And The Gods Are Like Humans - Alternative View

And The Gods Are Like Humans - Alternative View
And The Gods Are Like Humans - Alternative View

Video: And The Gods Are Like Humans - Alternative View

Video: And The Gods Are Like Humans - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

Dazhdbog understood that his victory over Veles was not a victory at all, but the gods did not know about the release of Koshchei Chernobogovich from the shackles, and they started a big holiday in the Irian garden. Dazhdbog came to them, and sees: Svarog and Lada are having fun, Semargl is dancing with Lelei, Singing Khors' songs with Zarya-Zaryanitsa, drinking from golden cups the Fiery Magus with Devan the Huntress. Zhiva and Moreno are sitting at a table covered with a damask tablecloth, treating themselves to countless dishes. He sat down at the table and Dazhdbog, so that after the labors of the warriors with a tartare - a pile of pancakes soaked in honey, to refresh himself.

He sits sad, silent. He drinks the tartarka with intoxicated kvass. Mara-Morena moved up to him, she says from what such a sad winner at the holiday.

- I'm sad from the fact, Morena Svarogovna, that I accidentally loosened Koshchei from the chains. He came out of the deep dungeon. It will cause a lot of troubles in the world now.

And Mara-Morena listens to Dazhdbog and pours all his beer. Happily he looks into his eyes, yes, as if inadvertently stroking his hand. Do not be sad, he says, the light of my eyes. Come to my room today. We'll pour the hops into cups, and I'll play the harp with golden strings for you. All your sorrow will go away, as if it was not. Go and dance in the clearing, and while I go, I will prepare a light for the arrival of the guest of honor.

The drunken Dazhdbog Maru obeyed, and went in a dance to heal his wounded soul. And Morena Svarogovna, meanwhile, did not go to her room, but went down into the open world, to her friend Yaga Vievna. And there, too, the celebration is going on. At the table, Gorynya, Dubynya and Usynya are raising cups. And all the evil gathered around them. They dance, jump and somersault. Tambourines with bells are rattling, but they are whistling on nozzles. The return from captivity of Koshchei Chernobogovich is celebrated. Koschey himself sits at the head of the table.

Morena the beauty smiled at him:

- Welcome back, Koschey! I see you are strong as before. Okay, you look like you weren't in captivity.

- Eh, my dear! Yes, and you look good. I remember about you all the time. Do not forget your insidious gift to me. Only I'm not angry with you for what you've done to me. I have learned your lesson very well. For that I love you more than ever for your unprecedented cunning.

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- Aki the nightingale began to sing! Early, Koscheyushka sing songs. We have a lot to do with you. Will you be my helper in my affairs? Will you sow death and disease among people?

- Be your way, beauty! We will become accomplices with you, but for this you must become my wife.

- At least now I will become your wife. Your ferocity delights me. Only as long as my business in Iria is not finished, I will find myself there.

And while Morena and Koshchei were trying to persuade him, Dazhdbog was already in a hurry to Mary's palace in Blue Svarga. In the middle of the way, Zhiva the Beautiful met him, stopped him, and said:

- Do not go Dazhdbog to my sister. She is beautiful, sweet and smart, but most of all - insidious. If you are flattered by her, she will enchant you forever with her charms. You will receive a lot of sorrow through that. And you will sadden other velmas.

- Eh … You're just jealous of your sister, Zhiva Svarogovna! Loosen the road. I myself know what to do.

Zhiva was saddened, wandered into the garden, bowing her head low. “It can be seen that witchcraft has already affected Dazhdbog,” she thought, shedding tears.

And Morena at that moment appeared in her light. She poked around iron needles, threw the wood chips into the fire, and began to read the conspiracies. He says, evil winds will blow, collect all the sorrow from those who are twisting at this hour, multiply it a hundredfold and plunge into Dazhbogovo's heart. So that in my absence he could not do anything, but only suffer and suffer!

And as soon as Dadbog entered the light room to Mare-Morena, at the same moment her black spell was completed. He fell in love with the girl with an unprecedented love. He immediately asked to become his wife, and soon the wedding was played.

Again there was a feast for the whole world. The gods feasted for three days and three nights. They treated themselves to food, drank beer, honey and red lead, sang and danced. Since then, Mara began to live in the palace of Dazhdbogov. We spent our time merrily, carefree, in nothing but fun. And only when Dazhdbog fell asleep, Mara left Svarga to secretly visit Koshchei. There they made love and kissed, and in between the games, they made dark plans.

After, Mara gave birth to Koshchei two daughters: Karna-Karina and Zhelya. They began to live in the world of reality, to fly sorrowful birds across the sky. Every human infant from birth to death is invisibly accompanied. They groan and cry over every dead person. Karina moans long and loud, and Jelly quietly and sadly. The sisters became messengers of sorrow and pity for the dead. Their share is to accompany the mortal bodies to the fire, and then, to dispel the ashes of the burned ones, with the flaps of their wings over the water. People then began to call churchyards near temples zhelniki. In honor of Jelly.

