Who Wrote Our Story - Alternative View

Who Wrote Our Story - Alternative View
Who Wrote Our Story - Alternative View

Video: Who Wrote Our Story - Alternative View

Video: Who Wrote Our Story - Alternative View
Video: Lumity Is EVERYTHING & Philip Wittebane Breakdown! | The Owl House "Through the Looking Glass Ruins" 2024, September

Schletzer was an extremely ambitious person; he never said a good word about any Russian historian.

Lomonosov, analyzing his project on Russian history, said:

"From this it is possible to conclude what vile dirty tricks such a beast admitted to them will not do in Russian antiquities."

D. Kalyuzhny "Another history of the Moscow kingdom", Thoughtfully reading a set of shameless tales called "the history of Russia", in some cases you want to shout "The author!", And in others - just look at him.

Fortunately, reliable information about the storytellers has survived.

The excerpt given below, containing a list of "academicians" from history, is taken from the book by G. V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko RECONSTRUCTION OF THE UNIVERSAL HISTORY (NEW CHRONOLOGY).


Promotional video:

Now we will consistently list ALL HISTORIAN ACADEMICIANS of the Russian Academy of Sciences, both foreigners and domestic, starting from its foundation in 1724 until 1918. As above, we follow the reference edition [973], book 1, where for each academician his scientific specialty is indicated. We also give the year of the election.

1) Kohl Johann Peter, 1725, 2) Miller or Müller Fedor Ivanovich or Gerard Friedrich (Mu »ller Gerard Friedrich), 1725, 3) Bayer Gottlieb or Theophil Siegfried, 1725, 4) Fischer Johann Eberhard, 1732, 5) Cramer Adolf Bernhard, 1732, 6) Lotter Johann Georg, 1733, 7) Leroy Louis or Pierre-Louis (Le Roy Pierre-Louis), 1735, 8) Merling Georg (Moerling or Mo rling Georg), 1736, 9) Brehm or Brehme Johann Friedrich, 1737, 10) Taubert Ivan Ivanovich or Johann Caspar (Taubert Johann Caspar), 1738, 11) Crusius Christian Gottfried, 1740, * 12) Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich, 1742, 13) Moderach Karl Friedrich, 1749, 14) Schlozer Auguste Ludwig, 1762, 15) Stritter or Stritter Ivan Mikhailovich or Johann Gotthilf (Stritter Johann Gotthilf), 1779, 16) Hackmann Johann Friedrich, 1782,

17) Busse Fomich or Johann Heinrich, 1795, 18) Vauvilliers Jean-Francois, 1798, 19) Klaproth Heinrich Julius, 1804, 20) Hermann Karl Fedorovich or Karl Gottlob Melchior or Karl Theodore (Hermann Karl Gottlob Melchior or Karl Theodore), 1805, 21) Circle Philip Ivanovich or Johann Philip (Krug Johann Philipp), 1805, 22) Lerberg August Christian or Aaron Christian (1807)

23) Kohler Yegor Yegorovich or Heinrich Karl Ernst (Ko »ler Heinrich Karl Ernst), 1817, 24) Fren Christian Danilovich or Christian Martin (Fra »hn Christian Martin), 1817, * 25) Yartsov Yanuariy Osipovich, 1818, 26) Grefe Fedor Bogdanovich or Christian Friedrich (Gra »fe Christian Friedrich), 1820, 27) Schmidt Yakov Ivanovich or Isaac Jacob (Schmidt Isaac Jacob), 1829, 28) Shengren Andrey Mikhailovich or Johann Andreas (Sjo »rgen Johann Andreas), 1829,

29) Charmoy Franz Frantsevich or Francois-Bernard (Charmoy Francois-Bernard), 1832, 30) Fleischer Heinrich Lebrecht, 1835, 31) Lenz Robert Christian, 1835, 32) Brosset Marie Ivanovich or Marie-Felicite (Brosset Marie-Felicite '), 1836, * 33) Ustryalov Nikolai Gerasimovich, 1837, 34) Dorn Boris Andreevich or Johann Albrecht Bernhard (Dorn Johann Albrecht Bernhard), 1839.

