The Fake Measles Outbreak Has Brought Huge Profits To The Pharmaceutical Mafia - Alternative View

The Fake Measles Outbreak Has Brought Huge Profits To The Pharmaceutical Mafia - Alternative View
The Fake Measles Outbreak Has Brought Huge Profits To The Pharmaceutical Mafia - Alternative View

Video: The Fake Measles Outbreak Has Brought Huge Profits To The Pharmaceutical Mafia - Alternative View

Video: The Fake Measles Outbreak Has Brought Huge Profits To The Pharmaceutical Mafia - Alternative View
Video: Measles outbreak sparks fears, renews tensions over mandatory vaccination 2024, September

Vaccination of the population brings huge profits to the pharmaceutical mafia. They are ready to involve police officers, to carry out hysteria in the media. The police state forces people to undergo medical procedures against their will …

Big Pharma admits measles outbreak and ensuing media hysteria generated huge profits

Since the beginning of the year, the Free Thought Project has reported hysteria associated with an outbreak of measles and subsequent loss of freedoms, and the ensuing police crackdown. We have witnessed a ban on unvaccinated children from going to public places, mandatory vaccinations administered by the police, and a vaccine promotion in the media that we have never seen before. In May, the situation took a new level, as the Washington Post published an article calling for the arrest of those who chose not to get vaccinated. We are now seeing the result of this hysteria, and it manifests itself in the form of huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry.


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(Matt Agorista's article reprinted from

Pharmaceutical giant Merck said Tuesday that consumer demand for the measles vaccine rose sharply thanks to the "outbreak" that helped boost sales in the second quarter.

Sales of childhood vaccines, including MMR (or MMR for measles, mumps and rubella) from a New Jersey company, jumped 58% year over year to $ 675 million, according to CNBC. Merck announced this in its second quarter earnings report on Tuesday. Merck, the sole supplier of measles vaccines in the US, said the strong growth was due in part to this year's measles outbreak, which was the largest in the US since 1992.

Merch Chief Commercial Officer Frank Cliburn even mentioned this fact in the news.

“There have been several US private sector purchases this quarter based on measles outbreaks that you read about in the news,” Cliburn said in a conference call with investors after the profit was made. "And we truly believe that we will continue to see an increase in the production of our children's vaccines."

Outbreaks are good for business, as is the media hysteria that has successfully driven Americans so deeply fearful that they now support measures that include sending parents to jail for refusing to be vaccinated and banning unvaccinated people from public places.

And all this is only due to 1164 cases of measles as of July 25. No person has died of the disease, and these 1,164 people are currently immunized against measles.

As reported by the TFTP in late March, one of the most shocking actions to date in the 2019 measles outbreak is that Rockland County officials declared a state of emergency and effectively banned any child under the age of 18 who is not received the MMR vaccine. Then, in April, officials took it a step further and ordered mandatory vaccinations for several New York City zip codes. Those who tried to resist receiving injections were fined.


While this may sound like a crazy police state to many people forcing people to undergo medical procedures against their will, Juliet Kayem took to a platform at the Washington Post in May to advocate fines and arrests for people who chose not to get vaccinated.

“With more than 700 reported (measles) cases confirmed in 22 states, this is now a public safety crisis and public safety tools - arrests, fines, isolation - are absolutely essential,” the would-be tyrant wrote.

Kayem described those who chose not to get vaccinated as "contagious" and "free riders" who "put my children and our society at risk."

One might dismiss such talk of a police state as the hysteria of some mad chatterbox, but Kayem is not an occasional crazy chatterbox. She is a former Assistant Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security.

That's right, this is the same person who worked at DHS and could pull the strings very well to fulfill his sick desire to get society to heal, advocates for people to be surrounded and thrown in jail for abstaining from vaccines. This is complete dystopian madness.

According to Kayem, measles cases in the United States that haven't killed a single person are a "crisis" worthy of entering a Hitler-style medical police state we've never seen before.

To scare away those who think of this article as “insane anti-vaccination nonsense,” it is important to point out that TFTP is not at all against vaccines. We're just for vaccine safety and informed consent.

The irony is that many of these people are in favor of choice when it comes to abortion, but are in favor of de-choice when it comes to vaccines. It would be funny if it were not so hypocritical and tyrannical.

And this tyranny is already happening. Families who refuse compulsory MMR vaccination in New York are currently facing thousands of dollars in fines.

The hysteria over this measles outbreak borders on insanity, since measles is not even on the list of federal quarantine diseases. However, the quarantine is already in progress and this crazy woman is demanding arrests.

In addition, although 90,000 people die from measles worldwide each year, according to the World Health Organization, malnutrition, especially vitamin A deficiency, is the leading cause of death in these cases. In fact, 75-92% of measles hospitalizations in the United States are also caused by vitamin A deficiency

Even the CDC admits that before the massive measles vaccination program was introduced, almost everyone had measles and had lifelong immunity by 15 years.

According to Doctors for Informed Consent, there is rarely permanent disability or death from measles in the United States in the modern era. Between 1900 and 1963, the measles death rate declined from 13.3 per 100,000 to 0.2 per 100,000 due to improved living conditions, nutrition and health care - that is, decrease by 98%. This is shown in the graph below.


Since September, only 642 measles cases have been reported in the New York City area, according to the CDC. There were only 25 hospitalizations and zero deaths. In fact, there have only been three measles deaths in the entire country in the past 20 years - and these tyrants want to be thrown behind bars if you refuse to be vaccinated.

However, the government is monitoring those who have not received the measles vaccine and forcing them to take it, threatening their freedom if they refuse.

Once again, no one here is in favor of not vaccinating. The TFTP simply calls into question the government that coerces citizens into medical procedures without their consent, and advocates the arrest of those who refuse.

As previously reported in TFTP, although some studies do link unvaccinated people to measles cases, multiple other studies suggest that the MMR vaccine is probably worse than the measles infection.

In 2017, Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) reported in the British Medical Journal that approximately 5,700 children in the United States suffer from seizures each year as a direct result of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccinations.

“In the United States, measles is generally a benign, short-term viral infection; 99.99% of people with measles make a full recovery,”said Dr. Shira Miller, president and founder of PIC. "Since the MMR vaccine has not been proven to be safer than measles, there is insufficient evidence that mandatory mass vaccination against measles results in net public health benefits in the United States."

Although there is a risk of seizures from a measles infection, the data indicate that the risk of seizures from the measles vaccine is five times higher. What's more, according to research, the seizures from the MMR vaccine are much worse and can cause irreparable damage.


“For example, 5% of febrile seizures result in epilepsy, a chronic brain disorder that leads to recurring seizures. About 300 injections of MMR vaccine (5% of 5700) each year will result in epilepsy,”says PIC.

And now that the government is gathering people and forcing them to take this vaccine against a non-life-threatening virus, according to the CDC's own figures, children will undoubtedly suffer in the process. And those who resist out of fear that it might harm their child or because of their religious beliefs, the former Assistant Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and the Washington Post believes they should be isolated by jail.

Despite the absence of deaths and a very small number of complications, we can now see why all this hysteria and actions of the police state are the result of the activities of Big Pharma.