Digital Parenting. A Global Experiment On Children - Alternative View

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Digital Parenting. A Global Experiment On Children - Alternative View
Digital Parenting. A Global Experiment On Children - Alternative View

Video: Digital Parenting. A Global Experiment On Children - Alternative View

Video: Digital Parenting. A Global Experiment On Children - Alternative View
Video: Digital parenting in a changing world 2024, September

I don’t know about you, but in recent years I have often come across four-five-year-old children who look … no, of course, not mentally retarded, it would be too strong to say, but still noticeably underdeveloped. They do not understand simple questions, in response either they are silent, or they carry some kind of nonsense, they cannot even play a simple scene in dolls with their mother or tell a fairy tale, the plot of which seems to be imposed in their teeth. These children (more often boys) are very shy, full of fears and at the same time incredibly competitive, pretending to be "cool". Being embarrassed to show their best side (for example, to tell how they made their mother happy today), such guys grimace in the presence of unfamiliar adults without any hesitation, they are not afraid to bully other children in front of their parents, tease, make faces, laugh loudly,repeating (again demonstratively, in front of adults!) various absurdities, and sometimes obscenities. And they flatly refuse to overcome difficulties. Even minimal ones. Which, naturally, scares mom and dad. “How will the child learn? - they ask anxiously and begin to take him to psychologists and doctors, give medicine, hire tutors. But first of all, one should ask the question: from whom does the child adopt such behavior patterns? And put a barrier to bad influence. As, in fact, caring parents have done at all times. But first of all, one should ask the question: from whom does the child adopt such behavior patterns? And put a barrier to bad influence. As, in fact, caring parents have done at all times. But first of all, one should ask the question: from whom does the child adopt such behavior patterns? And put a barrier to bad influence. As, in fact, caring parents have done at all times.

TV raised me

And this is where the interesting begins. When you ask parents what, in their opinion, could have “unscrewed” the child so, some shrug their shoulders in bewilderment, while others talk about heredity (more often not their own, but the other half) or about the bad influence of kindergarten. But upon closer examination, it turns out that many such children from an early age play computer games and watch Western cartoons. What's the matter? Maybe the kids are the victims of some kind of large-scale social experiment? But which one?

To clarify the situation, I met with Natalya Efimovna Markova, Ph. D. in Sociology, the leading head of the Center for Communication Research ISEP RAS. In recent years, she has been closely studying the impact of the media on children and adolescents. Natalya Efimovna confirmed my guess. Indeed, we can talk about a large-scale social experiment, the victims of which are children. Although the concept of "experiment" implies some unpredictability of the result, but in this case, the result, alas, is predictable.

The influence of modern media is obvious to the specialist. Strongly influencing fantasy, cartoons and computer games give children new attitudes and behaviors. Nothing can compete with these vivid, memorable visuals, backed up by the same scale. Against this background, even the most talented children's books with magnificent pictures look dull. I'm not talking about parental remarks and lectures, which children quickly learn to ignore.

What attitudes does contemporary Western art transmit to children?

Promotional video:

Let's start with aggression

Let us recall at least "Pokemon". What is the main action there? Some strange creatures under the general name "Pokemon", which translated from English means "pocket monsters" (pocket monster) seek to destroy each other. And they do it recklessly and skillfully.

Even when adults are watching a bloody duel, they sometimes cross the forbidden line, allowing themselves to "relax" and experience pleasure at the sight of other people's torment. A striking example of this is the excitement of the public in the Spanish bullfight or the passion for such bloody fun as cock and dog fights, which are now again becoming fashionable in a certain social environment.

If adults, whose psyche is much stronger than a child's, fall for this sadistic bait, then what can we say about children? The child naturally identifies with the cartoon characters. You can't go anywhere, these are the laws of perception of a work of art. By identifying with the aggressor, the baby gradually learns aggressive patterns of behavior. And if the aggressors (for example, Pokémon) act successfully, then empathy with them is rewarded with a sense of triumph. Because of this, a groove of aggressiveness is generated in the child's psyche. A sort of knurled track along which feelings are already habitually moving.

Someone will probably object that everywhere, in all fairy tales, there is a struggle between good and evil. Bogatyrs defeat dragons, Ivan Tsarevich - the Serpent Gorynych. However, there is a difference, and a very significant one. Modern Western cartoons purposefully develop sadomasochism in children, making them enjoy when a cartoon character hurts someone. This is skillfully stimulated by audio and video.

In traditional cartoons, the details of the murder have never been relished. Anyway, young children were not usually shown such scenes. In many of our cartoons, there are no fights at all.

