Electronics VS Terminator - The Gap Between The USSR And The USA - Alternative View

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Electronics VS Terminator - The Gap Between The USSR And The USA - Alternative View
Electronics VS Terminator - The Gap Between The USSR And The USA - Alternative View

Video: Electronics VS Terminator - The Gap Between The USSR And The USA - Alternative View

Video: Electronics VS Terminator - The Gap Between The USSR And The USA - Alternative View
Video: Алексей Иванов - о сытой Москве и небесном Челябинске (Eng subs) 2024, September

Any work of art, including cinematography, always reflects the culture of the country in which they were created. What is written and filmed by Russians for Russians is far from always suitable, for example, for Europeans, because they will be misunderstood by them. In the 70s and 80s, several films about biorobots were released - “The Adventures of Electronics” by Konstantin Bromberg in 1979, “Guest from the Future” by Pavel Arsenov in 1984, “The Terminator” by James Cameron in 1984 and others, which promise the emergence of future technologies, in particular, human robots. But already today they have become a reality. The United States is scaring the world with a revolt of machines, while the Soviet Union and Russia believe that robots will be man's best friends.

Let's think together: how will the life of the planet change after the appearance of more advanced robots and computer systems? Should you be afraid of a machine uprising? Who is right on this issue - the USA or Russia? And what other results follow from the comparison of these two fantastic films of the second half of the last century? Ay-yes to understand.

Future technologies - for or against people?

The Terminator is a humanoid machine covered in leather with added hair, mucous membranes and other organic tissue. Real eyes, nails and so on. One of the heroes of the film "Terminator" broadcasts: "He is a cyborg - a cybernetic organism …" … Transitional stage - half-man, half-machine "We do not know how to do that. Not now, but in 40 years … Electronic is essentially the same thing. For example, just like the Terminator, he can copy voices. But this is where the similarities between the two main characters of the films end.

The main function of the Terminator is destruction and murder. The main purpose of the existence of Electronics is to help and assist people, serve society, develop abilities, create new biorobots (for example, an electronic dog). Do you feel the difference? It is colossal: destruction and creation, earth and heaven, hell and heaven.

In the film "The Terminator" we learn about other technical innovations - robots hunters for people with infrared sensors, as well as the global computer network SkyNet, that is, the Heavenly Network is something like the Internet, but the goal of the movie network is to destroy humanity. Skynet creates more and more new types of machines, the main function of which is to kill and control the pitiful remnants of humanity.

Promotional video:

One cannot but agree with Sergei Yesenin, who visited the United States in 1923 and wrote:

The United States, as it was technologically advanced, thinking only about material well-being, continues to move in this direction. The Terminator movie is indeed technically more advanced, using the latest advances in computer technology and absorbing a huge budget.

By the 80s of the 20th century, Russia began to lag more and more behind the United States in terms of technology, but continued to philosophize and ask questions about the meaning of life. Therefore, Soviet films from about the same period - "The Adventures of Electronics" and "Guest from the Future" turned out with a small budget and technologically uncomplicated special effects. The goal of the creators of the American film is to play on the spectator's nerves. The purpose of these Soviet films for young people is to play on high feelings in the area of the so-called heart chakra.

"Personality" of biorobots of Russia and the USA

The Terminator is created by soulless machines. His thinking is linear and primitive. The American cyborg is not afraid of explosions and fire baths. Nothing and no one is able to stop him, except that a hydraulic press. Soviet Electronics was created by a kind, caring professor, and his creation repeats the humane intentions of its creator. The electronics are strong, but they are stopped by a button on the suitcase, that is, technologies that are quite sensitive to breakdowns are used in the Soviet biorobot.


The electronic is trusting, has a rich vocabulary, learns all the time and discovers new abilities. He wants to become a man, well, or almost a man - this is the dream of his entire electronic life.

And what about the Terminator? The vocabulary is small, not much more than that of Ellochka from “12 chairs” with her 30 words in the lexicon.

The Terminator's interface shows that about 8 options are offered as an answer. Therefore, the consciousness of this man-machine is extremely limited. The Terminator is incapable of learning, but he can build a plan for an internal combustion engine in his head to understand how a car works and how to drive it.

As for the attitude towards people, the difference here is simply striking. If Electronic aspires to become a human and fights for justice, then the Terminator treats people like annoying flies - to kill one or 30 - for him does not matter on the way to achieving the goal. Once in 1984, Terminator goes to the gun store, where he collects more firearms and for some reason kills the seller. Or, for example, he drives into a police station by car and interrupts absolutely all the cops in it indiscriminately.

