Something In The Attic Spoke In The Voice Of My Mother And Killed The Cat - Alternative View

Something In The Attic Spoke In The Voice Of My Mother And Killed The Cat - Alternative View
Something In The Attic Spoke In The Voice Of My Mother And Killed The Cat - Alternative View

Video: Something In The Attic Spoke In The Voice Of My Mother And Killed The Cat - Alternative View

Video: Something In The Attic Spoke In The Voice Of My Mother And Killed The Cat - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Scary Videos That Mama’d My Mia 2024, September

“When I was little, for some time my mother and I lived in a house that was converted from an old building that used to be a train station. Our town was very small, only about 400 inhabitants, and the lower floor of this two-story building was given to a pizzeria, and our apartment was right above it. I was 9 years old then, and my room occupied part of an old attic. The door to the rest of the attic was very old, and the stairs that led there were just as dilapidated. We lived there for about a year, and paranormal things often happened there, and I was horrified by it. Firstly, I heard from there the voices of different people whom I know, and secondly, someone constantly pulled at the attic door from THAT side, and when it was open, then it closed with a knock by itself. In the end, I asked my mother to make a castle there,because these clapping terrified me. Mom had put a padlock on it, but someone was still pounding on that door from the rest of the attic. Sometimes the door shook so hard that it seemed like someone was locked there and he desperately wants to get out of there.

This went on for several months until an escalation began. My cat, through the gap between the cracked door and the wall, entered the attic and walked there, then came back. But one day she did not return. We opened the attic and found the cat dead in the corner. At first we decided that she ate rat poison and poisoned herself, but the veterinarian did not find the poison and said that the cat had died by itself from old age. But what kind of old age is there if she was only 5 years old? I wanted him to find out from what she died, but my mother said that she did not want to spend more money on the vet.

Things got worse from that day on. Now, being in my room, I began to hear my mother's voice from the attic. It sounded like Mom was walking around there cleaning. At the same time, she said the usual things, nothing ominous or frightening, as if talking to herself. Sometimes she turned to me, asking what to bring from the store or what to cook for lunch. It sounded very loud and clear, just as if my mother was really there and talking to me. However, when I answered her, I did not receive any answers to this. And I heard my mother's voice there even when she was not at home at all, that is, it was something coming from the attic, not from the cracks in the walls. Soon it became so common and common that I stopped noticing it and checking my mother at home or not. And I also stopped answering. Once my mother herself heard this voice from there and at first assumed that it was coming from below, where the pizzeria is located. But then she clearly heard that this voice called me by name. And this voice, exactly imitating the voice of my mother, said: "(My name), I came from the store, come here, help me to put my purchases." It was then that my mom got really scared and finally believed my words. It sounded like someone had recorded my mother’s voice on a tape recorder and played the tape. And since then, when my mother heard this too, the voice stopped talking to me.believed my words. It sounded like someone had recorded my mother’s voice on a tape recorder and played the tape. And since then, when my mother heard this too, the voice stopped talking to me.believed my words. It sounded like someone had recorded my mother’s voice on a tape recorder and played the tape. And since then, when my mother heard this too, the voice stopped talking to me.

It all ended the day when my mother was cleaning my room, and I was in another place and I heard her screaming to someone: “No!” Then my mother had a seizure, and I, frightened, even called the police. Fortunately, nothing terrible happened to my mother, but she does not remember at all why she had a seizure. Soon we moved from there."