And here? “For clarity, let's imagine,” N. Ye. Markova suggested, “how the victory of Ivan Tsarevich over the Serpent Gorynych should look like“in the spirit of Pokemon”. “Ivan cut off one of the Snake's heads and picked it up with a knife. He stuck his fingers in, the blood was warm … He smeared it on his face.

Hot blood flowed in streams. The serpent screams, wriggles, and Ivan laughs, drinks blood in glasses, gets strength from the blood of a serpent …”That is, this is no longer just sadism, but aestheticized sadism. It has an incredibly destructive effect on the psyche. The first calls of this kind have already sounded in Tom and Jerry. But those authors have not yet reached such sophistication as they are now. And in "Pokemon" the work went on using the latest technologies.

Demonstration on the verge of madness

Now about other deviations. On the one hand, children are incredibly shy, and on the other, they behave just wildly. Sometimes their demonstrativeness borders on insanity. For example, one such five-year-old boy in a class with a group of children was sitting with his face covered with a collar of a sweater, so that only his eyes were visible: the kid was so shy of those around him. But at the same time, he periodically crawled under the table, crawled on the floor, crowed, buzzed, absolutely not responding to the comments of the teacher and his mother, who was burnt out of shame.

Natalya Efimovna, with whom I share these observations, sighs in sorrow:

You may ask why children so often adopt deviant, deviant behavior now? - It turns out that back in the 70s of the now last XX century, psychologists have established that the models of behavior that are demonstrated by the charming heroes of the screen have a great attraction. Especially for young viewers with an unstable psyche and an unformed value system. If deviant, bullying behavior on the screen is not punished or even condemned in any way, it is very likely that children will imitate him. The famous American psychologist Albert Bandura, who wrote a special work "The Theory of Social Learning", studied the effect of the screen on the mass viewer. So, he said that even a single television model of behavior can become an object of imitation for millions!This has been repeatedly confirmed by the experiments and practice of modern life.

Let's turn to cartoons again. Take Teletubbies, a series that the authors call educational, claiming to be of great benefit to babies. What do Teletubbies teach little viewers? For example, here is how the concept of "decoration" is interpreted. First, a bunch of flowers tied with a ribbon appears on the tree. “This is a decoration,” the announcer explains. Then the bouquet migrates to one of the Teletubbies for the belt. "Decoration," the announcer repeats again. And then a bunch with a ribbon turns out to be in the Teletubby's … ass! He, like a dog, runs in a circle, trying to get him out, and the rest of the characters laugh fervently.

The series is designed for children under 4 years old - at the very age when kids most of all adopt patterns of behavior, imitating the given patterns. And then what are they encouraged to imitate? Stick something in the ass of a friend and have fun together, because it's wildly funny. The model of hooligan behavior is absolutely clear and not punishable by anyone, because the Teletubbies were not spanked, put in a corner, and did not even say that it was bad behavior!

And latently, homosexual motives are also introduced, because this model of behavior disinhibits the sphere of drives, violating a very serious taboo. Even super-demonstrative children had never thought before that something could be stuck in a friend's ass. The maximum they were capable of was to attach a funny face to someone else's back or put horns on the back of a friend. Although, all the same, such jokes were common among adolescents, and not among three or four-year-olds. But stick something in someone's ass ?! This is the behavior of perverted criminals, the violation of all taboos, previously unseen and absolutely unacceptable for our culture.

An episode is also curious when a Teletubbie boy puts on a girl's dress, and those around him approve of this behavior.

In real life, boys rarely want to wear girly clothes. And if they do, the people around say: “Why? With them! You're not a girl! Immediately, the kids are given exactly the opposite attitude. So a seemingly innocent joke is not at all an innocent attempt to undermine the norm of sex-role behavior. That can later come back to haunt and more serious distortions.

Deviant behavior in the family

And here's The Simpsons, a series for older kids. Many adults who have seen this "masterpiece" at least once are outraged by its rudeness and licentiousness. But not everyone understands that this is not just savagery and insanity (usually you hear just such assessments from parental lips), but deliberate destruction of family values, encouraging hooligan behavior with relatives.

How do you like these role models? The mother asks her son to help around the house, and he answered her: "Do it yourself, you old slut!"

And the fact that old age and illness in this series is subtly and very witty (which is especially scary) mocked ?!

The turtle steals the denture of Simpson's grandfather, and the poor fellow cannot catch up with her. Then his own son slams the door in front of his nose. And all this is cute, "cool", contagious. It's no surprise that kids start to imitate this behavior.

