man).

The theory of the Small People and the theory of anti-systems, not only reveal the power that wages war with humanity, but also provide the key to protection from the "digital concentration camp".

The resignation of Gref, the isolation of Gates, the elimination of power, already almost omnipotence, transnational capital - we must fight for this and all this must be achieved. It will be a victory and a big, one might say huge, victory. But we must also understand that this will be a tactical victory.

Instead of Gref, with Gates and Soros in addition, others will be nominated, and the “digital concentration camp” will be built not under the slogans of liberal globalism, but under the slogans of left-wing globalism - Trotskyism. The small people will change some of the pieces on the board, and once again change the banners. (Note how actively leftist ideas are being used and promoted in America).

What is to be done strategically? First, to realize that it is impossible to completely get rid of the Small People - a negative attitude was, is and will be, "it can be considered as an element of the psyche of all mankind" (I. R. Shafarevich), which means that the Small People will constantly reproduce and constantly lead "Hybrid war" against humanity.

However, it does not at all follow from this that he cannot “file his fangs”. What is needed for this - the Small People itself says in almost open text. Everywhere and always he strives to destroy the spiritual values of peoples, to deprive them of their traditions, to destroy religions, states, nations and families.

A simple analogy. Viruses were, are and will be. The virus that caused the disease of the body must be destroyed with an antibiotic. But in order not to get sick all the time and not constantly drink antibiotics (which will inevitably destroy your body and bring you to the grave), you need to strengthen your immune system, take care of your health. This is exactly what the algorithm for confronting the Small People and its next Utopia - the “digital concentration camp” should be like.
