Memo About Work And Efficiency - Alternative View

Memo About Work And Efficiency - Alternative View
Memo About Work And Efficiency - Alternative View

Video: Memo About Work And Efficiency - Alternative View

Video: Memo About Work And Efficiency - Alternative View
Video: Office Space (3/5) Movie CLIP - Motivation Problems (1999) HD 2024, September

Both stories are very characteristic of a young adolescent age. Both Misha and Svetlana were at the mercy of their enthusiasm, a creative impulse, which, having taken possession of a person, not only distracts from all small matters, but often brings a person to the heights of his specialty. But at about the same time - that is, at the age of 16-18 years - the body is maturing and a significant restructuring of not only the physical state, but also the psyche of the young man (and the girl, of course) occurs. This period is a turning point and largely determines the paths along which the further development of a young person will go.

On his way, there are temptations that did not touch him before. At this time, on the part of teachers and parents, maximum perseverance and tact should be shown in order to help a young person develop internal brakes in himself, to divert his attention from the sensory sphere until the body is fully ripe. Otherwise, the energy spent on love experiences will be taken away from the muscles, from the brain and the higher nervous activity associated with it. The better the cerebral cortex is formed, and with it the internal brakes dictated by the mind, the easier it will be for the young man to master the further development of his feelings and direct them along a reasonable channel.

It can be considered established that the more developed the intellect, the stronger its internal brakes.

For this, the entire system of education must create an opportunity for the release of love energy and its transformation into creative.

Misha had a great danger that the feeling that captured him would channel all his creative energy, all his brain forces to love, endangering not only his studies, but also the abilities themselves. An early fascination with love affairs is also dangerous because it can take away brain energy from a useful activity and will not give the young body the opportunity to accumulate the mental baggage necessary for life - moreover, it can lead to antisocial actions.

A developed intellect, and with it developed internal brakes, allow a young person to switch the energy hidden in various drives, desires, to other vital needs that are more important from the point of view of the hierarchy of human values.

Almost every more or less serious achievement in any area of human activity is associated with the need to limit the needs in the sphere of drives and passions in favor of the development of spiritual values or for the sake of achieving a set goal.

So, for example, athletes who strive to achieve high results, refuse to satisfy some desires and impulses."

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Scientists working on important problems sublimate their energies in the same way. These problems absorb active people to such an extent that work becomes the most important thing in life for them, and for the sake of it they limit and sometimes refuse to satisfy other needs for a certain period of time.

Thus, the task of education and self-education is to direct the energy of unspent feelings.

This means that the energy of young people who strive to have their own family, but are unable to carry it out, can be successfully switched to study, creative work, sports games, and physical labor.

First of all, you need to know that sexual abstinence is harmless and that nature reasonably takes care of the accumulated excess energy to find a way out. Young men, whose body is overwhelmed with love energy that does not find a way out, have dreams, during which they experience love ecstasy. As a substitute for love, these dreams make it easier to live alone. Being harmless, they should not embarrass or serve as a source of doubts and remorse, for this does not depend on human consciousness and is regulated by nature.

The most important distraction is work, especially a loved one. The greatest satisfaction and happiness in life is known to the one who is able to cultivate hard work and efficiency. Labor is a stimulus and source of life and progress, without which a person cannot move forward.

Labor is necessary for a person's mental health as well as clean air for his physical condition.

This is the highest available to man on earth and worthy of his happiness. The greatest wealth that can be inherited is hard work. It enables a person to create something that is inaccessible to another, devoid of this quality.

Hard work easily allows you to switch all types of energy to creativity.

To distract a young man from his early passion for love feelings that inhibit and often kill his abilities, it is important to develop efficiency in him from his youthful years, to teach him to do everything quickly, accurately and in any conditions.

In our family, for example, there was no special place for classes. We prepared lessons wherever possible, often in the hustle and bustle of life. This taught me to engage in creative work in any conditions.

We were also trained to do everything quickly. Our family did not have the word "go", but only "run away." And it was impossible to take a step, to fulfill the order with us. This habit of doing everything quickly and accurately was very useful in my life later.

In our youth, it seems to all of us that we have a lot of time ahead, which will be enough for both work and idleness.