One father broke down and even filed a lawsuit against the television company that showed The Simpsons. Here is how it was. His seven-year-old son suddenly began to behave wildly: throwing fists at his mother, saying nasty things. The father could not understand what was the matter until his friend said: "Listen, he is exactly copying what is shown in the cartoon about The Simpsons!" And indeed, the boy watched this animated series twice a day, morning and evening. And it never occurred to my father that there could be something harmful in a children's cartoon …

Inhibition of mental development

In recent years, a growing number of children who cannot absorb information at school, suffer from underdevelopment of speech and emotions. As established by Western scientists, these are children who were "raised" by television in early childhood. English speech expert Dr. Sally Ward says there has been a dramatic increase in the number of children who can only perceive visual information over the past 20 years. Words pass them by. At school, the “televised” students experience great difficulties in changing their usual visual perception to verbal, because they are taught not by the TV, but by a living teacher. And in addition, they have to communicate with other children, and it is difficult for them.

Let's turn to the Teletubbies again. Adults who watched this series draw attention to oddities that have never happened in cartoons before. First, some game episodes run twice in a row. Agree, this in itself is unusual. Although it is stated that the cartoon is "educational", we are still not in class at school. Art has its own laws, and such a "TV talk" looks strange. And then there are inserts that for some reason were repeated several times a week. Let's say this. Three ships slowly, one after another, sail across the screen. No action is taken in this case, the "swim" is in no way connected with the plot. The ships simply cut the waves with their noses, pass around and sail away. Or another example. On a tree standing in the middle of a field, fifteen (!) Birds fly in turn. Each one twirls its tail slightly, sits on a branch and freezes,exactly copying the movements of the previous ones. It takes three or four minutes. For the screen - a very long time, and it is known to be expensive. Why throw money down the drain?

It looks absurd. But only at first glance. The meaning of such techniques is in teaching children to use the screen. Its flickering light, the rhythm of the screen action and a certain way of selected noises hypnotically affect the psyche. As a result, the little man falls into a trance and already completely uncritically perceives everything that pours from the screen, is attracted to him. The Teletubbies are a consistent creation of a moron man who will sit at the screen with his mouth open and swallow any information. Such addiction is akin to drug addiction. That is why many children, especially those with a weak psyche, cannot tear themselves away from the TV. And when the parents try to turn off the "box", they fall into a rage, throw themselves into a fight. Weaning from a drug produces a violent reaction.

Raising losers

From time immemorial, children have been taught by positive examples. The negative ones tried not to demonstrate, and most importantly, they were always accompanied by morality. This is the basics of pedagogy. Try teaching your child to write by showing him how to carry dirt in a notebook. Or teach grammar by talking about different kinds of mistakes. The result is unlikely to please you.

In "new wave cartoons" these principles are consistently violated. Inappropriate behavior is portrayed often enough and without evaluative comments.

For example, throughout all three hundred and sixty-five episodes of the Teletubbies to the call "Time to sleep!" jump into the hatch located in the hill. But for young viewers, this hatch is associated with a cozy house in which TV heroes live. This means that the image of the hatch becomes positively colored, and some of the children who are especially suggestible, as well as those prone to risky behavior, may well follow the example of their favorite characters.

In addition, the child is taught to run into danger by simulating risky behavior even in completely normal, standard situations. Let's say a Teletubby is swinging on a swing. The off-screen announcer says: "Lyalya is swinging." "Lyalya" swung twice and fell. She got up and sat down on the swing again. Again the voice of the announcer: "Lyalya is swinging." The Teletubby falls again. And so six times! The connection of the concepts: "swing" and "fall" is drummed into the child. Then the Teletubby will swing a little normally, but the idea that swinging on a swing is associated with a fall will remain with the child, and when he sits on the swing himself, it may well emerge. Only for him it will not do without consequences, as for a TV hero.

And when the Teletubbies played ball, their misses and failures were constantly shown. By imitating their favorite characters, children will naturally copy these behaviors as well. Thus, the psychology of losers is formed from childhood.

Imitation of ugliness

- What can you say about Sesame Street? - I ask N. Ye. Markova. - This series was also watched by a great many kids. In one kindergarten near Moscow, I even saw the huge characters of "Sesame Street", which were used in training sessions. Satisfied educators said that children are willingly included in such play techniques.

- Children willingly play anything with adults, - Natalya Efimovna shrugs. - So this is not an argument at all. In Sesame Street we see the same propaganda of deviant and unsuccessful behavior. But also, the characters are extremely ugly and disgusting. What is it for? - The fact is that the child imitates not only the behavior, but also the facial expressions of the characters, adopts their gestures and grasp. But the faces of the monsters from "Sesame Street" are nasty one to the other: stupid, angry or insane. When a child identifies with such characters, his inner sense of self is correlated with the expression on their faces. And the baby begins to behave accordingly.

