Utilization Of Technology And The Destruction Of Ancient Civilization - Alternative View

Utilization Of Technology And The Destruction Of Ancient Civilization - Alternative View
Utilization Of Technology And The Destruction Of Ancient Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Utilization Of Technology And The Destruction Of Ancient Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Utilization Of Technology And The Destruction Of Ancient Civilization - Alternative View
Video: You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Graham Hancock 2024, September

Who there likes to constantly ask, they say, if the past was the development of today, then where did everything go … here is an article on the topic for you. And then we join in the search for planned utilization, for mass purchases for utilization (for example, in Ukraine, all equipment made before the 90s in the Union is now being massively bought up in Ukraine, at the time of the 90s it is no longer accepted - it would seem that it was still made on the same factories - but no, the marking of the dates is not the one that needs to be disposed of), for planned removals for disposal, and so on. By the way, the pioneers in the collection of scrap metal from the same opera - it seems that the Union has such a development that, according to the official legend, is many times higher than the pre-revolutionary period, then the children were strained to collect massively pre-revolutionary metal, where every samovar, every backrest from the bed, every battery and etc,carried art and beauty? Either the Union with metal has become more intense than in pre-revolutionary times, or recycling.

By the beginning of the 20th century, almost every settlement in the United States with a population of more than 2,500 people had its own system of electric roads, in addition to this, tram lines connected a huge number of cities with each other. The longest continuous route was over 1,500 kilometers, and the average speed of intercity trains was 130 km / h. For some time, tram companies and auto giants managed to coexist and develop normally, but by the 1920s, sales of General Motors vehicles began to plummet. Those who wanted and could afford a personal car have already purchased it, the remaining 90% traveled mainly by electric transport.

A 1974 report by U. S. Senate adviser Bradford Snell provided evidence that from 1936 to 1950, General Motors, together with Firestone Tire, Standard Oil of California, and Phillips Petroleum, created shell holding companies through which they bought tram lines and liquidated them. Direct threats, blackmail, deception and bribery of officials were used, extensive connections of the leadership in the ruling and banking circles were used. As a result, trams were gradually replaced by smelly, slow buses. The manufacturer of these buses was all the same General Motors. Well, inconvenient schedules, crowdedness and stuffiness of salons forced solvent citizens to buy personal cars.

The court considered proven only a conspiracy to purchase buses from General Motors. For violating antitrust laws, the company was fined $ 5,000, and each of the company's executives was fined $ 1. By that time, trams had already disappeared from almost all cities.

End of the article. Now let's take a look at an old video demonstrating French tanks of pre-revolutionary technology:

Here we see an excellent riveting technology, which, unfortunately, we no longer possess. And a little further, the demonstration shows why these giant tanks were created, because they are destroying ancient architecture. This can be seen from the masonry:


As the practice of the 90s showed, it is not such an easy task to destroy such buildings - metal cables tore. This is to understand what quality material was produced by factories of those times before the reformatting of the World. Buy such a brick today, build a building out of it - it will stand without exaggeration for a thousand years and the brick will look like new. Get the metal of that time - it will stand for a thousand years and will not rust a bit - and scientists are surprised at the pillar in India and only one pillar for them is a great miracle, which of course it is, in comparison with today's primitive technologies. That is why, in fact, such giant tanks were created to destroy concrete, industrial, important buildings, for sure and pointwise.

Promotional video:

There were also more powerful projects for the utilization and destruction of antiquity. For example, in order to destroy the Stars, which are unfairly called fortresses, Ivan Semchishin proposed to Nicholas II a project of a ball-tank, nicknamed "Oboy":


Evaluate what project the monster was conceived by the 1915s just for the sake of destroying ancient structures: The apparatus proposed by Semchishin was intended, according to the creator, to destroy fortresses and was an "armored epicycloid several hundred meters high" [1], and the destruction of fortresses was carried out by collision of a colossal mass on the selected target.

Can you imagine a transport several hundred meters away? And past engineers proceeded from the possibilities of that time - this is the presence of engines ala Titanic, factories for the manufacture of giant metal structures ala the Elf Tower. Plus, it should be built clearly by people who know how, and not uneducated peasants in bast shoes.

The body of the huge egg-shaped structure was made of 100 mm thick hardened steel. The machine was set in motion with the help of motors located inside the apparatus and raising the eccentric flywheel, which, in turn, ensured the machine rolling along the ground. Moreover, according to the designer, the speed of the car directly depended on the length of time the flywheel was in the raised state. In a note with the alleged characteristics, Semchishin indicated the maximum speed of the apparatus - 300 versts per hour. When driving uphill, the inventor also proposed using jet propellant boosters. In addition to the motors and controls, there were also "spotlights, wireless telegraph, elevators, living quarters and even shops" inside the machine.

And now I’ll get another trump video of 1919 from my sleeve. This is the destroyed Star of Ypres:

Everyone can see a lot here. This is not World War II for us, but what destruction! Trees are not visible at all and how can one not remember the historical term "scorched field". By the way, there, according to a previous publication, “Talk the straw huts of Russia,” some skeptics staged hysteria, they say that the nobility lived in ancient buildings, and ordinary people lived in huts and poverty, but from this destroyed Star we see that the whole city is in castles and mansions. Under these ruins, we see the floors that have already turned out to be underground:


See which funnels:


Huge territories have been plowed up by destruction.


Such horrifying traces cannot be seen even after the Second World War.


These houses draw attention to themselves:


They are many times more primitive than destroyed antiquity and are absolutely intact!


That is, they were built much later than they destroyed this huge and beautiful Star. From the video we see that there are no forests anywhere, as if large territories were covered with nuclear power plants. We need to deliver timber, slate, factory nails, hammers and off we go, plus people need something else to eat, who built these houses there. So the video was filmed much later and the ruins and desolations reigned and reigned there for such a long time. Can you imagine what wars and catastrophes raged on the planet for the interception of the World and its reformatting?

Bullets of Snowfall