Now the history of Electronics. He escapes from his creator to become a human, constantly helps all his companions if they need it, rebuffs offenders (but does not kill), tries to be as honest as possible, learns different languages, studies diligently, puts things in order in the garage and becomes school is a real star in the best sense of the word.

Difference in Western and Russian thinking

One might get the feeling that the reason for such a colossal difference in the character of these protagonists is the difference in genres: “The Terminator” is an action movie, an evil fairy tale for adults, and “Adventures of Electronics” is a children's and youth film, family fiction. But the fact of the matter is that at the time when “The Terminator” was translated into Russian and shown in the Soviet and post-Soviet space, there was still no legislative restriction on the screening of films of this or that age category. American action films with elements of cruelty and frank scenes were watched from young to old: both naive, impressionable youths and adults with a stronger psyche. American time bombs like Terminator, against the backdrop of the economic and political crisis in Russia, laid fertile ground in this country for the development of banditry and general moral decay of Russian society in the turbulent 90s.

In the film "The Terminator" we see a hidden advertisement for Nike sneakers, which deliberately flash in front of the audience three times, scenes of the destruction of people are depicted in a naturalistic way. What about personal relationships? How do you like this dialogue? Or here's how Sarah Connor's friend reacts to the terrible death of her friend's namesake and namesake - ironically, with black humor. And nothing that the other day someone was brutally killed. The main feelings that the film evokes are fear, aggression and other animal instincts. The moral of this film is as follows: “human life is nothing”, “take everything from life”. And even some details that could not have been removed by accident cause disgust and try to shake the inner moral core of a person of a non-Western type of thinking. For example, a little girl on a bicycle appears in the background;she personifies the archetypes of tenderness and care “children”, “family”. Then, suddenly, a car wheel appears in the foreground, which ruthlessly crushes a children's car.

It seems to be nonsense. But on a subconscious level that understands the language of associations, there was violence against childhood and family. Psychologists are well aware of this.

Needless to say, there is nothing like this in the film about Electronics? There are no scenes of murder or torture in it, although by the 80s ambiguous details already appear, such as the imprisonment of Urri, the servant of the leader of the bandits, in a metal statue in which he risks dying if his accomplices deign to fulfill their promise to get the guy out of there after a successful robbery … But all this is a kindergarten compared to the meat grinder that reigns in the movie "Terminator".

And yet it cannot be said that in the American motion picture about this biorobot there is absolutely no place for the kind and light. Yes, there is something like that, but in such a small amount that it is simply lost and quickly forgotten in the whirlwind of cruelty and fear throughout the film.

Another moment at the end of the plot, when Sarah, being pregnant, drives a car and dictates instructions to her future son on a dictaphone, which nevertheless inspires respect as a woman who has taken full responsibility for the protection, education and training of the future fighter for the revival of human civilization. In the film "Terminator - 2: Judgment Day", the biorobot seems to be on the side of people, but it is still dull and cruel, it is still created for murder, not for creation. In the Soviet films "The Adventures of Electronics" and "Guest from the Future" we see that the biorobots - Electronic and Werther - do not attack first, but only protect themselves and people from the malicious intent of negative characters, and they, in principle, are not created for murder.

What robots, is the future

Why did we get to the bottom of the topic of biorobots? Because it is a symbol of the connection between man and technology, the personification of the apogee of the information technology era. What biorobot is the future. Before us is unfolding a dispute between two predictions - about the onset of the Apocalypse and the onset of a bright future. The Western model of the development of society recognizes that it is capable of creating, in the main, unprincipled technologies, the lion's share of which will be aimed at the destruction of the human race. That is why the future in The Terminator is nuclear war and the endless struggle of people against machines. The Soviet development model is confident that the latest technologies will work for the benefit of people and become a pleasant bonus for the coming socialism. Therefore, the future will become even more cloudless, technology will transform the world and improve people. The film "The Adventures of Electronics" is echoed by another Soviet film - "Guest from the Future", based on the futuristic book by Kir Bulychev "A Hundred Years Ahead". Both there and there - the propaganda of high morality, nobility, humanity and technology, respecting their creator, ready to work and risk themselves for the welfare of people. The robots of the future are created for creation, disinterested assistance to man in his striving for constant development and embellishment of the world.disinterested assistance to a person in his desire for constant development and embellishment of the world.disinterested assistance to a person in his desire for constant development and embellishment of the world.

What will be our future? What path will the evolution of human society and technology take? Let's discuss it in the comments. And while you are thinking or already writing your opinion, hi-tech specialists, on the instructions of the world elite, are already programming robots to intimidate humanity. As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. Did you like the article? Then put your thumbs up.

And if you have something to add, write in the comments, share the article with your friends and do not forget that if we do not build our future, then we will have to endure it.