As soon as Dazhdbog learned about the betrayal, he immediately fell ill, and began to lose his solar strength. All worn out from human sorrow, which now, by the spell of Mara, rushed from the obvious world directly into the heart of Dazhdbog. The more people on Earth suffer, the more painful their suffering hurts the heart of Dazhdbog.

All the gods in turn came to the hall of the Light Warrior, but they tried to help - to reason. But Dazhdbog did not hear good speeches. Even Svarog was saddened. Then Svarog went to his prodigal daughter Mare-Morena to bring her to her senses. But she laughed in the face of the priest, saying that Dazhdbog now belongs to her alone, and he will only carry out her orders.

Then Svarog became angry, and ordered Mara to leave Svarg. He said that it is not good for the light gods to find themselves with the dark ones and exist in an embrace with death. The witch could not go against the will of Svarog, and went into the palace to Koshchei, where she buried herself behind seven locks. Koschei set up a whole army in order to guard Mara. And in the palace, and on the approaches to it. And Morena's servants from fevers, all the paths and roads to the palace were hidden.

As Dazhdbog was notified that Mara was expelled from Svarga, he completely lost his mind. Filled with unrighteous rage. He jumped on a sun horse and set off in search of his unfaithful wife. The gods rushed to stop him, but Makosh stood in their way. He says that let Dazhdbog go. You need to believe him and provide support. Otherwise, he will completely lose his strength, and the course of things in the Universe will be disrupted, originally conceived.

She said so, and silently sat down at her spinning wheel. She continued to spin the threads of fate, as Rod had been punished, and the daughters Dolya and Nedol, rushed to help Mokos. And events flowed in the Universe as usual. As planned, Dazhdbog arrived in the vicinity of Mary's palace in the Koscheev kingdom.

And all the dark army came to the defense of the palace. Dazhdbog took out the fiery kladenets, and hacked them all to pieces. Only with Koshchei I could not cope. He raised a sharp sword over Dazhbogova's neck, but did not lower it, but said that he had promised to forgive him three guilt. So now two more will remain behind him.

Then Dazhdbog went to the Ripean mountains to the holy springs with dead and living water. He washed his wounds with dead water, and the wounds healed. He drenched himself in living water, and his strength was filled more than ever. And again he went to fight with Koshchei. He scattered the dark guard, but Koshchei could not defeat him again.

"Only one thing you have left forgiveness": - Koschey laughed in his face. But Dazhdbog did not even think to obey the enemy. I went to the Ripean Mountains again to gain strength from the keys and go for the third time. But for the third time he did not manage to defeat Koshchei. And Koschey said that Dazhdbog would no longer try to appear in his kingdom, for there was no more forgiveness left for him. All three, he has already used.

But the light god cannot obey the dark power. Therefore, he went to Iriy to the Sour Cream Lake. He plunged into him, and all his wounds healed, and his strength grew to unprecedented limits. He returned to the kingdom of Koschee, and again converged with him in a mortal battle. This time he pressed and crowded the gate. Mercilessly struck the koshchei with a fiery kladen and pierced with a spear of gold. He drove the unclean man into his chambers, and there Mara-Morena sips green wine from a goblet.

Then Mara Svarogovna laughed, seeing two of her husbands at once. She poured a potion from a cup on Dazhdbog, said a spell, and the Light Warrior turned to stone, stood rooted to the spot. He wasted all his strength, becoming more defenseless than a baby.

Sensing trouble, the prophetic bird Gamayun cried loudly. And the ice beauty Mara-Morena ordered the servants to chain Dazhdbog with iron chains to the Khvangur rock. Yes, she imposed a curse to end the immortality and greatness of Dazhdbogov.

The Sun God remained hanging crucified on iron chains. And he felt like drop by drop life was leaving him. And Mara and Koshchei arranged a feast in the wards. To eat with spiders and lizards, and drink green wine, rejoicing in their success. The whole Universe was saddened: fish, animals and birds were swept away. Trees and grasses bowed to the ground. The balance in the world without the Sun God is disturbed. Without his light and spirit, haze threatens to envelop the whole world.

Alkonost, a bird of light and joy, flew to Zhiva and sang the sad news sadly, like Sirin sad. Zhiva screamed then, like a wounded winch. She rushed to Svarog and Lada with a prayer to give her strength to free Dazhdbog from the shackles and spells of witchcraft. And gathered all the gods bright before the eyes of Svarog with Lada. They gave Zhiva everything she needed, but with kind words they gave a parting word for the journey: More than death, only life, and more than darkness - only light.

Author: kadykchanskiy