It is impossible to adopt an evil facial expression, while remaining a good-natured soul, to adopt a senseless grin and strive to "gnaw the granite of science."

Why are children attracted to nasty things?

But why are children attracted by all these nasty "works of art"? After all, they are liked even by children from intelligent families, who, it would seem, from an early age are trying to instill good taste, to sow in them the seeds of "reasonable, kind, eternal."

It turns out that everything is not simple here. Doctor of Psychology, prof. LN Matveeva from Moscow State University conducted the following experiment: when watching various films, young people were given sensors in their hands with a request to press a button at especially interesting moments. The result was amazing. The viewers were equally interested in looking at something beautiful and something terrible. Let's say, the victorious hero, who climbed a high cliff and admires the magnificent panorama, and the spectacle of a bloody execution. Both that and another tickled nerves.

When such stimulation becomes habitual, a person cannot do without it. Life without thrills seems insipid to him. On the other hand, he now perceives only such harsh stimulation, being unable to understand more subtle feelings that are shown in classic films. Therefore, stimulation with harsh stimuli for sex, violence, disgust or sadism becomes the norm for him. Everything else is already beyond the threshold of his perception, like classical music for the layman.

If such changes are taking place with adults, then what about children whose emotional sphere has not yet been properly formed? Nowadays, you can often meet preschoolers who want to watch only action films or, at worst, "cool" Western cartoons. Parents think that their child has outgrown domestic cartoons about Umka or Cheburashka. But in reality it did not grow up to them. He does not even understand the very simple relationships of our cartoon characters. Only after special classes on the development of the emotional sphere, having learned to distinguish some shades of human feelings, the child begins to understand the content of baby cartoons and watches them with rapture. And the parents look at him in surprise.

But how many people, under the influence of Western film production, will grow up as if hewn from a log - rough, primitive creatures, incapable of perceiving normal human feelings!

New technologies for manipulating consciousness are especially dangerous for children with a subtle psyche, hypersensitive, emotionally unstable, excitable. There are many of them among the "Caesarea", among children born with asphyxia or with birth trauma. The stimulation of childbirth, and the nervous situation that prevails now in many families, and much, much more, does not help to strengthen the child's psyche.

Why advertise deviant behavior?

This is part of the ideology of modern Western civilization. What is now commonly called a globalist project.

Globalists believe that the planet's resources are limited and there are too many people. Therefore, they need to be "reduced", if possible, without resorting to outright violence. This is where deviation advertising comes in handy. As a result, some of the duped youth will follow a crooked path, and they can be sent to prison. Thus, manipulators hope to avoid uprisings, the leaders of which could be brave, energetic, passionate personalities. Another part of the population could live in peace and raise children. But since childbearing in the globalist world should be limited, sexual perversion is elevated to the rank of the norm and extolled in every possible way so that the "basic instinct" is satisfied without "unwanted" pregnancy. Well, the third group of people will get used to sitting with their mouths open in front of the screen and will blindly trust the TV authorities. Such peoplenaturally very easy to manage.

For a globalist project, it is important to form a complex of losers in the youth. Otherwise, who will sell drugs, which are one of the main sources of income for the creators of the "brave new world"?

A loser is dissatisfied with life, prone to depression. And they obligingly give him a "medicine", because drugs are presented as a remedy for this ailment. Indeed, they allow you to shake things up for a while. True, then depression will roll over with renewed vigor, but it will be possible to take a new dose - and start again.

And all three of the above groups of people are candidates for drug addiction. A person who transgresses the norms of society is deeply unhappy. Dostoevsky showed this magnificently in his novel Crime and Punishment. Among homosexuals and lesbians, the BIGGEST PERCENTAGE OF DRUG USERS. And for the representatives of the third group - those who are dropping saliva - it is elementary to confuse their heads by saying (as it was recently said in the USA) that drugs are an excellent tool for enhancing sexual activity or for personal growth. Drugs are gradually becoming the norm in Western society. According to statistics, up to 40% of the male population in England, France, Spain, Holland at the age of 16 to 25 have tried drugs. This is a very effective weapon, a kind of dust that is sprinkled on society so that the "extra" people seem to die out by themselves.

Therefore, including your baby "Teletubbies" or "Pokemon", you unwittingly include him in the risk group. Is it worth it in such a situation to look back at others, reassuring yourself that they are doing the same?