This is a deep misconception that people very soon begin to repent of. But the lost time cannot be returned. Therefore, blessed is the one who appreciated this wealth in time and treated it with care all his life. As a rule, such a person managed to do something useful in his life, for which his contemporaries and even descendants were grateful. In England there is a saying: "Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves." It is better to remake this saying, saying: "Take care of the minutes, and the clock will worry about itself."

Some people, including young people, after dinner, lounging in an armchair and yawning, convince themselves that now they do not have time to do something serious; there will be more time, and they will "take up their minds." Such reasoning is the greatest obstacle on the way to knowledge and to any big business.

Likewise, many do not do anything serious because they "do not have the appropriate conditions."

Once we came to a young engineer who lives with his wife and child in a well-furnished, with all the amenities, two-room apartment. When asked if he was engaged in scientific work, he said with sincere surprise: “What are you, and where to study? I have neither a place nor conditions for work. I thought about how in our time, and even later, graduate students and young specialists are often in the same room, with many children successfully engaged in serious scientific work. And I myself, I remember being in graduate school, lived with three children in two small rooms without any amenities. This did not prevent me from writing a dissertation and defending it ahead of schedule, almost on my knees.

To be business-like means to save not only your own, but also someone else's time. This also requires being precise when attending meetings or meetings. The lack of such efficiency and accuracy on the part of individual people leads to the fact that other, truly business and orderly people, waste a lot of time waiting for non-business people.

It is necessary to accustom oneself from a young age to be quick and diligent in all, even insignificant, matters, not to postpone until tomorrow what can be done today. You must pursue your goal stubbornly and tirelessly, and may any new difficulty or even failure not only not deprive you of courage, but, on the contrary, inspire you even more.

One of my friends says: if failure befalls me, I immediately shrink, strength in me increases, I begin to work with a frenzy. At such times I do two or three times more than usual.

It is known that a persistent person succeeds in a lot of things that cannot be achieved by another.

A business person will never say much, especially empty (even the so-called "beautiful" and "loud") words. The speeches of such a person are usually short, businesslike, and specific. If he has nothing to say, he will be silent, and will not speak just for the sake of "yes to say something."

Being businesslike means reading a lot, quickly and being able to grasp the main thing. It is very important not to waste time reading empty and unnecessary literature. We must learn to recognize and read only smart books. This means not only scientific, but also artistic, which are written with the mind and are useful.

AS Pushkin wrote: “Reading is the best teaching … Following the thoughts of a great man is the most entertaining science”.

Note: "great", not ordinary, ordinary.

If it is clear to every business person that it is not worthwhile to conduct and listen to empty conversations, then read empty books even more so.

"If it is permissible to laugh at empty people, then it is probably permissible to laugh at empty books too … If it is permissible to say:" You should not carry on and listen to empty conversations, "then it is probably permissible to say:" You should not write and read empty books. ", - taught N. G. Chernyshevsky.

S. Vavilov added: "It is necessary by all means to save humanity from reading bad, unnecessary books."

“Bad books can spoil us just as bad comrades can” (G. Fielding).

“A bad book communicates perverse concepts and makes the ignorant even more ignorant” (V. Belinsky).

Reading useful books and not reading empty books, concentrating your energy on what most likely brings you closer to your goal is also a kind of sublimation of vital resources and energy, this is also efficiency.

I, of course, do not want to say that all the time you have to do only business. It is necessary to alternate classes with entertainment, which not only do not interfere with the business, but, on the contrary, help him.

A person who has worked vigorously for the day will receive much more satisfaction in the evening, enjoying rest and pleasant company, than one who has been inactive all day. Moreover, a person who has been engaged in science or some other favorite occupation all day will be more sensitive to the beauty of nature, to a witty word or a good game than one who has been idling all day.

The whole psychology of an idle person is characterized by indifference and inertia, and his pleasures are as sluggish as all his affairs are helpless.

You just need to keep in mind that efficiency, even in pleasures, is manifested with dignity. A person who falls in love can change a lot. He may feel dizzy, but he will always preserve human dignity, decency, honesty in everything. If, while enjoying pleasure, he sinks to the position of an animal, then he will be disgraced, because next to pleasure there is often dishonor, and a worthy person will not step over the unlawful boundary.

Purposefulness is an important part of efficiency.

Every reasonable person sets a specific task for himself, more important than just drinking and eating. He wants to be of benefit to his people, the Motherland, and in this, if possible, one way or another finds satisfaction.

Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov, MAN AMONG PEOPLE