Further, the crucial elections of 1841 take place, starting from which, at last, Russian academicians-historians began to appear in noticeable numbers (but it was already too late):

* 35) Arsenyev Konstantin Ivanovich, 1841, * 36) Berednikov Yakov Ivanovich, 1841, * 37) Borisov Ivan Alekseevich (Archbishop Innokenty), 1841, * 38) Butkov Petr Grigorievich, 1841, * 39) Kachenovsky Mikhail Trofimovich, 1841, * 40) Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich, 1841,

* 41) Stroyev Pavel Mikhailovich, 1841, 42) Betlingk Otto or Otto Nikolaevich von (Bo »ehtlingk Otto von), 1842, 43) Kunik Arist Aristovich or Ernst Eduard (Kunik Ernst Eduard), 1844, * 44) Korkunov Mikhail Andreevich, 1847, * 45) Kovalevsky Joseph or Osip Mikhailovich, 1847, 46) Stephani Ludolph Eduard, 1850, 47) Schifner Anton Antonovich or Franz Anton (Schiefner Franz Anton), 1852, 48) Krehl Ludolf Adolf Christoph Erenfeld, 1855, * 49) Velyaminov-Zernov Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1858, 50) Nauk August Karlovich or Johann August, 1858, * 51) Pekarsky Petr Petrovich, 1863, * 52) Bychkov Afanasy Fedorovich, 1866, * 53) Soloviev Sergei Mikhailovich, 1872, * 54) Sukhomlinov Mikhail Ivanovich, 1872, 55) Rosen Victor Romanovich, 1879, * 56) Kachalov Nikolai Vasilievich, 1883,

* 57) Vasilyev Vasily Pavlovich, 1886, 58) Zaleman Karl Germanovich or Carl Gustav Hermann (Salemann Carl Gustav Hermann), 1886, * 59) Dubrovin Nikolay Fedorovich, 1887, * 60) Nikitin Petr Vasilievich, 1888, * 61) Maikov Leonid Nikolaevich, 1889, * 62) Vasilevsky Vasily Grigorievich, 1890, * 63) Bestuzhev-Ryumin Konstantin Nikolaevich, 1890, * 64) Tikhonravov Nikolay Savvich, 1890, 65) Ernstedt Victor Karlovich, 1893, * 66) Latyshev Vasily Vasilievich, 1893, * 67) Shakhmatov Alexey Alexandrovich, 1894, * 68) Yanzhul Ivan Ivanovich, 1895, * 60) Kondakov Nikodim Pavlovich, 1898, * 61) Zhdanov Ivan Nikolaevich, 1899, * 62) Lappo-Danilevsky Alexander Sergeevich, 1899, 63) Lamansky Vladimir Ivanovich, 1900, * 64) Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich, 1900,

* 65) Uspensky Fedor Ivanovich, 1900, * 66) Golubinsky Evgeny Evstigneevich, 1903, * 67) Dyakonov Mikhail Alexandrovich, 1905, * 68) Dashkevich Nikolay Pavlovich, 1907, * 69) Istrin Vasily Mikhailovich, 1907, * 70) Kotlyarevsky Nestor Alexandrovich, 1909, * 71) Vinogradov Pavel Gavrilovich, 1914, * 72) Ikonnikov Vladimir Stepanovich, 1914, * 73) Peretz Vladimir Nikolaevich, 1914, * 74) Kovalevsky Maxim Maksimovich, 1914, * 75) Nikolay Konstantinovich Nikolsky, 1916, * 76) Palmov Ivan Savvich, 1916, * 77) Rostovtsev Mikhail Ivanovich, 1917.

This is followed by the post-revolutionary elections of 1918, at which we interrupt this list of academic historians. CONCLUSIONS. FOR MORE THAN A HUNDRED YEARS, THE NUMBER OF FOREIGN HISTORIANS ALMOST DOES NOT WAVE 100 PERCENT.

For 117 years (more than a century!) In the Russian Academy of Sciences, from its foundation in 1724 to 1841, out of THIRTY-FOUR ACADEMIC HISTORIANS, THERE WAS ONLY THREE RUSSIAN ACADEMICIANS. This is M. V. Lomonosov, Ya. O. Yartsov and N. G. Ustryalov [973], book 1. They are marked with asterisks in the list. ALL THE OTHER THIRTY ONE ACADEMICIANS WERE FOREIGNERS. Thus, up to the middle of the 19th century, the share of foreign historians in the Russian Academy exceeded NINY PERCENT!

It turns out that for more than a hundred years, foreigners completely controlled the entire process of writing Russian history. It was the foreigners who uncontrollably decided which old Russian documents should be destroyed, which should be rewritten, which should be kept, which should be falsified. As we can see, Russian historians were rudely kicked out the door, completely removed from Russian archives and primary sources.

Do you still believe that we have a true story ???