Why Stonehenge Is A Huge "stone Mystery" In The Heart Of Europe - Alternative View

Why Stonehenge Is A Huge "stone Mystery" In The Heart Of Europe - Alternative View
Why Stonehenge Is A Huge "stone Mystery" In The Heart Of Europe - Alternative View

Video: Why Stonehenge Is A Huge "stone Mystery" In The Heart Of Europe - Alternative View

Video: Why Stonehenge Is A Huge
Video: Naked Science - Who Built Stonehenge? 2024, July

While scientists frighten us with "horror stories" that modern man is becoming shallow, and soon we will live in a society of midgets, you can look back a dozen centuries and discover the amazing giant wonders of the construction of ancient people. And then also to reflect on why modern buildings require renovation every year, and the same Stonehenge has stood firmly for four millennia … It will not be possible to get a reliable answer to this question, because the ancient secrets of construction have been lost. But to get closer to the solution, or at least find out how and for what Stonehenge was built, we will still succeed. The construction of a megalithic structure, erected on the territory of modern England at the end of the Stone Age, is not mentioned in the works of Roman and Greek scientists.


Books about him were silent for a long time, but the conversations of local residents, who put together a huge number of legends about cromlech, never ceased. According to legend, Merlin, a sage and magician from British fairy tales, had a hand in the construction of Stonehenge. Fans of myths believe that it was he who brought the stones from Wales, which is famous for the abundance of sacred springs. And the origin of the "Heel Stone" is associated with another legend. Rumor has it that once upon a time a monk hid among the stones from the devil himself. But the messenger of hell still saw the poor fellow who could not hide and threw a huge boulder at him, which pressed the monk's heel. In contrast to popular legends, scientists put forward other hypotheses. Although one of them also draws on an episode from a science fiction book. In the 19th century, it was suggested that in the place where Stonehenge is now located,earlier there was the "place of execution" of the druids. Not those who brewed a potion that gives strength and speed, but those who knew how to perform magical rituals and unite their powers with nature. Therefore, scientists decided that the megalithic structure is located at the intersection of energy lines. Historians put forward the theory that Stonehenge is the tomb of a certain pagan queen Boadicea, and the English writer Tom Brooks, after many years of research, considered this cromlech to be part of a navigation system consisting of isosceles triangles. Astronomical theories of the true purpose of Stonehenge are also being put forward. Gerald Hopkins claims that ancient people used the stones to calculate when the most terrible phenomena for them would come - eclipses. During the construction of Stonehenge, they were celebrated when in winter the rising moon was above the central block,and autumn - when the rising of the night star coincided with one of the stones from the outer side of the circle, where the Moon appeared once every 18 years. Three such cycles add up to 56 years - this is how many holes (Aubrey holes) are available at Stonehenge.


There are even more astonishing astronomical hypotheses. Today, many scientists are inclined to believe that the megalithic structure served as a kind of stone observatory, from which ancient people observed the firmament. One day, researchers noticed that on the day of the winter solstice, the Sun is perfectly visible through one of the triliths, through the other two - the sunsets of heavenly bodies, and two more triliths were used to "spy" the Moon. Some scientists have hypothesized that the holes inside the circle exactly imitate the trajectory of the Pole of the World - the very point of the celestial sphere around which the stars move around the clock under the influence of the Earth's rotation around its axis. The trajectory existed about 30 thousand years ago, which makes it possible to assume that Stonehenge may be much older than its official age. Another mystery of the cromlech is that it was the absolute model of the solar system, consisting of 12 planets. Two previously unknown ones have now been found "behind Pluto", and one more "wedged in" between Mars and Jupiter. So the ancient monoliths surprisingly confirm the modern discoveries of astronomy. While many scientists are puzzling over the riddles of Stonehenge, the exact number of its creators remains unknown.


It is clear that the builders worked on this megalithic masterpiece for several centuries. Given that very few people lived in what is now the UK at that time, there is reason to believe that not only the British, but also other peoples of the surrounding areas were involved in the work. As for the building material, dolerite, volcanic lava, tuff, sandstone and limestone were used to erect such a large-scale structure. Some of the stones were delivered by the builders from a site located 210 kilometers from the place of work. The largest boulders weighed about 50 tons. Nowadays, an experiment was carried out, during which it turned out that a team of 24 people can move a stone weighing a ton only for a kilometer per day. Then it became clear why Stonehenge took so long to build. After all, cromlech consists of 82 monoliths,30 stone blocks and five giant triliths with a total weight of over 1400 tons. It is also interesting how all this was established. Before laying, a hole was dug with one flat side, which was lined with stakes, and a stone was rolled along it. But if everything is clear with the vertical slabs, then the horizontal crossbars at the top leave many questions open. According to some assumptions, for their erection, earthen elevations were made, along which the monoliths were pulled in, and according to others, they were raised with the help of logs. Although who knows, perhaps the ancient British were right in calling Stonehenge the "Round Dance of the Giants"?and a stone was rolled over it. But if everything is clear with the vertical slabs, then the horizontal crossbars at the top leave many questions open. According to some assumptions, for their erection, earthen elevations were made, along which the monoliths were pulled in, and according to others, they were raised with the help of logs. Although who knows, perhaps the ancient British were right in calling Stonehenge the "Round Dance of the Giants"?and a stone was rolled over it. But if everything is clear with the vertical slabs, then the horizontal crossbars at the top leave many questions open. According to some assumptions, for their erection, earthen elevations were made, along which the monoliths were tightened, and according to others, they were raised with the help of logs. Although who knows, perhaps the ancient British were right in calling Stonehenge the "Round Dance of the Giants"?

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